What is a Lesboy?

A lesboy (also called a boy lesbian) is someone who is a lesbian & also a boy in some way

Why would someone ID as a Lesboy?

Someone might identify as a lesboy because they are. . .

  • cusper / evenic between a straight transgender man & a cisgender butch lesbian
  • cusper / evenic between a gnc cisgender man & a lesbian trans woman
  • a transfem individual who reclaims 'boy'
  • a masc-aligned girl or fem-aligned boy
  • a multigender individual; boygirl / girlboy or other gender combination
  • a system with men & lesbian members
  • a genderfluid individual who identifies as a lesbian regardless of their current gender
  • a lesbiangender man // boy
  • any lesbian who uses the term 'boy' to describe themself, regardless of gender identity or presentation

lesboys carrd || lesboy def
flags carrd || male-lesbian carrd || lesboy flag post


What is a Saphboy?

A saphboy (sapphic boy) is someone who is sapphic (in both gender & attraction) & also a boy in some way

Why would someone ID as a Saphboy?

This term is very similar to lesboy, but someone may identify as a saphboy if they are. . .

  • a cusper / evenic sapphic individual
  • a masc-aligned girl, or fem-aligned boy
  • a multigender individual; boygirl / girlboy or similar
  • a sapphicgender man
  • otherwise connected to the terms 'sapphic' & 'boy'

this section does not contain a resources section due to its similarity to another section, the only resource can be found here

Back? || Gaygirls // Turigirls
Gay Trans Women + Trans Men Lesbians || Cusper // Evenic

Pub: 05 Aug 2023 05:32 UTC
Edit: 23 Aug 2023 10:53 UTC
Views: 574