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Basic DNI criteria, DSMP (other SMP's not included), you believe comship & proship are the same thing, you participate in & / or tolerate the harassment of yume doubles, TCC, tulip / endo "systems", RCTA, ACTA, DCTA, GCTA, MAP, bad / controversial types of paraphilia, radqueer, transmed, you don't believe in OSDDID, l×licon / sh×tacon, fetishizers, you're delusional & think introjects are "doubles" of you, you use slurs you cannot reclaim, anti-recovery, you use the words gay sped & autistic as insults, fakeclaimers, you sexualize age regression & pet regression, you believe in blackwashing
Toxic / weird fans of ANY media, Tr×mp supporters, zionists / pro-israel, Melanie Martinez supporters / apologists, Wilbur Soot supporters / apologists, Dream supporters / apologists, Jimmy Urine supporters / apologists, Funamusea supporters / apologists, Vivziepop supporters / apologists, ALL Yarichin Bitch Club fans & anything related to it
Proship / darkship, child / teen x adult, lesbian x gay, lesbian x man, gay x woman, Traveller harem, Kaeluc, Zhongxiao, Huxiao, Ganxiao, Dottoscara, Dottolei, Chiyaka & Jingyun, Toyakasa, Sakitoya, Coderra, Giomis, Trishmis
anyone I or headmates have had issues with in the past, please avoid interacting with us again unless stated otherwise.