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Natsume Sakasaki - The Days We’ve Spent Together (Part 2)

Author: Kanata Haruka

Characters: Koga, Adonis, Souma, Subaru, Hokuto, Mao, Ritsu, Arashi

Proofread: @tattsuhime

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Subaru: —Nice work~ Sally~, but the game isn't over yet.

Mao: No, I'm not going to let you win and get away with this one. Hey, one more round!

Ritsu: Hey, are you still going, Ma~kun? I'm bored~

...He's too busy playing ball to listen. Uu, Ma~kun is ignoring me~

Natsume: I thought it was lively herE, it turns out that Baru-kun and Sally-kun are having a gamE of 1 on 1.

Ritsu: Huh? It’s Anzu and Nacchan. Anzu aside, isn't it rare for Nacchan to be here?

Natsume: Same goes for yoU, Ototo-san, basketball courts are out of the questioN.

Ritsu: Well~ I'm just waiting for Ma~kun. Terrible, isn’t it? I started playing basketball in my uniform, and just took a break.

Subaru: Huh? It's Natsume and Anzu! It's rare for them to both come here. Oh, did the two of you come here to play basketball too?

Mao: No, they don't play basketball for leisure. Sorry, you two. You both were accompanying Ritsu because he was bored, right?

Natsume: I don't minD. It's not like he interfered with my after-school date with my kitteN.

Subaru: Waah?! After-school date?! Is that true, Anzu?!

Mao: N-no way. You're kidding, right? There's no way you two are suddenly in a relationship.

Natsume: You sound upset when you say thaT, SallY. How does it feel to have your kitten taken away from yoU?

In the academY, kitten tends to be seen with “TrickstaR”. From this point oN, kitten will be with mE—

Ritsu: ...Normally, weren't you two filming some kind of job? Otherwise, Anzu wouldn't be carrying such a large camera with her.

Subaru: Anzu is nodding her head! I see, that's good!~

Mao: "We were together to shoot for the [Feature Live] off-shot" Oh, I see, I see.

Natsume: ...As expected of Rei-niisan’s younger brotheR, he figured it out easilY.

Ritsu: You didn't intend to hide it, did you?

Natsume: WelL, what can I do now that I've been caughT? I'll just ask the three of you to accompany me for a little while for my photoshooT.

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At the Library

Hokuto: Hm? Sakasaki and Anzu. Have you two come to the library to do some research?

Arashi: Oh, Anzu has a camera. Fufufu, this reminds me of my [Feature Live] show.

Maybe the two of them are doing that now?

Natsume: Kaminari-san is too good at guessinG. I wanted to joke that we were on a date and see how you would reacT. Oh, welL. It's quite rare to see you two in the librarY.

What could you be looking foR?

Hokuto: Ah. I'm looking for stories I could use for Dramatica. I also heard that Narukami was free today, so I asked her for some advice.

Natsume: I seE, I guess I have nothing to do with thaT.

Hokuto: That's correct. I'd really like to ask other people for advice, but they’re busy filming right now.

Natsume: If it's just a little biT, there shouldn't be a probleM. In exchangE, I'll take a picture of you while talking with mE.

Hokuto: I see, is it an off-shot for the pamphlet? In that case, it's fine. As long as we both get something in return, I don't have any reason to say no.

Arashi: Wait! If you're going to take pictures, I have to dress up properly! Even if it's an off-shot, I want to be photographed looking as beautiful as a model!

Natsume: Oh deaR, after doggY, this is going to take a long time toO.

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Natsume: —Ah, it's really calming herE. If you want to take pictures of me at the academY, you can't miss this placE

This is probably where I spent most of my time in the academY.

hM? Why am I wearing a white lab coaT?

I usually wear it when I'm in this rooM, so it became a habiT. I just thought it would be better to wear a lab coat if you're going to take pictures of me in my everyday liFE.

BuT, when I graduatE, I'll have to start organizing this room sooN. I have some dangerous things that I can’t show to otherS.

HmM? You will help mE? Kitten surely is fearlesS. I just told you that there's some dangerous things I can’t show to other peoplE.

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Natsume: Like, this book and its poweR. ActuallY, it’s not just a booK. It's a magical book with terrible magical powers that daddy got from overseaS.

If an ordinary person reads it without protectioN, their whole family will be curseD.

Oh, you don't believe me at aLL, then I'll cast a terrible curse on you nOW.

AbubarakataburA, chinchinpuipUI —Well, needless to saY, I'm just jokiNG

It'll be a problem if Sora reads it by any chancE. I will not bring a magical book here that will curse you just by reading iT.

HmM? I seem to be in a good mood todaY? Fufu, I enjoyed my after-school date with kitten todaY.

It was greaT? I was really happy to take pictures with everyone? What makes you think thaT, Kitten?

“You didn't have to go to the basketball court or the library to take off-shots”...? Huh, you’re pretty sharP, kitten.

Come to think of iT, I forgot that magic doesn't work on kitten. So why bother using magic spellS?

Did you know that I spent time at the academy with a kitteN? ...Hold oN, you're no match for kitty caT.

You’re righT, Kitten. I don't like to get to know each other or anything like thaT.

Looking back in the pasT, there are many things I don't want to remember. WelL, I am who I am today because of the days I've spent in this academY.

The photo that kitten took today is proof of thaT.

The connections I made at this academy. I believe they're more precious and special than anything else. [1]

That’s why the upcoming [Feature Live] is the culmination of my three years of being in this academY. That’s what I meant when I said I wanted to make a pamphlet with pictures of everyone at the school.

Fufu, I'm relieved to hear you say it's good for you toO. I've only taken pictures with my classmateS, I haven't taken pictures with Sora yeT, which is very importanT.

Don't say I've learned a lot in this academY, it's only natural that Sora's existence is something that cannot be forgotteN.

[1] I marked this line of Natsume's sentence to highlight the part of his dialogues where he talks in cursive or breaks the magician speech


Pub: 28 Aug 2023 10:39 UTC
Edit: 29 Aug 2023 12:04 UTC
Views: 715