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" I wish you could see the wicked truth... "

blake ,, jordan ,, guts
he⠀⠀ノ⠀⠀him⠀◟◝⠀xe⠀⠀ノ⠀⠀xem⠀ 𓎟𓎟
⠀── ⠀ OSDD⠀⠀autism⠀⠀adhd⠀⠀4teen
BPD⠀⠀OCD ⠀⠀★★⠀⠀80+⠀⠀
。˚ system c-137 • the guts collective
• the berserk system • the black swordsman party
| 1 2 3 4 | text " Caught up in a rush, it's killing you. "

Pub: 25 Jul 2024 04:56 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2024 15:26 UTC
Views: 232