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you can﹠may come up wi names ₒᵣ nicknames no matter how close you are wi Körbl,as long as it ' s a from a language you speak/region you are (( it's also possible to make up a name with random words !Michael doesn 't mind ))

thin divider thin lacy divider Tier O1 。 。 。 Name ' s Tier ⎯⎯ ♡1 ﹔⠀‿‿ Rot.Lucian.VincentDollvin.Ghost.CorpsezViktor / Victor.Xen.Alice.Michael.Axe.Joker.Nemesis.Loveline.lacey.MoeJorōgumo ♡.Ruru.Malice.Kewpie.Frillbon.Swekil.Killwre/Killiss.P Chan/Pien ChanKiss-Shot.Dawrling.Dollica.Lockne.Lamine.Angel.Chune

thin lacy divider thin divider thin lacy divider Tier O2 。 。 。 Name ' s Tier ⎯⎯ ♡2 ﹔⠀‿‿ Zom.Fang.Pup.CorpsezVroomy.Ellis ( Pronounced the same as Alice ) .Juanito ♡Neijun/Nei–joung ♡Bunvee. Paw/Pawesse.Dull (( ette , etta , elle , y , ie , i )) .Echo.Gutz.Sunday.DoveTiresse.Fawn.Sweetheart.Wishy.TrixiMCY/N.Francis.Franz

thin lacy divider thin divider thin lacy divider Tier O3 。 。 。 Name ' s Tier ⎯⎯3 ﹔⠀‿‿ Rottie / Rotsie.Lucis / Luci / Lu / L.Vince / Vinny / Vin / Vi / ViviDollv.Gho.Corp.Vik / Vic.Ali / Al.Eli / El.Ax.LALALOOPSIE LUCY WUCY < - for funnsies by shiroNei-Nei ♡.Maomao ♡.Kittu (( all of those were nicknames given by Shiro ))
thin lacy divider thin divider

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Pub: 22 Apr 2024 00:51 UTC
Edit: 19 Aug 2024 23:57 UTC
Views: 1111