sys ❜ ❜◦ CRAW / Kosta pix he/him pix image description w/ stupid infp image description austistic . bipolar

✧ 1 / ✧ 2 / ✧ 3

byi : feel free to ask for who is fronting, if youre unsure on what to call us you can use collective names (cr4w on simply plural). tone tags would be appreciated, please try to be patient with us. we have a partner so we arent comfortable with gen flirting.

. . .

dni : basic dni criteria, dsmp fandom/fans, problematic fandoms, problematic artist supporters, ableists, non-traumatic systems or believers, endo-systems etc.

Pub: 05 Sep 2023 18:09 UTC
Edit: 06 Feb 2024 13:07 UTC
Views: 362