hi matt! i'm being accused of horrendous shit that isn't true. this rentry is up to defend myself against public allegations as see in the rentry i linked to below. thank you :)

my response to this

oh it got deleted. well i'm keeping this up! i have every right to bring this to the public considering they're false allegations and frankly sickening. i'm defending myself against defamation because this is genuinely too far.
i know who wrote this but to respect their boundaries i will be using they/them and censoring their account as well. they are a minor and don't deserve harassment but i want to give my side.

1.) replies to the main things
2.) replies to the quotes
3.) my input
4.) addressing the adult's replies
5.) friend input

replies to the main things

"(i was not asked for permission for these jokes ro be made around me, nor has he seen other people make jokes with me as such.)"
i wish you had come to me about it. expressing discomfort is so much better than calling me a groomer when that's not what i am. in order to navigate online and form healthy friendships you HAVE TO COMMUNICATE. this is a lesson for me to establish boundaries beforehand but you should do this with anyone at any age.

"keep in mind i am 15 and cedar is 21 so thats alot of gaps, but aswell i am paranoid and I wad not aware of what was going on at the time of the screenshots. cedar asked to dm me first."
i did not dm you out of nowhere. i'm banned from the server but we discussed a url trade in order for a commission which is why i dmed you. i also wanted to be your friend because we interacted on sparkler and you like cod. i thought it would be fun to have another friend who enjoys cod. i don't see how this is weird.

this was a joke. they were playing along as you can see.

this was also a joke. it's clear from me typing in caps.

another screenshot of them going along with the joke.

my wording here was obviously joking. yes i was worried that i was disliked for my opinion but this isn't heavy venting at all so i don't understand why this was included.

also why was this put on your rentry? i quite literally only added a tonetag to make my message come off as not aggressive.

replies to the quotes:

no bc the way this is lowkey like.. predatory... sorry demons like you are 21 trying to guilt trip a 15 year old into justifying your weird self hatred that no one participated in but yourself... be expeditiously fr
i did not guilt trip them. even they thought the things i said were jokes until one of you said that they weren't. HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? you weren't in the conversation. that's not for you to determine.

after people talked about how he was reacting to iur jokes in private gc, i mentioned the fact how Cedar brought up some weird sentences/jokes around me (15. hello!) while he was 21.
my friendd explained how they were not jokes like i thiught they were.

your friend was not in on the conversation. they do not know what was going on. it was all joking.

usually adults who are creepy and pry on children emotionally, they like to pretend to be overly sensitive and upset about small things to infantilise themselves.
do you guys think i'd fake being upset? seriously? i'm not that shitty of a person to do that.

“grooming is the action or behavior used to establish an emotional connection with a minor under the age of consent.”
i was not using you to vent to you. i wanted to be your friend because we both like cod. there was no ill intent or reason to harm you when i just wanted to be friends.

But since he brought it to sparkler, I was terrified no one would believe me.
i have evey right to make this public considering it's not grooming and you're smearing my name.

I apologize deeply for not showing proof beforehand (we decided it was betyer to ban withour proof, in aby case that cedar might would attack me for it or reconigzd me theough the screenshots.)
why would i attack you when i considered you a friend? the most i'd do is apologize to you and leave. spreading false thing about me around is so much worse than coming to me about it.
i will admit that i shouldn't have mentioned intrusive thoughts. that is my fault and i'm sorry. but nothing i've done was remotely close to grooming. i have been groomed in a similar way and let me tell you this is nothing like it. at all. nothing like any of my grooming experiences ever. it's genuinely sickening to be called a groomer when i'd never dare put anyone through what i had to go through. i hope you never do this to someone again. i'm disappointed that people are still continuing to spread lies about me.

my input:

what's concerning to me is how willing your adult friends are to throw out such harmful terms. how am i the predator when they're convincing a child their own thoughts are wrong. hello? you're gaslighting a child into believing that they're wrong in what they think. let them have their own thoughts and feelings. this is more concerning than what i'm being accused of if i'm honest and my other adult friends think so too. also out of respect for my friend i won't share screenshots but you telling my friend he "might be getting groomed too" is fucking disgusting especially when it's not true. and your friend being condescending to mine is quite strange.

