
I went through the five stages of grief making this

Alternate text: A photo of Alta Semita with a yellow gradient overlay. On the top and bottom are gold stars. The text in the middle is a blue gradient that says ".co/Remuria".

Made by Symphony I do NOT need an edit code reset! For any questions, please go here See also: .co/fragment-of-harmonic-whimsy and .co/-remulla

This is a WIP!!


Table of Contents

Canon Info


There aren't many people who've done timelines on Remuria. The one on the Genshin Wiki, on the Fontaine/History page? That was my doing. There is simply so much information to compile on Remuria, and it takes a while to organize, sort, and determine the meanings of various sources. Please understand that many of these items don't have a mentioned spot on the timeline, and I am using logic from what we already know about Genshin Impact lore to place them. I am doing my best. Please leave something in my Neospring inbox if you have any questions, complaints, concerns, et cetera.

Cast of Characters

  • Remus
    • God King of Remuria, originally from Sumeru.
  • Scylla
    • Prince of Vishaps, Egeria's prison guard.
  • Egeria
    • Original Hydro Archon, creator of the Oceanid-Humans. Also known as the Mistress of Many Waters.
  • Cassiodor
    • Harmost of Remus, also known as the Golden Hunter. Founder of the Marechaussee Hunters. From the same tribe as Erinnyes.
  • Boethius
    • Harmost of Remus, leader of the Golden Troupe.
  • Aurelius
    • Harmost of Remus. Discovered the Quadrant of Qualities.
  • Euergetia
    • Harmost of Remus, also known as the Benefactrix. The only female Harmost. Forged Scylla's chains. [Note 1]
  • Sybilla
    • A Seelie who took the form of a golden bee.
  • [The] Phobos
    • A creation of Remus, made with Sybilla's life to free the people of Remuria from Fortuna. Also known as the Grand Symphony.
  • Erinnyes
    • Lochknight, originally from the same tribe as Cassiodor but later adopted into Aremorica. Devout believer in Egeria.
  • TBA


