hey! you! — updates will be slow :3 school has started and we need 2 conserve spoons!

directory ♪ directory ♪ directory

Rounded Lined Flags placeholderrainbowphilly rainbowalt rainbow 2queerquestioning altunlabeled @ orien . aspec . gender . xeno . diso @

Lined Heart Flags placeholderrainbowphilly rainbowalt rainbow 2queerquestioning altunlabeled @ orien @

Blurred Square? Flags placeholderrainbowphilly rainbowqueer wip! much more time consuming

Various Symbols inclusionistinclusionistmalemalemalemale @ symbols @

extra! extra! # about us . request form . to-add list all flags are labeled in alt text! hover / click & hold on mobile heavily inspired by rentry.co/pixelpride & alternatives

alternatives :: pixelpride . fluffymoth's identity buttons . 20by20pride . pixelflags . mini pride flags . rentry flags

Pub: 04 Aug 2023 04:27 UTC
Edit: 17 Sep 2023 06:32 UTC
Views: 1522