Xenomaladies are diseases, mental illnesses that are not possible (for now) to acquire in the real world. These are fictive diseases(/mental illnesses) where people can identify with.
(Xenomaldies who are mental are called “xenopsyri”)
Example: hanahaki disease “ is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim’s romantic feelings for their love also disappear.”
Also: Delusill
A term for delusional people that believe they have some manner of fictional illness or condition. Examples: Hanahaki Disease, the Infection from Hollow Knight, etc.
Someone who is fictill has a fictillness.
Also: Infictill, Infodelusill
A subterm of fictill for delusional people who believe they have a condition related to their information, in particular. Being infected by infohazards, cognitohazards, being a meme or antimeme, etc. This can be related to the SCP universe but is not necessarily so.
Also: Deludisabled
A term for delusional people that believe they have some manner of fictional disability. (Eg: Clipped wings, impaired powers, etc)
Someone who is fictodisabled has a fictodisability.
Wanting to acquire / feeling as if you should have a fictional disability.
Immortal Syndrome (IS)
A MUD/xenomalady describing somebody who expriences negative or distressing symptoms due to being Immortal. This can be a direct result of immortality, a result of the many things one has exprienced in their extended lifetime or something else.
This can be used by anyone on the immortal spectrum, including transimmortals. The exact symptoms of immortal syndrome depends on the subtype of immortal Syndrome one expriences. You can have multiple subtypes.
Somethings to note about IS.
Not all immortals exprience IS, it is possible to be immortal and exprience no negative side affects.
Somebody having IS does not mean their life is "eternal torture".
Not all those with IS are nullimmortal/don't want to be immortal.
Someone can learn to cope with their IS and, in some cases, fully recover. It just might take a very long time, especially if they have had IS for a while.
Depression Type (IS-DT)
A subtype of immortal Syndrome where someone exprience severe depression as a result of being immortal. Symptoms include:
Strong feelings of sadness, numbness and emptyness.
Isolating oneself from others.
Lack of motivation.
Refusal to accept ones immortality.
Repeated suicide attempts.
Obession "curing" one's immortality/finding a way to die.
Trying to find "alternitives" to death e.g putting oneself in a coma.
Self Harm.
Having a very negative view of one's immortality
Boredom Type (IS-BT)
Someone who expriences excessive boredom due to being immortal. Symptoms include:
Finding most activities boring.
Feeling like there is nothing new for you too do.
Quickly losing intrest in new activities if they don't bring instant enjoyment.
Valueing activities that serve some greater purpose over activities one would actually enjoy.
Being withdrawn and/or dissociated.
Feeling that one's life is repetive.
Refusing to particpate in activities due to seeing them as "pointless".
Guilt Type (IS-GT)
Someone who expriences extreme guilt due to being immortal. This guilt may be due to geuinely bad deeds or a disportionate reaction to small mistake/misdeeds. Symptoms include:
Feeling that one doesn't "deserve" their immortality (or does "deserve" it if hey view it as negative).
Feeling that one has done countless horrible things.
Feeling that one is "irredeemable" or "beyond help".
Ruminating on one's past actions to look for mistakes or misdeeds
Frequently self-harming and engaging in self destructive behavior in order to punish oneself.
Obessively peforming good deeds to make up for what they did but never feeling like it's "enough".
Isolating oneself to "protect" others as they believe they're dangerous.
Cold Type (IS-CT)
Someone who becomes very cold and unempathatic due to their immortality. Symptoms include:
Little to no empathy and/or sympathy.
Being emotionally numb.
Having little to no reaction to things.
Trouble feeling and/or describing one's emotions.
Having a constant "blank" or "neutral" facial expression.
Partaking in risky behaviors or hurting others due to not caring about the consequences.
Selfish and maniplutive behavior.
Compounding Trauma Type (IS-CTT)
Someone who expriences an amplified version of C-PTSD due to being immortal. Symptoms include:
Being constantly triggered.
Extreme paranoia and anxiety.
Intense flashbacks, possibly to multiple events simutaneously.
Consant intense stress, often with no trigger.
Having layered trauma responses.
