About Tobias.

the writer(s) in this would like to remain anonymous (last updated on August 12 2023) this is a wip and will be added and removed from as time goes on, this is an on going situation

before anything is said here, do NOT go out and harass anyone mentioned in this. ESPECIALLY the writer(s) or people who have chosen to be named in here, even if they are anonymous do NOT harass anyone in here. this is meant for AWARENESS

here is a link to the original (very outdated) carrd. this will reference points in there, along with expand on them, because i will admit. it is not well made. also this will have new points relating to the unfolding situation at hand here and not just stuff found on the carrd

It has come to our attention that a new rentry has come out regarding stuff Tobias has done. This situation is MUCH worse then we could have ever expected and suggest you give it a thorough read-through.

Here is the Google Doc that also has informantion on this topic, some stuff in here will be mentioned, and the doc goes into further depth into other topics related to Tobias.

SMALL CONTENT WARNING: this rentry will discuss and go into the topics of Harassment, "Pedophilla", "Grooming", Manipluation, Transphobia, Doxxing, Stalking, and some other topics (it will be updated or removed if needed). if the topic makes you uncomfortable, feel free to leave.

We have been made aware that Tobias/The Sharky SYS, along with Cronus/The Firemech SYS, are systems . By refering to them both as "Tobias" and "Cronus" is not to point out that single SYS member. we will continue to call them both by the names we have been previously refering to them as, because those are the most simple names to use for the both of them. Thats the name that most people involved in this know them by, and we will continue to use these names as to avoid confusion on who is who

Number One: Using Cronus' Face WITHOUT PERMISSION + Doxxing

proof: face screenshot (screenshot of a message Tobias sent with Cronus' face attached) their face has been censored for privacy.
Tobias somehow got in possesion of pictures of Cronus without Cronus' acknowledgement. going as far as to make one of them into a discord emoji that he has been sending to people. according to them, "i sent it to my (at the time) partner, which then sent to my moirial. and also one of my freinds somehow got in possesion of it. i doupt my moirial sent it to him, so either my ex did or my friend did"

(After this section was written, we were informed there was more than one face picture in use by Tobias. Heres the other one) face screenshot profile (Screenshot of his discord profile, which has been cencored to prevent harassment.) face screenshot message (We have cencored Cronus' face, along with the recipient of the message; as they want to remain anonymous)

Before I explain the seriousness of this, let me explain what doxxing is incase some dont know.

doxxing defintion

According to the definition of the word, Tobias has doxxed Cronus. Some may argue that posting someones face is not outright doxxing them, but everyones face is unique, therefore this can everymuch be used to identify Cronus. This seperates their online and offline/real life, which SHOULDNT be involved here. This is actually doxxing someone, as he has done it before, (from what we have heard he got someones phone number who didnt give it to him who I will leave anonymous for the sake of this part. I may choose to name them later but as of now I wont)

Along with Cronus did not want Tobias in possesion of pictures of them in real life, unless Cronus outright shares it DIRECTLY and has given permission to make something public, it is concidered private. This means Tobias is outright sharing private information WITHOUT PERMISSION, that alone is not concidered doxxing, but with someones face it would.

"Malicious intent"? yeah, thats there. Tobias is using these pictures to bully Cronus, and poke fun at them. Thats concidered bullying. which is malicious intent. The picture made in the meme formate about the pedophile "joke"? thats bullying, and its using Cronus' face to do so.


This is wrong in many ways, who thinks its ok to do something like this? They didnt even know he had a picture of them in real life. He has been reportedly sending it to people who are on his side of the story, several of which Cronus hadn't consented to seeing their face.
the caption is also just as disgusting, which helps us move onto our next point.

Number Two: Claims of Cronus Being a Pedophile/Groomer

this topic has been the main focus surrounding this situation. Tobias has been making claims against cronus calling them a pedophile and a groomer. lets break this down piece by piece.

Firstly let talk about their age gap, Shall we?
Tobias claims that they have 2 year age gap, And that he was 13 and cronus was 15 at the time of this situation. Let me tell you how this is false and made specifically to make Cronus look worse.
Cronus was born on January 15, 2008.
Tobias was born on March 12, 2009.
Giving them only a 1 year, 1 month, and 25 day age gap. Which, mind you, isn't a big age OR maturity gap, if you'd like to argue as such.
Tobias has made claims that Cronus was 15 but never inherintly gave Tobias a straight answer when asked of their age and that it changed frequently.
There is only one time that Cronus had changed their answer on their age, and this is because this took place around Cronus' 15th birthday. So at this point it seems to me Tobias is deciding to leave out important context JUST to make Cronus look like an awful person, this just proves he's only "coming out" about this to find someone he can bully. Which is pathetic.

