percy's boundaries + rules

home boundaries socials

?! boundaries pda? y – flirting? y – nsfw? x – questions? y – infodump? a – vent? a do not refer to me with any feminine terms unless we've actually spoken before. even then, please ask if i'm okay with it

BYI i have a lot of strong opinions about very popular celebrities and will call them tf out. if you cant handle critisism abt your faves (tswift) i need you to consider what i'm saying and the whole scheme of things before coming @ me i also tend to be a bit of an asshole/bitch in general, so if you haven't said anything stupid and i'm being rude that's no indication of anything wrong with you

DNI under 18 (current moots okay), ableist, racist, mysogynist, transphobe, zionist, etc. bad person in general. you get the idea.

BYF i'm not a big fan of steddie/eddie in general. if you bring the ship or character up im likely to ignore them. i just don't think eddie is that interesting, jonathan and argyle are right there. i discuss a lot of medical problems and talk about the recovery process of what i am currently going through, which means medical events/trauma will not be tagged. it is a major part of my life rn and if you don't like it, i'd rather you not interact w me at all. i'm from the deep south and draw a lot of inspo from it into my writing and art. if you think southerners are inherently terrible people, you're better off moving along.

x public interactions are okay on this account 🔞, please ask before dming me randomly (unless u are amber)'

home boundaries buttonwall


Pub: 30 Jan 2024 18:35 UTC
Edit: 25 Apr 2024 20:07 UTC
Views: 68