Having many trauma-born disorders.
The majority of ones identity and behaviors are trauma-related.
Severe disorientation and/or dissociation.
Having contridicting responses to triggers.
Intense nightmares.
Intense mood swings.
Loss Type (IS-LT)
Someone who expriences intense feelings of loss due to being immortal. Symptoms include:
Spending the majority of ones time morning the loss of others.
Fear and/or avoidance of entering new relatioships due to fear of losing them.
Disengaging from existing relationships so the possible loss will "hurt less".
Prefering to only have relationships with other immortals due to no fear of loss.
Excessive anxiety about losing those close to them.
Being unable to "move on" from past loss.
Fear of outliving others.
Impulsive Type (IS-IT)
Someone who expriences extreme implusivity due to being immortal. Symptoms include:
Putting no thought into one's decision.
Consantly starting new activities.
Not caring about the consequences of ones actions.
Engaging in risky and dangerous behaviors for "fun".
Short attention span.
Obessive Type (IS-OT)
Someone who expriences intense obessive feelings due to being immortal. Symptoms include:
Obessively spending as much time as possible with others.
Trying to do everything you can with others.
Obessively collecting sentimental objects to preserve your memories of others.
Fear of forgetting those you hold dear.
Obessively try to do everything you can with others before you lose them.
Unspecified Type (IS-UT)
Someone negatively affected by their immortality in an unspecified way. Could be that their exprience does not fall under any existing type, their exprience has bits and pieces of many different types,their exprience is vague/hard to categorise or they do exprience an existing type but prefer not to specify which.
Absent Psychic Power Syndrome (APPS)
a xenomalady where one who should have psychic powers but they do not
this is an umbrella term
Absent Telekinetic Power Syndrome (APPD)
a xenomalady where one should have telekinetic powers but they do not
Absent Illusionist Power Syndrome (AIPS)
a xenomalady where one should have the powers to create illusions but they do not
Absent Mental Power Syndrome (AMPS)
a xenomalady where one should have the powers of mind reading/mind control but they do not
a fictional disability where Ivy has grown around you, turning you into a “living” statue in the woods, but the Ivy is keeping you alive
A xenomalady in which you have a deficiency of magia, or feel like you should have a deficiency in magia. Magia being a magical nutrient that cannot be obtained on earth!
A person who identifies as having or wants OMCS or overwhelming magic syndrome. A syndrome were one has signifcantly more magic than the average for their species. Symptoms can vary depending on species and magic system but general symptoms include:
- ADHD-like symptoms
- Senstive sensory system
- Feeling full of energy regardless of ones actual energy levels
- Easily mentally overwhelmed
- Hyperempathy
- Loss of control over magic
- Tics
- Chronic pain in areas associated with magic
More severe cases may cause - Fatigue
- Limbs feeling exetermly heavy or stiff often causing problems with mobility
- Nausa
- Detoration in fuction of organs sometimes leading to death
A person who identifies as having or wants UMCS or underwhelming magic syndrome. A syndrome were one has signifacantly less magic than average for their species. Symptoms can vary depending on species and magic system but general symptoms are:
- Dissociation
- Dizziness and loss of balance
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- Excessive need for sensory stimulation
- Low to no empathy
- Loss of sensation in areas associated with magic
- Lessened ability to perform magic
- Fainting episodes
More severe cases include: - Loss of function in sensory organs such as eyes and ears
- Paraylisis of areas associated with magic
- Severe fatigue causing mobility issues
- Detoration in the function of organs sometimes
Dark Magic Corruption Syndrome (DMCS)
A xenomalady were somebody's mental and physical health detoriates due to excessive use of dark magic.What dark magic means can vary but typically refers to magic used with bad intentions.
Sypmtoms include:
Physical deformities
Antisocial behavior
Lack of empathy or sympathy
Trust issues
Having a pessimistic attuide
Homicidal urges
Increased vunerbility to injury(bruising easily, bones break easier, etc.)
Increased time to heal from injury
Weakned immune system
Genetic Dark Magic Corruption Syndrome (G-DMCS)
G-DMCS is where one has inhereited the symptoms of DMCS from a genetic relative.