This is the only thing he has to back up his claims of Cronus being a Pedophile. The fact that they made sexual jokes at each other, Cronus does this with everyone and has stated multiple times if they are uncomfortable joking around like that they will immeadiately stop. This statement is quite literally in their carrd.

They were both young during this situation, around the same age. Neither of them would've known any better. Either way Tobias had went along with all of the sexual jokes, never stating that he was uncomfortable with them. It's understood that Tobias was young, but Tobias also needs to understand that Cronus was also young.

Adding on, Tobias has stated in his response that Cronus had told him that they had a wet dream involving Tobias. Here is Cronus' side to this;

cro screenie one
cro screenie two
cro screenie three
cro screenie four

Tobias claims that Cronus' wet dream had involved sex and that Tobias' had not.

This is false, as far as Cronus remembers, intercourse had not taken place during this dream, it was only implied.

Continuing on, this dream hadn't even involved Tobias at all. It was about a character that he just so happened to be an irl of at the time. (as far as we know, tobias isn't even an irl anymore. nor does he even identify with said character.) The two characters involved in the dream were Cronus Ampora and Mituna Captor.

Number Three: The Messages Before "The Original Fight"

Before these messages where sent (to Cronus' pintrest DMs) by Tobias, He had gone around the homestuck area in ponytown, and told Cronus' friends + others "they found out they had been groomed by Cronus".

When that happend, Tobias went to Cronus, But they had hid him out of fear, Due to fear of confrontation from events that had happend in
their real life. They have stated they do not want to share their personal life off screen, So it will be left at that.

These are the messages Cronus had screenshotted from what Tobias sent them on February 10th 2023. along with their response. screenshot 1
screenshot 2
screenshot 3
screenshot 4

Because of Cronus' screentime restrictions on the app, They only saw the preview of the message notifcation. That was enough to spiral them into a panic attack over it when it was sent.

We're going to address what is wrong with these screenshots.
First of all, "you act like a groomer" there is no way to "act" like a groomer. You are either a groomer or not a groomer. Reminder, Tobias is telling this to someone who is ONE YEAR older than him. They are BOTH children. (the fact that tobias has compared cronus to COLLEEN BALLINGER a woman who groomed SEVERAL kids as a 30 YEAR OLD. To Cronus, a 15 year old who just so happens to have sexual hummor and jokes with that with people who are AROUND THEIR AGE and ACTIVELY ENCOURAGES people to let them know if they're uncomfortable with such.)
github screenshot spacehey screenshot carrd screenshot Screenshot taken from their GitHub, SpaceHey, and Carrd. Here are just some of the places where they say people should tell them if they make you uncomfortable, Because they will STOP when ASKED. Also in the carrd screenshot it states that their flirting/sexual remarks are ONLY jokes and that its their HUMOR

Alright, now next, the "flirting with his boyfriend". I don't understand how many times this needs to be repeated, it was a joke. Cronus did not want your boyfriend whatsoever. Even Tobias acknowledges this in the screenshot. The fact that Tobias is angry at the fact that Cronus did this while he was gone and not the fact that they did it period confuses me. You see, if he was mad over the joke flirting, thats completely alright. (still not a reason to attack someone, "hey can you please not make jokes like that with my partner? that crosses a boundary for me and i'd like you to stop." is an easy way to talk about this with the other person without any arguments) Yet, he was mad over it being while he was not present? It's not like Cronus was attempting to be "sneaky" with it, because they quite literally do this with everyone. This can also be discussed easily without any arguments so again no reason to attack someone. Explain why this crosses your boundaries and ask them not to do that anymore. If you are too scared to, that is on you. You cannot attack and get mad at someone for overcrossing a boundary that they were never made aware of in the first place. Communication is key in any type of relationship, whether it be platonic or romantic. If you have not communicated to the other person properly, you cannot blame them for not being aware. It is your responsibility to communicate properly, and if you have and the other person still overcrosses that boundary, then it is okay to be upset over it. This should be complete common sense.

