What are the motivations for this security course

Let's talk about

Goals of this course

  • Bringing awareness into participants minds
  • Showing up alternatives without losing productivity
  • Thinking about how we encode knowledge.
  • Developing and visually "seeing, observing" algorithms at work in Pseudo-Language: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudocode
  • How does X.509 PKI work? The basic ideas behind the algorithms
  • How HTTPS / TLS 1.2 can be intercepted, how does it work? Who is Akamai?
  • Introduction into new static analyzers (C, Rust)
  • Back to the roots: Introduction into easy verifiable State Machines
  • The Dijkstra Monad - the new "secure programming pattern"
  • Use of code generators such as Ragel (C, C++, Go, Ruby, ...) to vastly improve security and productivity at the same time: "Writing bug free parsers right from the beginning"
  • Massively improving Linux security by using Syd sandbox (the autor might join us in person during the course)
  • Developing your own extensions for Interpreters, Compilers, JIT Engines for better debugging and output of flow graphs for verifying the specs.
  • What are 'specs'???? We're learning howto define and verify them
  • What is "formal verification" and can it hold its promises in practice? Also see Hoare calculus with its preconditions and postconditions from Eiffel, D language
  • The efforts will continue after the course - held in Juli 2024

Probably your motivation

  • Learning howto do your own security tools without relying on US multinationals' giant code base any longer
  • YOU (or as pair programming project) are doing an assisted tiny "highly secure", "formally verified" project as homework in your programming language of choice.
  • Active and regularly course participants will receive a DSR certificate

Guido Stepken @ DSR Berlin, you can reach me at: [email protected]

Pub: 01 Jul 2024 08:11 UTC
Edit: 21 Jul 2024 11:21 UTC
Views: 222