I'm Cassiel Vanitas or 文轩 (Wén Xuān). I also go by Wiki. He Whee They pronouns only. Neutral terms preferred! I'm 16 years old and chinese. I have a lovely boyfriend that I throw bricks at.

I don't use labels because I find them stifling and restrictive. My gender is classified information and I'm attracted to my boyfriend. That's all

Fyodor riako competitive + nonsharing, I'll just block you if you believe yourself to be in a relationship with him. I also block people who identify with or as him in any way.

Unstable, so interact with caution. I go inactive sporadically and without warning. I block very freely in general, so no DNI.

Otherwise, though, I try my best to be nice \(^__^)/ ! If we share interests, we'll likely get along fine.


Pub: 20 May 2024 06:02 UTC
Edit: 22 Feb 2025 07:37 UTC
Views: 1869
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