What is an 'Mspec Lesbian'?

An mspec lesbian is an broad term for a lesbian who experiences multi gender attraction. This label includes pan, poly, bi, omni, abro, & other mspec lesbians

Why would someone ID as an 'Mspec Lesbian'?

Someone might ID as an mspec lesbian because they are. . .

  • multisexual lesbiromantic, lesbian multiromantic, or experience lesbian or mspec tertiary attraction (part of the SAM / split attraction model)
  • questioning, unsure, or a 'gray-area' between the two
  • a lesbian who is not attracted to men, but are attracted to all other non-binary individuals
  • a system with lesbian & mspec members
  • an mspec individual who prefers woman or non-men
  • a lesbian who is attracted to non-lesbian non-binary individuals, or non-binary individuals who are not comfortable being included in lesbian attraction
  • a lesbian who was in a relationship with a trans person before they came out & are still attracted them
  • lesbiflexible
  • experience fluid attraction (abrosexual/abroromantic/abrotertiary)
  • a lesbian who is in a relationship with a lesboy / saphboy
  • any lesbian who is also mspec in some way or an mspec individual who is lesbian in some way

Bi-Les Def || Pan-Les Def || Poly-Les def || Omni-Les Def
Bi-Les Masterdoc || Mspec Lesbian Guide || Bi-Lesbian Explanation (Tumblr)
Mspec Lesbian Carrd || Mspec Lesbian/Gays Example (Tumblr) || Bi-Lesbian in History (Twitter Thread)

Mspec Gais || Mspec Strayts
Back? || Mspec Gays || Mspec Velidians

Pub: 05 Aug 2023 05:17 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2023 13:09 UTC
Views: 663