Oh here we go, next part, "I have been trying my best to get you to be a better moirail for me, even giving false praise for your actions to try and help you be better". First of all, I find it funny how you outright admit to manipulating Cronus here. You literally say here that you have given him false praise to try and "make them be better". Who told you that this was okay? If something Cronus was doing made you uncomfortable you have to communicate, Tobias. You have avoided doing this throughout the entire situation until the very end and then you proceeded to blame Cronus for absolutely because you refused to communicate. Stop pulling these accusations out of your ass, Tobias. You didn't communicate your boundaries, this is on you. Stop pulling the "They were older than me I was easily influenced 😓" bullcrap. You are one year apart and were in a relationship. You should've communicated things better. You cannot blame Cronus for your own fear of communication.

Next, "when i was buzzing as mituna, it was a JOKE" yes Tobias! It was a joke! You know what else was a joke? Absolutely everything Cronus said! They were joking around with you! Absolute shocker! /s

I have stated things about the sex dream in the section above. Reread that if you must I will not repeat myself again.

Oh lord this last part. "you need to own up or get offline before you actually hurt a minor" Tobias do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You are talking to a 15 year old not a 20 year old. Cronus doesn't hang out with anyone besides people in their age range, (or possibly a slight bit older than them.) Tobias. You act like they're speaking to 8-10 year olds like this. Cronus isn't the monster you continuously paint them out to be. They listen when properly communicated to and because of this entire situation, they've been much more careful about what they say and do, always confirming if somebody is comfortable with something. They are 15, they may have made some mistakes in their past but that doesn't mean they cannot change because they are literally a minor themselves, they did not know better.
I am ending this section here, it's tiring how much i've had to repeat myself.

Number Four: Gatekeeping PRONOUNS and Misgendering.

tobias' goofy ass pronoun gatekeeping

Tobias it does not matter if you like or dislike Cronus, you never ever misgender someone just because you think they're a shitty person. Never. She/Her are a set of their pronouns and you must respect that. Now here, they don't blantly misgender Cronus, (and yes you can still misgender somebody who goes by all they/he/she, Cronus at certain times has pronoun preferences and during those times there are some pronouns they do not prefer in that exact moment. That is misgendering.) however, whenever speaking about Cronus they strictly used He/Him despite Cronus having stated in a few places that They/Them is the safest default if said person does not know their pronoun preference. Meaning, it seems pretty apparent that Tobias does not care to gender Cronus properly. (which is transphobia, Tobias.) I will not put words in Tobias' mouth but this status he had is making me pretty convinced that Tobias has no intentions of calling Cronus by She/Her if asked. (he literally said he wanted to gatekeep those pronouns from Cronus, it would not shock me in any way.)

carrd prns screen shot Screenshot from their carrd. Where it says basically what I just said here about their pronouns

As of 07/29/23 Tobias on his rentry has Cronus on his DNI. On this DNI, he very clearly MISGENDERS cronus outright.

tobias' dni

Tobias, here, refers to Cronus using "it/its". Cronus DOES NOT use these pronouns and its stated everywhere that their pronouns are THEY/HE/SHE. The screenshot is above. Cronus has even stated that the use of it/its on them make them EXTREMELY uncomfortable and upset. I've already stated this above, however, it does not matter. Apparently Tobias thinks its okay to misgender someone, as long as you hate them!!! I don't think he realizes how he not only hurts Cronus by doing this, but he hurts other trans people. If all you have to do is dislike Cronus and you decide "It's okay to misgender him now!" how do you think other trans people are going to feel? Scared, clearly, not wanting to get on your bad side, knowing that if they do you have the idea to misgender THEM as well. Never misgender someone. It doesn't matter if you think they're terrible, don't be blantly transphobic and try to villianize Cronus while doing so. You're making yourself look worse.

Cronus has their own things they'd like to say on the matter, which I will put below.


There is nothing more I can add to this that hasn't already been said. As someone who used it/its, don't use them on people who haven't asked to be called that. It's not only offensive, but something OPENLY TRANSPHOBIC people do to degrade and hurt transgender people because they don't see them as people. You are disgusting.

Pub: 15 Jul 2023 22:58 UTC
Edit: 12 Aug 2023 16:36 UTC
Views: 1029