✦ Cherie's URL Hoard

Here are the URLS ive been collecting!

the ones that im most likely not willing to trade (ask) looks like ; this
the ones that im using , will use or decorated looks like looks like ; this
the ones that are up for trades looks like ; this
(i could give some URLS away for free, you can always ask!)
︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ if you want to do trades you can contact me from discord (ozslounge)

looking for; dc (mostly rogues), deftones / korn / bôa / icp / rob zombie / machine girl / iggy pop, trainspotting, serial experiments lain, SHARKS, sea animals, the boys, fight club, hannibal, pokémon, stardew valley (HARVEY ONES PLS), outlast, resident evil, ryan gosling movies, reanimator related urls

wishlist; knifeprty , knife-prty , cherrywaves , cherry-waves , lhabia , trainspotting , sickboy , tigershark , tiger-shark , leopardshark , nurseshark , nurse-shark , penguin , iceberglounge , bullethell , bullet-hell , lustforlife , cherrybomb , cemetarygirl, cemeterygirl


DC / Batman -> (might be extra picky)

GothamPsycho , falseface , falsefacesociety , thebane , vicsage , misstuesday , thezsasz , victor-zsasz , roman-sionis , ROMANSlONIS , the-black-mask , thepoisonivy , theselinakyle , theharleyquinn , theonomatopoeia , gentlemanghost , themayorofgotham , profdrcrane , dr-jonathan-crane , bettercallharv , bettercalldent , heads-or-tails , billionairerichboy , otisflannegan , backoffrichboy , eduardoflamingo , theflamingo , thekillermoth, DruryWalker , drury-walker , the-firefly , garfieldlynns , garfield-lynns , betterthanbatman , the-arkham-knight , red-hood-gang , theiceberglounge , riddle-room , riddlers-box , The-Nygma , The-Nashton , Edw4rdNyg4ma , riddler-trophies , Riddle-Me-This-Batman , Ye4r-Zer0 , vampoz , ozbie , Oswald-Chesterfield-Cobblepot , thepengin , mayhemofthemusicmeister , DariusChapel , helenabertinelli , H4rv3yD3nt , H4rv3y-D3nt , tw0fac3 , tw0-fac3 , tw0-f4c3 , tw0f4c3 , c4tw0m4n , dr-harleen-quinzel , mistress-of-magic , bumgorf , KoriAnders , thekoriandr , thestarfire , lazlovalentin , batmanarkhamorigins , TheGothamGame , cannibalivy

DC / Tiger Shark Related -> (not trading any)

ownerofbludhaven , drgaiges , drgaige , dr-Gaige , Tiger-Shark , bludhavenbelongstotigershark , drtigershark , G-A-I-G-E , tigersharkssweat , tigershart , PhytonSkinJacket , MyPhytonSkinJacket , ToMyPhytonSkinJacket

DC / Watchmen -> (might be picky)

TheRorschach , the-rorschach , walterjosephkovacs , lauriejupiter , lauriejuspeczyk , laureljanejuspeczyk , silkspectre2 , silk-spectre , nite-owl , danieldreiberg , dan-dreiberg , doctormanhattan , jonathanosterman , AdrianAlexanderVeidt , who-watches-the-watchmen

DC OCS -> (won't trade)

JenesisDeVilliers , TheAurelia , CherylAlaricNorth , DrNorth , MrGaige , TheNurseShark , GouraGuluGulu , ThePiranha , TheLemonShark , LimeBoy , LarsAchilleos , ThePolar , DelwynLodIvanov

DC / OTHER SHIPS -> (might be picky)

hattercrow , riddl3bird , thedorksquad , gotham-city-sirens , b4tc4t , b4tj0kes , cherietiger , cherieshark cherryshark , cherryjaws

TRAINSPOTTING -> (might be extra picky with some)

chooselife , choose-life , TommyMackenzie , Begbie , FrancisFrancoBegbie , DanielSpudMurphy , SpudMurphy , -spud , rentsboy , rentsrentboy , SimonDavidWilliamson, SimonWilliamson , simon-williamson SecondPrize , DianeCoulston , T2veronika , sick-boy , mark-renton , mother-superior , t2trainspotting , t2-trainspotting , rentboyz , rentboy , sickboyz , trainsspotting , TRAlNSPOTTING


eddie-gluskin , chris-walker , th3gr00m , richard-trager , littlepig , th3w4lrid3r , Mil3s-Upshur , RudolfWernicke , Billy-Hope , MartinArchimbaud

