BYF & DNI/Stances. . . 01 02 03

He is Anti-RadQueer,Rad Inclus ৴ pro mspec mono,Pro-Para Anti-Contact,pro-trans﹙ race,species,etc. . . ﹚ within their original meanings ﹙ ie transrace adoptees ﹚. . .

He might block you if he finds your blog eye straining or otherwise inaccesable. . .

He does not find call out posts helpful at all,unless of course its a case such as a groomer or an otherwise abusive party of course,so do not expect Him to interact with such posts. . .

You may always ask for things such as a typing quirk trasnslation or a Plain Text,and He asks that you do remind him if He ever forgets. . .

He will also make plain texts for you if you need help for any reason﹙Don't Know How,Not Enough Energy,etc. . .﹚

If you have a typing quirk with no plain text in an ask,He will add one within the response. . .

He will not call you a god/dess as He is religious Himself and finds it uncomfortable to do so.He asks that you do not call Him anything adjacent to 'Worshipper'.If you use either of these within His inbox He will simply delete the ask. . .

On that note; please do not call treat him as if He was one such persons who do wish to be called as a god/dess. . .

No DNiHe merely blocks those He does not like.

Yes this includes mildly annoying people,not merely those He does not agree with. . .

Pub: 18 Mar 2024 14:22 UTC
Edit: 19 Mar 2024 17:02 UTC
Views: 301