
⟢ some of the many things i like or am interested in

metaphysics, theoretical physics, string theory, multidimensional theory, astrophysics, collective consciousness theory, meta cognition, technological advancements, futurism, computers + many other operating systems and/or consoles, ai, techno body modification, transhumanism, angelology, theology, various philosophies, societal/government organization/s, dystopias, political thought, radical feminism, radical anything tbh, conspiracy theories, the deep state, the cia and its activities, technological/nuclear/chemical warfare, weapons, obscure health conditions, controlled substances, both ethical and unethical experimentation, body horror, psychological horror, the grotesque, occultism, parapsychology, probably anything else that uses the prefix "para-", mass hysteria, martyrism, "nihil", absurdity, esotericism, queer theory, the avant garde, abstraction, paracosms, the arts, language, tea culture, dolls and figures, designer fashion, vintage fashion, the fashion and music associated with various alternative subcultures i cant be bothered to list, animanga, fps/horror/indie games, rpgs, old web and imageboard sites, video essays, media and character analysis, psychoanalysis, typology, and collecting pretty things (im currently fixated on collecting angel figurines, funky looking dolls, sylvanian families, ceramic tea sets, rosary beads, and other strange little trinkets).

dont hesitate to ask me about any of these if u r curious! ive done genuine research into each topic listed here and consider myself well versed enough to (at the VERYvery least) have a discussion about any of them .
in the age of psuedo-intellectualism (especially online along with the use of interests as "accessories" or elements to an aesthetic) i affirm that my interests and intellectual pursuits are fully 100% DeadAss and not fundamentally aesthetical

Pub: 28 Nov 2023 07:05 UTC
Edit: 26 May 2024 09:06 UTC
Views: 759