
⟢ disclaimers and informative stuff

i primarily interact with typologytwt and anitwt, but my personal interests and areas of expertise encompass much more. my posting style bears resemblence to "yaptwt" since i dont use a separate account for different kinds of posts. my personality results in a tendency to spam, shitpost, and overshare about a variety of topics. i talk about my interests, personal life, niche intellectual musings, or really anything i feel like saying in the moment without much regard for my audience. im unironically obsessed with my Beloved , so my posts may also include aimed inside jokes, cryptic messages, and sexual references. i dont take anything seriously, especially internet drama and controversy, so it im ever involved in it its only for fun☆ i Typically follow or am mutuals with accs of a similar nature to mine and i prefer to mutual ages 16+, but i fb regardless of age or account type as long as youre a relatively decent person (not a bigot, not a pedophile, etc) and i have no specific or official dni crit. do note tho, that i probably still wont block you even if i think youre a piece of shit, only bc id rather complain and bother you about it publically. my personality can be v overwhelming, contradictory, and unpredictable, so getting to know me up super close and personal isnt for the faintest of heart . otherwise and in general Im a very benevolent, talented, intelligent, selfless, witty, humble, and Beautiful young person☆

Pub: 28 Nov 2023 07:03 UTC
Edit: 26 May 2024 09:02 UTC
Views: 882