In some cases of DMCS, the corruption spreads into their genetics, leading their decendents to also show symptoms of DMCS even if they don't practice dark magic themselves or are non-magical.
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a transabled/xenomalady identity where one wishes to acquire or identifies as having Alexandria’s Genesis.
Alexandria’s Genesis symtoms:
-a genetic mutation that causes the eyes to turn from blue to purple after six months of age. During puberty, the
-shade of purple deepens even more.
-Fair skin that does not burn in the sun
-No body or facial hair besides what is present at birth
-Black or dark brown hair
-Perfect vision
-No menstruation cycles in women
-A life span of 130–170 years
-Inability to gain excess weight
-An immune system that resists all diseases
-An ageless appearance
-Found mostly in women
Multi-Cultural Belonging Disorder
a fictional disorder where people who are from multiple cultures try to blend them all into their daily life or suffer anxiety attacks; this creates a phobia of your kids suffering like you, and a desire to find someone apart of every culture you're in regardless of how many.
a xenomalady/fictillness where one wants to acquire Hemoglophagia, a disease responsible for turning many humans into vampire-like creatures portrayed in the movie Ultraviolet. Once infected, people have a lifespan of about 12 years, but first they are reduced to "hemophages" (aka "vampires"). They take on many characteristics including extended eyeteeth, regeneration, accelerated reflexes and increased strength
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a xenomalady or fictillness where one wants to acquire, feels like they should have, or identify as having Star Tear Disease. This is a fictional illness similar to Hanahaki Disease, where subjects of unrequited love start to cry colored tears similar to stars accompanied by a crystalline breaking sound or similar noise. If the symptoms are severe/the person has a serious case, their photo-receptors cease to function and they go color blind. In rare cases, they may also suffer memory loss.
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a transabled identity under xenomalady in which one wishes to have or develop the fictional disease known as Hanahaki, a fictional disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated. There is no set time for how long this disease lasts but it may last from 2 weeks to 3 months, in rare cases up to 18 months, until the victim dies unless the feelings are returned or the plants are surgically removed.There is also no set flower that blossoms in the lungs but it may be the enamoured's favourite flower or favourite colour. Hanahaki can be cured through surgical removal of the plants' roots, but this excision also has the effect of removing the patient's capacity for romantic love. It may also erase the patient's feelings for and memories of the enamoured. It can also be cured by the reciprocation of the victim's feelings. These feelings cannot be feelings of friendship but must be feelings of genuine love. The victim may also develop Hanahaki Disease if they believe the love to be one-sided but once the enamoured returns the feelings, they will be cured. In some literature other symptoms can be fever, uncontrollable shaking, loss of appetite, low body temperature, and hallucinations. Even after curing, with or without surgery, there can be irreversible damage to the lungs and, although very rare, in some cases the disease cannot be cured.
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Dia-, trans | Chrono-, time/Chronic, severe | Hana, flower
A transabled identity where you want or feel like you should have the fictional Hanahaki, Hanakanjo, or Hanauso Disease, chronically.
Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.
a xenoabled term for one who desires / feel they should have / internally has hanauso disease, a disease in which when the victim’s loved one lies or betrays them, flowers will grow out of the victim’s neck
a xenoabled term for one who desires / feels they should have / internally has hanakanjō, a syndrome in which flowers start growing out of the victim's body because of a strong emotion.
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A transabled / xenomalady in which one wishes to have the fictional disease Aurum-Poliosis, or "Golden Locks".
Aurum-Poliosis description:
"A genetic disorder that rearranges the molicules of hair into gold mineral. It highly affects children who have low self esteem. Although there are no harmful physiological effects of this disease people with this condition are highly sought after in the black market for their high quality hair. They often question their worth, causing mental breakdowns making living a normal life impossible"
a xenoabled term for one who desires / feels they should have / internally has the cutie pox, an illness that causes many cutie marks to appear all over one's body, making them constantly utilize the skill they symbolize.
a transabled identity under the xenomalady umbrella in which one has/wishes to have/obtain/develop "Cutiemarkitis" (unofficial name), a fictional disability from the show My Little Pony in which one never gets their cutie mark.
