tavs urlhoard !
note most of these r not open 2 trade, but if u want to try anyway, u can contact me thru my discord grotesqueBastard#9341
++ bold ones r in use
knezcvele mariekim -korn- rightist atheistrap srbenda bosnia robzombie- thisisnow -rammstein- rammstein- booknerd hatebreath drgreenthumb mrknowitall K4RK4T leftunity cypress-hill haeyung mgma jreggie craiggstar hyunhae tegridyfarms- junghyunkim homokim patheticsys urkeker svsje cvele flamingo- lovem4il nyctophiliiac mitsuhiro mitsuhiro-higa mikado-sannoji drae terugi teruya-otori fuchsiadni nep3ta gamzeem4kara TAVROS-NlTRAM G4MZEE-MAKARA SOLLUXC4PTOR C4P70R heir-of-doom badrappersunited kinjotsurugi shobai-hashimoto nikei-yomiuri yuri-kagarin CRONUSAMP0RA bard-of-hope MAGE0FDOOM kornvirus emma-magorobi iroha-nijiue januca TEREZl-PYROPE EQUlUS-ZAHHAK corey-taylor hearitinthestars LIMPBlZKIT reichtangle lovemetal showmewhatyougot cvelegod coalchamber rage-against-the-machine acidbath- thief-of-breath sthpark T3R3Z1-PYR0P3 captorfamily amporafamily pyropefamily nitramfamily 40lajni bruda brucabracabrudabrada svreprezent seer-of-mind