"G-Go away!"

Do NOT talk to me if you're any of the following ㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍㆍ BASIC DNI
Endo systems/Endosys supporters
Don't believe Sytems exist
Proship/Comship whatever it's called
Force your headcanons onto others
Against Self Diagnosis

Think you're the bigger Rise as ONE! Fan (unless you're Barkito)
Dislike Rhi/Barkito/Sonia/Ray/Auby/Juno/Fiore/Xander/Ruby in any sort of way
Can't respect others boundaries/opinions

THIN ICE Ruikasa shippers, m/f vbs shippers (includes cross-ships)
Tsukasa fans/themed accounts, KAITO fans
constant nsfw posts on the tl

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Pub: 29 Mar 2024 02:54 UTC
Edit: 06 May 2024 19:12 UTC
Views: 710