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a transabled identity under the xenomalady umbrella in which one wishes to have/obtain stunted wings. It is connected to the show My Little Pony.
A desire/need to acquire Cutilacunae, a fictional illness characterized by growing areas of skin gaps, or in the stories words "It amounts to an intense surface sensitivity caused by regions of missing skin layers". seen in Good Sky. This falls under the Xenomalady umbrella.
Fictilless: Cutilacunae
To be fictill with cutilacunae is to have a delusion of having this fictional illness.
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A Transill/Transnoso identity under the Xenomalady umbrella where one wants to adquire Las Plagas or Feel like they have Las Plagas. A parasitic organism which can infect a variety of hosts, including humans. It has the ability to control its host's behavior, inducing a hive-like mentality among the infected and extreme hostility towards uninfected individuals. The infected retain most of the characteristics of humans such as fine motor skills as seen through their use of simple weapons such as scythes and axes, and more complicated weapons such as chainsaws and chainguns. They are seen to obey "Queen" parasites, much like ants
Trans-Shantiviro is under the Xenomalady umbrella where one wishes to have the Shanti Virus the virus is from a show named heros, which was popular in the 2000s.(aka 2000-2008).
The Shanti Virus is a life-threatening disease which attacks the nervous system. In doing so it also has the side effect of preventing evolved humans from accessing their abilities. The first known victim is Shanti Suresh, sister of Mohinder Suresh.
Also: Transstellaaurumolacria, diastellaaurumolacria or altstellaaurumolacria.
A desire/need to acquire Stella-Auromolacria. This falls under the Xenomalady umbrella.
Fictilness: Stella-Aurumolacria
To be fictill with Stella-Auromolacria is to have a delusion of having this fictional illness. Stella-Auromolacria causes one to cry tears of gold dotted with stars.
A xenomalady term for one who identifies as having SCP-217 “the clockwork virus”
From the scp wiki:
"SCP-217 is a virus, incurable by current means, with a rate of infectivity at 100%. It affects all organisms in the kingdom Animalia, and can be spread via touch or contact with bodily fluid. SCP-217 is very hardy, and can survive for years outside the host body. The progress of the infection is very slow, with some subjects going several years before manifesting any symptoms.
SCP-217 alters the biochemistry of organic tissue, causing organic matter to re-arrange into a form of “organic metal”. The processes involved with this change are not yet fully understood, but the advanced stages are well documented. A subject will begin to turn into a complex arrangement of gears and clockwork, these taking over for the former biological functions. Advanced-stage infection is reported to be very painful, but earlier stages are oftentimes unnoticed, with only vague feelings of confusion, insomnia, and joint stiffness. Hearts are replaced by gears and small tubes, joints by gear networks, eyes by structures not unlike primitive “hand-crank” film cameras, etc.
SCP-217 shows first on the outside of the body in all creatures except mammals. In mammals, it first converts the internal structure before manifesting outside the body. This can cause those infected to go for very long periods of time without knowing of infection. SCP-217 has even been shown to totally convert the inside of the body before showing any externally-visible symptoms. SCP-217 has infected several major metropolitan areas in the past, most notably ████████████.
The mental state of those in middle to advanced stages of infection has been shown to be much diminished. Subjects respond in a repetitive fashion, are very dull and mechanical in action, are easily distracted and confused, and appear generally irritable when faced with new problems."
Fictillness: Clockwork Virus
Where one is fictill with SCP-217 “the clockwork virus”, a virus within the SCP universe that slowly converts someone into a clockwork robot.
Trans-Kharaa is under the Xenomalady umbrella where one wishes to have to the Kharaa Bacterium
Kharaa is an alien bacterium discovered by The Architects during the exploration of an unknown planet. It seems to have completely taken over Planet 4546B. It is described in the Degasi PDAs as “part of the ecosystem”, with further statements that the Degasi survivors were infected at some point - as stated by Bart Torgal while discussing the flu-like symptoms the crew was experiencing. Early on, the player’s PDA and Lifepod will make note of the high levels of waterborne bacteria. The PDA notes that Kharaa is unlike any infection thus discovered in human history, suggesting that Kharaa’s biological design is far more drastic compared to diseases such as Yersinia pestis.
