"G-Go away!"

My Genders are:
Ghostgender A gender that feels faint, as though it's there but simultaneously not there, and it was once something stronger which is strongly reminiscent of a ghost
Archerigender a gender connected to archery and bows & arrows in general
Gendermedical (Gendermedical / Gendermed)
A gender that has medical or medicinal properties to it.
Medectian a gender based around dissection, medical equipment, and hospitals in general!!
Woodlandsgender a gender relating to the woods or the feeling of being in the woods (trees, grass, etc)
My Pronouns are: Its/Zip/Acid/Toxic/Blaze

I am Hypersexual And NWLM Gay colour flagged colours picked from the character Akito from Project Sekai made by bennett Back Home

Pub: 29 Mar 2024 13:47 UTC
Edit: 26 May 2024 14:06 UTC
Views: 572