" The earth births you, molds you into who you are, loves you from the very day you take your first breathe and yet it is there for you even in death, "

Art by miilkybnn and yooo-lets-go on tumblr !

#0 . . #2 . #3 . #4 . #5


Tonetag User !!
You're not 100% obligated to use them but its definately appreciated!
Mentally ill ,, (Undiagnosed)
Possible : MDD , Social Anxiety , Schizoeffective ? , Slf Dstrctive Bpd , + More ?
We are very aware we could be wrong with any or all of these and do accept the fact we could even be wrong about having Osdd-1b !!
A lot of dissasociative disorders and even psychosis overlap !!

We have really shit memory !! Apologies in advance if we forget most things that happen ^_^;
Strong morals
We have a habit of entirely hating anyone who doesnt have
the same morals when it comes to topics we find important

Apologies !

Pub: 27 Apr 2023 04:38 UTC
Edit: 10 Aug 2024 18:14 UTC
Views: 1796