DOTT 。 CRUSH  ♱   ageless
◡◡     persecutor ─ introj     unlabled transman vampgender
NH   ny / it / doc +



I am the gatekeeper, persecutor, antagonisor ﹠ accuser of the Invictus Syndicate.

I am psychotic ﹠ often experience psychotic episodez. I am currently NOT READY to recover, though, this does NOT mean that I am anti-recovery as I am very much open tohelping myself later on ! I'm an introj of Dottore ﹠ many otherz. Plz do not associate me with certain sourcez (Dottore, Syakesan, Andrew Graves) as it makez me extremely uncomfortable.

Plz be patient with me as I can easily become overwhelmed by yelling ﹠ loudness due to hypersensitivity. I tend to take a while / have a hard time understanding thingz like sarcasm ﹠ social cues. Tone-tagz r needed ﹠ very helpful for this reason.

Plz keep in mind, I am a covert narcissist which meanz I can have a lack of empathy ﹠ may unintentionally disrespect boundariez. I do prefer if you'd be the one to initiate conversation unless stated otherwise. If you are considering speaking with me, plz be aware that I prefer polite ﹠ straightforward communication over aggressive ﹠ hateful.

I often make teasing jokez having to do with calling ppl rude namez such as idiot, dummy, dumb, stupid, etc. Plz try to take these jokez lightly! I may / have been told I come across as blunt or rude at timez. It'z often difficult for me to perceive my tone ﹠ the way my wordz come out, so I apologize if I sound a bit harsh. I have a tendency to copy otherz often. I apologize for this as it can cause lotz of issuez with otherz.


I am alwayz on PonyTown when fronting. I tend to ignore ppl I do not know.

I am ALMOST alwayz in the hoyoverse ﹠ pjsekai areaz, however, I can also be found at the TDi area, library, bakery, or at any of the picnic blanketz. etc +

Plz do not cover me on purpose unless we are friendz / close. do NOT be rude or inappropriate with me, headmatez, family, or friendz. I will not tolerate that at all. I don't accept random friend requestz, esp if we have never interacted / spoken with one another. I tend to sit with Finn'z friendz or anyone who is sitting with said friendz in that moment, if that makez you uncomfortable in any way please let me know ﹠ I will gladly move.

Gross skinz such as those penis poniez DNi, you guyz are freakz. I might be slow / won't respond to whisperz, crownz or complimentz as I am often afk or focused on other thingz. If you poke me ﹠ I go into menu, that meanz im either uncomfortable or avoiding convo atm.


Pub: 29 Feb 2024 21:34 UTC
Edit: 14 Sep 2024 21:51 UTC
Views: 453