hello! i'm cooper, also known as mika, ajax, && aether𝆹 i'm a transgender boygirlthing, and i'm gay! i'm happily taken by my boyfriend, cherie, and i love him very much𝆹 i'm 16 years old, and my birthday is on february 14th! i have many disorders that prevent me from interacting with people normally, please keep that in mind𝆹 i have bpd, autism, schizophrenia, adhd, did, etc𝆹 and these things really affect me𝆹 i don't really care if i'm just ❛putting my disorders out there,❜ since it needs to be mentioned so people don't interact with me && suddenly realize they don't want to anymore𝆹

for the most part, my pronouns are quite fluid𝆹 normally they'll be on my profile somewhere though! if they aren't, just ask𝆹 the ones you can be sure on me not minding are he/him and doll/dolls𝆹 i don't mind she/her, but i usually only enjoy being referred to like that when i prefer them in the moment𝆹

i am severely fixated on a few characters𝆹 these characters include ︵ yoshida hirofumi, heizou shikanoin, tartaglia/childe/ajax, scaramouche/wanderer, && akechi goro𝆹 i'd prefer if you didn't say you like them more than me𝆹 the bolded ones are the ones i am the most attached to𝆹 i will get upset if you say you like the bolded ones more than me, no matter who you are or why you're saying it𝆹

Pub: 31 Aug 2023 03:56 UTC
Edit: 22 Sep 2023 19:15 UTC
Views: 57