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Natsume Sakasaki - The Days We’ve Spent Together (Part 1)

Author: Kanata Haruka

Characters: Koga, Adonis, Souma, Subaru, Hokuto, Mao, Ritsu, Arashi

Proofread by: @tattsuhime

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Koga: Alright, class is over. Oi, Adonis, ya free later? Let’s go watch a live show.

Adonis: Sorry. I promised Kanzaki to have tea with him at the shopping district after school.

Koga: Huh, ya both made arrangements before?

Souma: Mhm. Actually, I found a good teahouse where you can enjoy delicious green tea and yoken[1].

I invited Adonis-dono with me, but if you don’t mind, would you like to join us?

Koga: Green tea and yokan, you're very old-fashioned. I dunno what to do, we could go to the teahouse and then go to the live show after...


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Natsume: ......

Koga: (Whispers) ...Oi. Zachii~, Adonis. That’s the shitty redhead over there, right?

Adonis: You’ll know that when you see him. Why are you whispering?

Koga: No, he usually skips class and hardly shows up, right? I’m wondering why he's still in the classroom.

Souma: Sakasaki-dono is also a member of Class B. There shouldn’t be any problem with him being in the classroom.

Adonis: But, it certainly bothers me why he's still in his seat even after class has ended.

Natsume: Can you talk to me face to facE? I don't want you to talk about me from afaR.

I know it's not like that, but I don't feel good when I feel like I'm being talked about from behind my bacK.

Koga: Y-Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I'm sure it doesn't feel good. But hey, It's rare for you to stay in the classroom even after school.

Normally, you'd just go somewhere quickly, or wouldn't be in class in the first place.

Natsume: It's no big deaL. During lunch breaK, my kitten wanted to talk to me about somethinG.

I had a rough idea of what to expecT, so I decided to set a meeting place after schooL.

Adonis: I see, Sakasaki was waiting for Anzu to come.

Souma: However, what kind of business would it be for Anzu-dono to take the trouble to ask Sakasaki-dono for advice?

That reminds me, Sakasaki-dono used to do fortune-telling to help with the school's problems. Could it be that Anzu-dono is also experiencing an unusual problem...?

Natsume: nO, I don't think that's what she meanT. It wasn't about asking advice for one's probleM. WelL, if you really came to me to ask for advice about your troubleS, I'd be willing to help.

Shutter sound.

Koga: Aah? Who the hell took a picture without permission?! Eh, the culprit was Anzu?!

Hey, you're always wanderin’ around with that camera of yours! Are you a camera boy?!

Adonis: ? Isn't Anzu a woman? Isn't it strange to call her a boy?

Koga: No, that's not what I meant!

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Natsume: WelL, it doesn't really matter if you change the word “little boy” to “little girl”, because it will just be short for “little turtlE”. [2]

Adonis: ? Japanese is confusing.

Natsume: AnywaY, it seems like kitten has achieved her purpose welL.

Koga: Huh? What purpose?

Natsume: Kitten had brought up to me the topic of a [Feature LivE].

Souma: I see. So that's what that was. Everything makes sense now.

The “kamera” that as mentioned earlier was also for the “offushotto” for the “panfuretto”.

Natsume: Fufu. Ever since kitten said there was something she wanted to talk to me abouT, I had a rough idea of what to expecT. AnywaY, I thought I'd have one of my pictures taken in this classrooM.

Chatting with my classmates after schooL, I think we'd be able to capture a picture of me that we haven't seen beforE.

Adonis: Hm, Anzu said, “I accidentally clicked the camera shutter”.

I see. That means we were used to your advantage.

Natsume: Yes, to put it in a bad waY. I wanted to take off-shot photoS, and wanted everyone to act as natural as possiblE.

I don't mean any offensE, please forgive mE.

Souma: Mhm, I don't mind. You haven't done anything that would cause trouble.

Adonis: Yeah, of course I don't mind either...

Koga: Even if Adonis and Zachii~ are fine with it, I won't allow it! As long as I'm in the photo, it has to be cool!

Natsume: Ah, yes, yes. You really are noisy, aren't yoU, doG... If you have a problem with iT, I'll just have you photoshopped ouT.

Koga: That's not what I meant! If you're goin' to take a picture with me in it, I'm not lettin’ ya get away with somethin' stupid!

Ya got me involved in this on your own, so I'm telling ya to at least let me stick to it! So, Anzu! The previous photo needs to be retaken. Alright?!

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Several minutes later.

Natsume: Good grieF, they finally let me gO... Wait, I feel like I’ve set up a trap for the wrong persON. I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to calm the barking dog dowN.

“But thanks to that, I was able to take good photos”? WeLL, that’s okay theN. Seeing the satisfied look on my kitten’s faCE, my magic seems to have done its jOB.

hM? You didn't think I wanted to use an off-shot inside the academy for the pamphlET? I myself think it's surprisiNG. I'm a slacker who doesn't even attend class on a regular basIS.

That’s why I diD, because I thought it would be unexpectED... SeconD, I will be graduating from this academy soON.

After graduatioN, can you not say that the things I took at this academy are “oFF”?

The fact that I will be graduating soon is also attractive enouGH. There’s no reason to use this special feeliNG.

sO, kitteN. I'd like you to go out with me on my after-school date a little longeR.

[1] Yokan is a confection made from sweet bean paste.
[2] He’s doing wordplay here. He changed the 'ko' in 'kozo' and changed it to 'ka'. 'Zo' sounds similar to 'sho', and he took the 'me' from komusume. ko(zo) (小) + komusu(me) (小娘) = little turtle (kame-sho)


Pub: 28 Aug 2023 05:33 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2023 11:58 UTC
Views: 1396