  • The Hydro Dragon Sovereign resides in the Primordial Sea, where all life originates from. He is the heartbeat of it.
  • In the war between the First Who Came and the Dragons, the Hydro Dragon Sovereign is killed. He is supposed to be reborn.
  • The Shade of Life creates the God Egeria to act as a false center of the Primordial Sea, preventing the Hydro Dragon from being reborn so long as she is in it.
  • Egeria creates mock humans out of Oceanids.
    • The Heavenly Principles deem this a sin and imprison her in the Fontemer. She is guarded by the Vishap Scylla, the Prince of the Dragonborn.
    • The prophecy is created―the waters will rise and drown all of the Oceanid-humans.
  • The civilization of Gurabad falls in Sumeru.
  • Some time afterwards, Remus, a God from Sumeru, comes to Meropis (the old name for Fontaine) after being kicked out of Sumeru.
    • He comes from an oasis between the sands and the mountains. He was a "Singer of the Oases".
    • He was probably a Jinni before ascending.
    • His Goetic name might be Amdusias.
  • Remus attempts to drown himself in the High Sea. [Note 2]
    • Unfortunately for him, drowning doesn't kill Gods.
  • Remus stumbles (sinks?) upon the ruins of an old city.
    • This city may have been similar to Apocalyptic Views, also known as ???.
  • Remus meets Sybilla, a golden bee circling an Irminsul tree.
    • Sybilla is a Seelie.
  • Sybilla sees the future and tells Remus that he will have people again. She then asks him if he's willing to become a ruler once more.
  • Remus replies by asking if he has a choice if it's fated.
  • The city crumbles beneath him, and the Irminsul tree turns into a massive boat with forty rows of oars.
    • This boat is the Fortuna.
    • At some point, this boat will be turned into the Domus Aurea, Remus's palace.
  • Remus sails around in the Fortuna, calling upon tribes to join his empire.
  • Remuria, a prosperous nation, is built. Its capital city, called Capitolium, is located on Clivus Capitolinus (Mt. Capitolium), and its imperial emblem is a golden bee.
  • Capitolium is divided into four parts:
    • The Path of the Ocean Pillars, a fairway for ships that enter into Machimos.
    • The outer city, Machimos, where Remurian soldiers lived.
    • The inner city, Capitolium, where only the most enlightened are allowed entry.
    • The Passage of Ianus, which connects Machimos to Capitolium; the Initium Iani (start of the Passage of Ianus) is located in Machimos.
  • The first Harmost is appointed.
    • This is either Euergetia or Aurelius. [Note 3]
  • The second Harmost is appointed.
    • This is either Aurelius or Euergetia.
  • In order to get tribes to join the empire:
    • Euergetia tries to learn and understand their customs.
    • Aurelius peacefully negotiates with the tribe elders.
  • Boethius's home tribe is razed, and he is brought to the Capitolium in chains. Due to his sweet voice, Remus favors him, and Boethius becomes one of his servants.
    • Serving the God King, Remus, is considered an extremely high honor.
    • Boethius seems to not understand that his home tribe was razed, as he was completely blinded by the glamor of the Remurians.
  • Boethius becomes a Remurian soldier.
  • A singer who would later be known as Cassiodor gives a butterfly wing to another singer who would later be known as Erinnyes.
    • In the traditions of their tribe, giving a butterfly wing to someone is taking an oath to not part until death.
  • The tribe where Cassiodor and Erinnyes are from is razed.
  • The entire village is slaughtered, except for two people:
    • Erinnyes hides among the bones and blood of her people.
    • Cassiodor, who presumably thinks she's dead, follows Boethius to Remuria. Because really, what other choice does he have?
  • Boethius meets with Cassiodor and brings him back to Remuria.
  • Cassiodor also becomes a soldier.
  • Boethius and Cassiodor both rise through the ranks of Remuria's power hierarchy.
  • Harmost Aurelius promotes Boethius into a Harmost.
    • Boethius is the third Harmost.
  • Cassiodor becomes a Harmost sometime afterwards.
    • Cassiodor is the fourth Harmost.
  • About a century before the prophesized fall of Remuria, Remus starts to worry.
  • Remus visits Egeria's prison in the primordial sea.
    • Scylla, who is guarding Egeria, is not happy to see Remus.
    • The two fight for thirty days and thirty nights.
    • After the two of them are exhausted, Remus literally serenades Scylla. He sings, and his song speaks of his reasons for visiting the Fontemer.
    • After laughing in his face, Scylla allows Remus to speak to Egeria.
  • Egeria tells Remus about her Original Sin, the creation of a new race of humans from the Oceanids.
    • Ultimately, Remus gains no helpful knowledge on how to avert the prophecy.
    • Egeria gives him a goblet of Primordial Seawater.
  • Scylla decides to leave the Fontemer and goes to the Capitolium with Remus.
  • Remus begins his experiments with Primordial Seawater.
    • By mixing the water from the Fontemer with an "immortal stone", Remus creates the Golden Ichor.
    • Remus attempts to replace the entirety of the Primordial Sea with the Golden Ichor. This ends in failure.
  • Eventually, Remus resolves to create immortal bodies for his people, so that neither time nor a flood would kill them.
  • Remus begins creating golems out of marble and brass. These are supposed to house his subjects. He would remove a mortal soul from their human body, place it in the Ichor, and then place that soul-filled Ichor into a stone body.
    • The Ichor is dyed black with the anguish of human suffering, as separating a soul from its body is very painful.
    • Being turned into a golem is referred to as "ascension" by the Remurians.
  • Remus turns as many people as he is able into golems, in an attempt to save them from the prophecy.
  • The Lochknights begin resisting Remus's rule, repulsed by how he has turned his people into stone.
    • The tribe of Aremorica, which Erinnyes has become the leader of, is a key location in the war.
  • Remus sends Cassiodor on a secret mission to Aremorica.
    • Cassiodor is given a fake body by Remus for this mission. Should this fake body be killed, Cassiodor's consciousness would automatically return to the Capitolium.
    • Cassiodor competes in a tournament in Aremorica and wins. As a reward, he is granted an audience with Erinnyes.
    • Cassiodor attempts to convince Erinnyes to stop the war between Aremorica and Remuria.
    • Once his cover is blown, the Lochknights kill Cassiodor's fake body.
    • Right before he returns to the Capitolium, Erinnyes holds Cassiodor affectionately and tells him she will save him from Remus.
  • Remus studies the Musica Mundana ("Music of the World") to try to understand fate.
    • He succeeds in his studies, being able to comprehend the meaning behind each and every note.
  • Finally, Remus asks Sybilla (remember her?) to help create a Symphony, one that could free humans from the prophecy.
  • Sybilla does not hesitate to give her life for this.
  • Together, they create "Phobos", the Grand Symphony of Remuria.
    • It is important to note that Sybilla has no "persona" of her own, no real will. She only wants to make humans happy. Phobos inherits this quality.
  • Phobos connects all of the people of Remuria into one (metaphorical) song.
  • A period of peacetime in Remuria begins, called the Pax Remuria.
  • Remus tasks his Harmosts to help keep the Symphony working as it is supposed to.
  • Remus, who is at this point exhausted, goes to sleep for a few years, leaving his nation in the hands of Phobos and the Harmosts.
  • Phobos begins listening to the darker desires of some Remurians, the ones who long for bloodshed, conquest, and the like. It only wants to make people happy.
  • Phobos begins commanding the people of Remuria to do some more... perverse things, all in order to sate the people of Remuria.
    • The people listen to Phobos's commands, because they fear that not doing so would be considered a betrayal to Remus.
  • Phobos eventually gains a fully-formed consciousness.
  • Phobos assimilates the Harmost Boethius, possessing his body. [Note 4]
  • "Boethius" wages war against the Native Fontainians, murdering Lochfolk, Vishaps, and tribespeople.
    • More and more people join in on the violence as time passes.
  • Remus awakens from his slumber due to the voices of the Native Fontainians crying out.
    • Remus is a pacifist and does not condone violence.
  • "Boethius" has council with Remus, and begs Remus to allow him to continue to fight against the Native Fontainians. Remus refuses, repulsed.
  • Scylla also has council with Remus, and tells him how his people are morally devolving.
    • By this point, Remus has figured out that Phobos was going awry and that Boethius had "betrayed" him. However, he was unaware that Boethius was actually Phobos in disguise.
  • Scylla threatens to return to the Primordial Sea after expressing his disappointment in Remus.
  • Remus convinces Scylla to stay, saying that he's made a final plan. This plan, which would destroy the Grand Symphony and turn his stone people back into normal humans, is called the Requiem, and it goes as follows:
    • Remus would compose the Requiem, which would be a self-destruct order for the Symphony.
    • Remus would also separate Cassiodor from the Symphony. This would make him a failsafe, so that in the event that Remus's plan would fail, Cassiodor could finish what he had started.
    • Scylla would bring his Vishaps to assault the capital city, starting in Machimos, going through the Initium Iani and Passage of Ianus, and ending in the Capitolium. (Remus made him promise to show mercy to the Remurians as he stormed through the city.)
    • Once Scylla had entered the Capitolium, Remus would play the Requiem and sacrifice his life as he unleashed the Symphony's raw power. Scylla's job would be to control the waves that would form.
    • The Symphony would be destroyed, Remus would be dead, and the people of Remuria would be free from their stone bodies.
    • The plan would be kept a secret from the Remurians.
  • The plan is set into motion, and Scylla besieges the capital.
  • TBA

