Welcome to my dump of resource things ! Most of this will be organized by colour !! ^_^
Most of these can be tracked down to their og posters, mainly Tumblr stuffs or from other carrds/rentrys (I got lazy, and this was for myself as a place to put pixels, dividers, etc, that I've collected) ! Credit to all the makers of these silly things <3

Black/grey/white stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. blinkies
V. pngs

Red stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. blinkies
V. pngs

Orange stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. blinkies

Yellow Stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. [photos](
IV. blinkies

Green Stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. blinkies

Blue Stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. blinkies

Purple Stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. [blinkies](

Pink Stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. [blinkies](
V. pngs

Brown/Beige Stuff
I. dividers
II. pixels
III. photos
IV. [blinkies](
V. [pngs](

Multi Coloured Stuff
I. dividers
II. [pixels](
III. [photos](
IV. [blinkies](
V. [pngs](

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Pub: 15 Dec 2022 03:38 UTC
Edit: 30 Sep 2023 00:39 UTC
Views: 9523