Trans-polywater intoxicant
Trans-polywater is under the Xenomalady umbrella where one wishes to have to polywater intoxication
A state of polywater intoxication (sometimes referred to as the Psi 2000 intoxication, the Psi 2000 virus, or the Tsiolkovsky infection) A mutated form of water from the planet Psi 2000 that spreads by perspiration (or small cuts in the skin) and causes its victims to act in a way similar to intoxication. However, the effects do not wear off and eventually cause victims to make foolish and dangerous decisions.
a transabled identity under the xenomalady umbrella in which one wishes to have/develop the fictional disease known as Rohodon.
(have no idea what it is i cant find any results when searching for a definition)
when you want to have/id as having bloodburn from the star wars universe.
Info on bloodburn:
bloodburn is a disorder most common in new star pilots, as it's caused by flying. bloodburn is what it sounds like, overheating blood, which can get serious and life-threatening if left for too long. there are cures and treatments, but most only offer a temporary solution. the symptoms of bloodburn are fever, dizziness, dehydration, fainting, feeling hot when it isn't hot, etc. these symptoms become worse when flying and often cause pilots with bloodburn to quit flying.
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A transabled/xenomalady/transill term for when someone identifies as have Lavender Town Syndrome bc they either want it and/or feel as if they should have it.
Vasoconstriction Zombification Decaying Syndrome
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Vasoconstriction zombification decaying syndrome, is an illness requested by an anonymous patient. The symptoms are as listed,
Skin changing into the colors Blue, Green, Yellow, Grey, Purple.
Color specifically manifests on jointed areas.
Colored sections may also fall off, leaving the affected to have to sow it back on manually.
Blood flow slows down quite a bit.
All blood flow stops going to the affected areas.
As far as we know it is not able to kill and it is not contagious. The patient believes it is caused by intense fatigue and believing oneself to be dead.
Necrotic Leukoderma
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this illness causes the skin to turn different colors and makes the tissue rotted, no cure is currently known and nor is it contagious (if you desire.)
Necrotic Insomnia
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This illness affects your mind and skin. It makes it impossible to sleep, your skin turns numb and rots overtime, specific numbness is in the cheeks and torso! No cure Is known and as far as we know it's not contagious!
Bond deficiency induced sickness
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An illness where the affected gets ill if they're not tied down to a partner/mate.
TransSR/Trans-Slender Sickness
(not transSS, do not shorten it to transSS and use transSR. SR stands for Sigma Radiation which overlaps with a lot of symptoms of "The Sickness" / Slender Sickness/)
Stage 1 - Stalked
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Symptoms : Nose bleeds with fever like the common cold, mild amnesia
Stage 2 - 1-4 Encounters
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Symptoms : Nose bleeds, exhaustion, nausea, strong cough, vomiting, amnesia, slight signs of radiation poisoning, aches and pains, slight trauma of the eyes (i.e. bloodshot, vesal popping etc...), deja vu is commonly seen at this point.
Stage 3 - 5+ Encounters
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Symptoms : Coughing up blood, blood in vomit, many signs of radiation exposure, painful breathing, difficulty in swallowing, violent convulsions and major amnesia.
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For those who have chūnibyō/"8th grade syndrome", and for those who want or feel they should have chūnibyō/"8th grade syndrome !"
Chūnibyō (中二病) is a Japanese colloquial term typically used to describe early teens who have grandiose delusions, who desperately want to stand out, and who have convinced themselves that they have hidden knowledge or secret powers. It translates to "middle-second syndrome" (i.e., middle-school second-year). It is sometimes called "eighth-grader syndrome" in the United States, usually in the context of localizations of anime which feature the concept as a significant plot element.
RainbowGlitter Liquid Disorder (RGLD)/GlitterVom
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A xenodisease and medically unrecognized disorder (MUD) where you repeatedly and uncontrollably vomit rainbow-colored glitter liquid.