Other Canon Points

  • The Quadrant of Qualities, discovered by Harmost Aurelius, would eventually become the Four Orthants of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo.


  • TBA

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Note 1

There is a mistranslation in the engravings in Caesareum Palace. Scylla's chains were forged by Euergetia with blood from an unknown source. It is not known whether or not she used her own blood.

Note 2

Remus attempting to drown himself is implied but not outright confirmed. He did, however, come to Fontaine to seek a place to die. Him attempting to drown himself is a logical inference.

Note 3

It is not actually mentioned when Euergetia became a Harmost. It is assumed she is either the first or the second as she is quite powerful and Boethius and Cassiodor both look up to her, implying that she is at least older than them.

Note 4

It is unclear if Phobos had entire control over Boethius, or was simply goading him on as he was already not the most morally righteous. Due to Phobos saying that it "ate" Boethius in the world quest Canticles of Harmony, we are making the assumption of the former.

Special Thanks

From Symphony:
  • Twitter:
    • Læv, thank you sm for the novel draft. NOW GO TO BED <3
    • Jackie, I know your secret. You're secretly Remus bc you're gay and European
    • Zoen, I'm going to nom your art. GIB MORE REMULLA
    • Everyone who worked on Remuria lore documents! Thank you so much for your contributions :)
  • Wiki:
  • Elsewhere:
    • My dear siblings, Keralis, Adder, and Idylio!
    • Becky, I'll always keep you in a special place of my heart
    • Gunnar, thank you for being so supportive and accepting
    • Henry, I CAST FIREBALL!!!

Patch Notes

  • 13/11/24 - Gave Læv the modify code 😌 -Symph
  • 13/11/24 - Added messages from editors section -Symph
  • 13/11/24 - ADDED A GRAPHIC AHAHAHAHA also some format fixing -Symph
  • 15/11/24 - ADDED METADATA -Symph Okay so it's two values shhh
  • 18/11/24 - Page icon :) -Symph
  • 20/11/24 - Added notes, fixed formatting -Symph
  • 22/11/24 - Removed Læv as an editor after talking with them, they still have the modify code though -Symph
  • 25/1/25 - Gave Idylio the modify code, in the event that I meet an early grave -Symph
  • 28/1/25 - Added cast of characters and glossary -Symph

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Pub: 15 Oct 2024 14:39 UTC
Edit: 25 Feb 2025 18:26 UTC
Views: 832
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