i'd also like to address these things:

it is absolutely your responsibility regardless of what age you are to establish a boundary with someone. how can they know if you're uncomfortable if you don't say anything?
i'm uncomfortable with the false allegations. this being made public is ridiculous because it's false and could've been handled privately with a discussion just like they said themselves.
i don't know why the person affected isn't speaking to my friend. this adult who clearly influenced the minor is doing much more harm than good and speaking for them. it's weird and saying that it's not a minor's job to establish boundaries with people does more harm than protect them. speaking over this child and influencing them into believing what they original thought was wrong is once again more weird than anything i've done.
i don't care that it's a rentry server. i'm mad because my name is being smeared not because of a ban. this kind of thing ruins lives and you can be sued for defamation.
the validity is that there isn't any. it's simply not true that i was grooming them and using this word is not correct at all. they're allowed to be uncomfortable but calling this predatory or grooming is just not accurate.
the way i'm being painted as deliberately going after children and implying that i get some gain out of it as if i'm a sexual predator (by calling it "creepy" and implying i'm going around trying to find kids) is fucking disgusting. you should be ashamed to compare me to such freaks of nature. i'll never condone or participate in grooming.
more adults have said that it's not grooming at all than adults have said it is. learn the term in and out before labeling others.

this screenshot and two more will be provided.

i didn't emotionally groom them. i made jokes that they thought were jokes until YOU GUYS (who weren't even in the conversation) convinced them that i wasn't joking.
i didn't know which friend it was because i make kms jokes to all my friends and NONE have expressed discomfort. it's a joke and they know it. they don't have adults gaslighting them in their ear the whole time.
your staff's opinions mean nothing when more people have agreed it wasn't grooming. it can be strange and you can call it that but it wasn't fucking predatory and i didn't groom them. you guys need to learn what the word means before throwing it around and especially influencing a child in such a way.
you leave out that grooming is done with the intent to harm. i have no intentions of harming them.

this too

you absolutely need to specify boundaries regardless of age. you are weird for saying that you don't. i make jokes like this to my friends all the time and none of expressed discomfort. i know they would if they were uncomfortable. minors make kms jokes all the time. me making those jokes is not relying on emotional regulation. it doesn't matter how "obvious" it is. if you are neurodivergent (like i am!) you can easily miss the signs. but it's even harder to see them when you aren't given any notice that the person was uncomfortable ESPECIALLY when they played along.
the fact you're acting like this and refusing to educate yourself at your age is insane to me. i'm not grooming my friend who's fighting for me. he wants to do that on his own.

also this

refusing to apologize for making a minor uncomfortable (which he stated himself) is quite ironic in this situation and frankly manipulative. you can apologize. nothing is stopping you. genuinely you should be ashamed in yourself seriously.

i was asked by my friend to be scribbled out. this is for his safety.

multiple people sent the rentry to me. and calling it a petulant reply when i'm defending my name is crazy considering had they not made a rentry this wouldnt have happened. i owned up to making them uncomfortable and even apologized. i genuinely hope you get the help you need because it's clear you think defaming people is ok when it's not.

these screenshots after my friend left being said in the ticket.

i genuinely thought you were a good friend amory. it sucks this is how it turned out. i hope you become a better person and get away from these influences. you and your friends are really sad for this. i'm sorry you were manipulated by your adult friends genuinely into thinking this is guilt tripping or grooming. i also think taking words out of other people's mouths and assuming situations is strange.
also maybe my friend is attached because... we are friends? i'd never take advantage of my friends. karma is truly a bitch and i hope you'll all get yours someday for this. you don't do this to people who didn't even do what you're accusing them of.

friend input

my friends wanted to give words about this so i'll give you what they've said. i have sent every single screenshot, admitted my faults, and i have given all context. this is their opinions formed ON THEIR OWN. ones who wanted to remain anonymous will be scribbled out. i'm sorry if there's harsh word usage but they're enraged about this and the weight of such allegations that are false i get why they're upset. i am too.

this happened to my friend who was defending me. very strange of these people to do over a username... and then act like you didn't make someone uncomfortable? i hope that server crashes and burns genuinely. it's full of people who have no idea what serious words mean and how much weight they hold.

here's his input as well

kindly leave me alone, i'm not a predator or a groomer and i'd never hurt a child in such a way when i know what it feels like. please stop smearing my name it's exhausting.

Pub: 29 Aug 2024 02:56 UTC
Edit: 01 Sep 2024 14:48 UTC
Views: 483