balloons 1 balloons 2


balloons 1 party time balloons 2


Trigger Warnings - These vary per universe. There will be a TW before each of the dumps

Trigger Warning Master List:

  • Manipulation
  • Abuse (Physical/Mental/Emotional)
  • Torment


Enzo & Puppet ; Sore Eyes ; Miscellaneous OCs

Enzo and Puppet

SUMMARY: Enzo and Puppet's universe revolves around a evil Aron (original species) and the souls he has put into vessels.
Authors Note: This story delves into some pretty sensitive and serious topics and is recommended you read the TW for this section. It also is helpful to look into the rentry's on Arons, Avivus, and Ares for a better concept and understanding of the lore as these are original species and it is good to have their information before reading this.
CHARACTERS: out of order Enzo, out of order Puppet, out of order VII, out of order Neo, out of order Vigil, out of order Green Lady, out of order Blue Lady, out of order Rorry



  • Kidnapping
  • Murder
  • Possession
  • Physical, mental, and emotional abuse
  • Physical, mental, and emotional torment
  • way too many mental disorders
  • Rape/SA
  • Unhealthy relationships
  • ten want to add more?

Character Information
Arons Cell
Enzo Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Puppet Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
VII Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Neo Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Vigil Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Green Lady Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Blue Lady Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Rorry Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts

Sore Eyes

SUMARRY: Sore Eyes contains all the gods that exist throughout all of my universes and their stories. Each and every character has their own lore relavence to the universe, some more than others.
Authors note: Sore Eyes is the only universe with a actual name, unlike Enzo and Puppet's that will most likely never have a complete name as the story is constantly changing depending on projects involving. Again, like Enzo and Puppet, some of these contain much more graphic, sensitive, or possibly triggering topics and which is specified in the TWs for this section.
CHARACTERS: out of order Eye, out of order Cryptic, out of order Genesis, out of order Marigold, out of order Azazel, out of order Ulno, out of order Ekol, out of order Neves, out of order Helper, out of order Asupal, out of order Ciel, out of order Spider



  • Manipulation
  • Substance abuse
  • Mutilation
  • Really bad depression (Ulno)
  • Self harm (Ulno)
  • Negligence (Ulno)

Before going in it is probably best that I explain the lore and differences to this universe.
It consists of two parts, Gods and Manifestations. These are arguably the same thing outside of this universe but very different for the lore and how the gods work.
Gods are beings created by Inae to help filter and control certain abilites to help with taking care of different worlds. They are made out of similar things as humans, given they are able to bleed and have organs.
Manifestations are beings made purely out of what they embody. They are inherently stronger than gods as they are 100% that force and are a lot less common as their existence is either forced by Inae or by their own will. A similarity they both share is that they all age to a certain extent, both when they enter the Leresia (a little realm that exists between life and death, a place that you show up in when you die) as young children with very little idea who they are. It is the job of Inae and Sevine to teach these beings who they are and their purposes. Neither God nor Manifestation are allowed to leave the Leresia until they hit a secific age. See the information on it for more details.
Manifestations are different. Manifestations are forces of nature (Inae or Ulno

Characters Information
Inae (formally Stella) Who is Inae?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Eye Who is Eye?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Cryptic Who is Cryptic?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Genesis Who is Genesis?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Marigold Who is Marigold?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Azazel Who is Azazel?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Ulno Who is Ulno? Ulno is one of the few Manifestations in the story, being the "Embodiment of Chaos." He was forced into being by Inae. Personality/Traits Ulno has done some terrible things. He often comes off as cruel, cold, or mocking, not often openly showing remorse for his actions. He doesn't like opening up to others and has a tendency to become dependent on those he is close to. Backstory Ulno, like all gods and manifestations grew up under the parental guidance of Inae and Sevine. He was raised at the same time as his "brother" Ekol, who was Inae's favorite. Ulno was forced from a young age to take on a personality that was not his and due to his younger age at that time, he struggled to balance his real personality with his fake, causing them to get mixed and cause him issues later in life. For years, Ekol was praised for his smaller efforts and Ulno was scolded and called disappointing. Once Ulno and Ekol were old enough to be allowed to leave, Ulno spent as little time in the Leresia as possible, eventually turning to drugs to cope with his own problems his upbringing has caused him. One day, while high and very angry, he started a fight with his brother Ekol that ended in Ulno finding a way to merge their consciousness into one body. Ulno kept control of the body for most of the time, only letting Ekol take control sparingly and when Ekol tried to talk to Ulno, he would get high to shut him up. Eventually, Ekol was freed from Ulno leaving them in a odd relationship of Ekol wanting to fix their relationship and Ulno wanting to avoid him out of guilt. Relationships Ekol - Claimed Brother (they are not related, they just call themselves brothers because they were created and raised at the same time), Neves - Forced Partner of Ulno, Bayo - Ulno and Neves adoptive son. Fun facts: Ulno is left handed, When Ulno merged Ekol together, it caused many physical problems with his body one of which is physical pain by any type of physical contact. Ulno was never actually supposed to be created, having been by accident when Inae was trying to bring Ekol and Neves into existence.
Ekol Who is Ekol? Ekol is another one of the manifestations, being the Manigestation of Peace and being the "adopted" brother of Ulno. Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Neves Who is Neves?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Helper Who is Helper?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Asupal Who is Asupal?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Ciel Who is Ciel?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Spider Who is Spider?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Sevine Who is Sevine?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Alien Who is Alien?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts

Miscellaneous/Not assigned

SUMARRY: These characters exist in universes that do not exist/were abandoned or belong to a friend(s universe). They all have their own bits of information on the universe.
Author Notes: Bayo and Acceris technically exist in the Sore Eyes universe but since they reside out of the lore of the universe are not counted as characters.
Gween and Smile are technically apart of Weevils universe as it is implied Smile and Weevil know each other.
Weevil, like Bayo and Acceris, can be fit into Sore Eyes but again, since there isn't any direct lore and since Weevil resides out of the void, there is no reason to be counted as a character.
CHARACTERS: out of order Bayo, out of order Acceris out of order Gween, out of order Smile, out of order Weevil, warning: this link sends to a different rentry: Subject [021],



  • (Bayo and Acceris): Kidnapping, manipulation, torment (ex: waterboarding), physical and mental abuse
  • (Gween and Smile): murder?
  • (Weevil): Mentions of a cult, borderline insanity, murder
  • (Subject 021): See Tens for more info

Characters Information
Bayo Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Acceris Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Gween (This character belongs to Ten!) Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Smile Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Weevil Who is ___?, Personality/Traits, Backstory, Relationships, Fun facts
Subject 021 (This character belongs to Tens universe!) To Tens Rentry!
Al {put youir information}


button log holder thing for tracking:
bomb it
only be one
best with eyes
no blinking
ban time travel
can talk
out of order
party time
error stamp
balloons 1
balloons 2

Pub: 11 Sep 2023 23:56 UTC
Edit: 23 Dec 2023 04:19 UTC
Views: 369