this talks about co ercion / sa

hi my name is aphelios i think this might be written badly becasuse i am nervous but i will do my best
hello i am aphelios i wanted to take this away and write it for myself and bymyself okay sorry if this is really bad i dont know how to do these things but it is for the better so i dont want to go too into detail because its hardto talkabout andalso i dont want to trigger any one!

hi im aphelios i am 13 years old in a system
we had a partner system, calico bpdlockhart (491063538446499853)
nikos was an alter from calicos system who was dating my headmate haitham
when i would be in front nikos wouldget really angry at me even wheni could not control it
that is how i met moon

moon kept me in check and in order
i would do anyythingmoon told me to do
i think soon enough i wantedmoonto love me
if i didnt do what m,oon said i would be punished for it but it was never seriously evil
i knew moon would never like me but i wanted to believe one day he will so ialways did whatever he wanted

ok idont want to talk a lot about it because i dont like it but moon made me do nsfw things with him when i didnt want to ididnt feel good i didnt feelgood at all about it but i thought it meant that now he reallylovedme
edit: i have to be specific so anyway i really wanted to talk to moon one night but we had guests over and he was getting bored of talking to me and i started to worry a lot about him leaving me because i really really liked him and wanted him to not be upset at me or angry so i rushed to get the guests out so i can spend time with him. he told me was was getting bored and i told him i would do anything to get him to stay and he as a joke (they said) told me "even if its sexual" when a few minutes before that i already said i didnt want to be romantic or sexual with moon i just looked up to him.
when he told me that i figured that being sexual with him would be the ONLY way he wouldnt get bored of me so i complied but did have hesitance and told him something like i dont know, im not going to be good and i forgot what happened in the gap while i was getting the guests out but anyway when they left and i told him moon was like ew i was only joking and berated me for going along with it but that night we ended up doing it anyway although i was punished before we even finished for not listening to moons orders on how to touch myself and moon fell asleep and left me there after i had to kneel on the floorfor 10 minutes or something as punishment
in the morning my headmate tried talking to nikos about what happened to me because he felt it wasnt right but nikos laughed about it

for a long time calico would deny and shift blame about what happened and try make it seem less serious by bringingup things we did wrong in the relationship too

when we asked them to apologise publicly they werre heavily afainst the idea and said this could ruin their career and theyll get doxxed for it

i triedto forgive andmove on manytimes but i just cant and its hard to
this is the most i feel comfortable sharing or talking about theresmuch more we went through with calico like um grooming and stuffbut i justwant to say this only
im sorry thank you

screenshots by someone else because nikos wants to say that we arent telling the full story even though he admit to the sa

old one i guess

Pub: 07 Jul 2023 23:36 UTC
Edit: 14 Jul 2024 03:06 UTC
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