The Boys

RealEyesRealizeRealLies , sensitiveandscared , queenm4eve , Kimiko-Miyashiro , fr3nchi3 , The-Butcher , -serge , Th3-H0m3l4nd3r , bl4ckn0ir , rapturesoldierboy


DrL3ct3r , ch3sap3ak3ripp3r , chesapeakeripperr , H4nnib4l , H4nnib4l-L3ct3r , Will-Gr4h4m

Black Mirror

white-bear , shut-up-and-dance , black-museum , san-junipero , hated-in-the-nation , striking-vipers , racheljackandashleytoo , mazey-day

Stardew Valley

harveythedoc , harveythedoctor , prism4tic-sh4rd , prism4ticsh4rd , peIican-town , haleys-sunflower

Pokémon -> (might be extra picky)

ColressAchroma ,

Blade Runner

Y0U-L00K-L0N3LY , Y0UL00KL0N3LY , good-joe , goodjoe , bladerunner-2049 , blade-runner-2049 , bIaderunner2049 , off-world-the-blade-runner , offworldthebladerunner , brand-of-DiJi , officer-K , rick-deckard

Frank Sinatra -> (extra picky)

StrangerslnTheNight , AllOrNothingAtAll , theworIdweknew , theimpossibledream , ComeFlyWitheMe , IveGotYouUnderMySkin , YoureDrivingMeCrazy , sinatras


cat-dead , cat-dead-details-Iater , i-gave-him-life , daniel-cain , dr-west , dr-herbert-west , Bride-Of-The-Reanimator , h3rb3rtw3st , h3rb3rt-w3st

Fight Club

soap-of-fight-club , Mischief-Mayhem-Soap , jacks-raging-bile-duct , jacks-cold-sweat , jacks-complete-lack-of-surprise , jackscompletelackofsurprise , jacks-inflamed-sense-of-rejection , jacksinflamedsenseofrejection , jacks-broken-heart , jacks-raging-boner , TheDurden , The-Tyler-Durden , -The-Narrator , MarIa-Singer

Serial Experiments Lain

lain-is-god , everyones-connected , seriaI-experiments-lain , The-Wired- , Lain-lwakura , L4INIW4KUR4 , L4IN-IW4KUR4

Resident Evil

thedimitrescus , thedimitrescusisters , dimitrescu-sisters , aIcina-dimitrescu , ladyalcinadimitrescu , lordkarlheisenberg


pegin , nursesharkz , tigersharkz , 4X0L0TL , axolotlz-x3 , alligatorz

Bôa -> (extra picky)

IittIemiss , littlemissisamess , on-the-wall

Insane Clown Posse

my-cemetary-girl , my-cemetary-lady , mycemeterylady , chop-chop-sIide , halls-of-illusion


rats-rats-rats , ch3rry-w4v3s , my-own-summer , LH4BI4 , graphic-nature , -knife-prty

Iggy Pop -> (might be pick)

iggy-pop , dog-food , nightclubbing , Iust-for-Iife , realwildchild , the-passenger , thebowieyears

David Bowie

davidbowiestardust , bowiestardust , cat-people , lady-stardust , aladdin-sane

Machine Girl -> (might be extra picky)

atoth-a-go-go , fuck-up-your-face , fxckupyourface , buIIet-heII , bulletzhell , bitten-twice , 9minutesand43seconds , nineminutesandfortythreeseconds

Tiefbasskommando -> (special part so might be picky)

tiefbasskommando , tiefbasscommando , rozenrozen , retox , kokikoki , rabenvater , songdewagon , cokecore , cokecoremix , TBKfamily , TBKfamilie , losersinreal , todimhotel , ekeltape , DeineMutterIsNeNette , MCKwilkommen

Random Songs / Albums / Artists

born-slippy , bewitchedbotheredandbewildered , mile-end , inbetweener , finalhit

Random Stuff


Pub: 06 Sep 2023 00:13 UTC
Edit: 28 Jan 2024 18:16 UTC
Views: 2468