Before You Interact

We are a DID system with lots of mental health issues. Please contact us if we make you uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form. It was most likely accidental.

If you continuously break boundaries after being reminded, you will be cut off. There are no exceptions to this rule. Purposefully breaking boundaries will cause a Gatekeeper to immediately make sure all forms of contact are cut off. Second chances may be given, but please keep in mind, our patience isn't infinite.

Do Not Interact

(This only applies to people who attempt to reach out to us in any way. We cannot and will not try to stop someone from interacting with our content.)

Transphobes, Racists, Ableists, etc... Harmful subtwts (edtwt, shtwt, 💐twt, etc...) Proshippers / Comshippers Borderline Personality Disorder romanticizers Dream fans / stans (this includes hyperfixations, sorry.)

home - byi/dni - interests

Pub: 07 Feb 2024 02:26 UTC
Edit: 07 Feb 2024 02:47 UTC
Views: 76