disclaimer: this rentry was made by a jewish person for educational purposes only. PSA: i do NOT own https://rentry.co/dog-whistles it was only copied from this rentry and i have no control on it, the only copy made by me is https://rentry.co/dogwhistles .

Neo-Nazi Dog Whistles:

((())) and/or [[[]]] = echo, or triple parentheses or brackets; antisemitic symbol to "highlight" the names of those with Jewish background

5 Words = referring to a phrase white supremacists advocate be the only words ever spoken to the police, "I have nothing to say"

9% = refers to the world's population of white people

14 and/or 14 Words = shorthand for the slogan "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

14/23 = used with 14 Words, referring to the "23 precepts," a list of rules that Southern Brotherhood members must follow

13/52 and/or 13/90 = code used to portray African Americans as savage and criminal, claiming African Americans make up 13% of the US population but commit 52% of all murders and 90% of all violent interracial crime

18 = meaning 1 = A and 8 = H, or Adolf Hitler, also known as Combat 18 or C18

23 = a two-handed hand sign, with one hand showing/flashing 2 fingers, and the other hand flashing three fingers, meaning 23 = W, for "White"

HH = meaning "heil Hitler"

88 and/or 1488 = meaning HH, since H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, meaning "heil Hitler"

100% and/or 112% = meaning "100% white," used often with "100% Aryan Brotherhood"

109 and/or 110 = 109 meaning the number of countries white supremacists claim Jewish people have been expelled from, and calling the United States to be the 110th

111 and/or 1-11 = meaning the Aryan Knights, whose symbol is a shamrock, often with a swastika

311 = meaning the Ku Klux Klan, 11 = K, and 3 times 11 equaling "KKK"

6mwe = meaning "6 million wasn't enough"

271k = claiming that only 271k Jews were killed during the holocaust

Cookie monster couldn't bake that many cookies = metaphor that means Hitler(Cookie monster) couldn't kill(bake) 6 million Jews(that many cookies)

21-2-12 = slogan of the Unforgiven, meaning 21 = U (Unity), 2 = B (Brotherhood), and 12 = L (Loyalty)

wooden doors = antisemitic resentment, in reference that if the doors on the gas chambers during the Holocaust were wooden, it could not have happened

AKIA = Ku Klux Klan shorthand for "A Klansman I Am"

Anti-Antifa = meaning Anti-Antifascist

Anti-SHARP = SHARP meaning Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice, within the punk community combating white supremacist skinheads

Anudda Shoah = antisemitic phrase to mock Jewish people, implying they bring up the Holocaust when confronted with anything they don't like

Aryan Fist = taken from the black power fist to mean white power

AYAK = shorthand meaning "Are You A Klansman?"

Boots and Laces = boots are common within the punk scene, and the specific laces used with boots signify whether one is antifa or fascist; normally, red and white laces are associated with white supremacy when laced a particular way, but lace code is very particular to location and varies regionally

Celtic Cross = see here

Confederate flag = see here

Swastika = while the swastika is an ancient religious and cultural symbol, it was appropriated from Asian cultures by the Nazi party and it is more widely recognized as the hakenkreuz. learn more

and/or = looks similar to the Nazi hakenkreuz (swastika)

Creativity Movement and/or WCOTC or COTC = white supremacy group claiming to be a religion for white people

Day of the Rope = slogan referring to The Turner Diaries, written by William Pierce, advocating for mass murder of "race traitors" that occur similarly within the book

Diversity = White Genocide = slogan meaning multiculturalism will mean the death of the white race

FGRN = a Ku Klux Klan shorthand meaning "For God, Race, and Nation"

Happy Merchant = antisemitic meme within the alt right to convey a "greedy Jew"

Nazi Salute and/or Hitler Salute = see here

It's okay to be white = slogan by 4chan more recently and quickly adopted afterwards by white supremacists

Love Your Race = white supremacy slogan

Moon Man = meme derived from a McDonald's commercial in the 80's and later attached with neo-nazi sentiments

Muh Holocaust = antisemitic phrase used to imply Jewish people routinely bring up the Holocaust to gain attention or deflect negative attention

No Race Mixing = idea within white supremacy that multiculturalism and interracial couples will "pollute" the "pure" white race, and therefore should be prohibited

Noose = a hangman's noose referring to lynching

= meaning "not equal," claiming that different races are not equal to each other

Pit bulls = dog favored by many white supremacists for being "savage fighters"

SS Bolts = refers to Schutzstaffel, double lightning bolts meaning the concentration camps guards

Thor's Hammer = used within neo Nazism and appropriated from neo-pagan religions

White Power = white supremacists slogen

"ok" hand gesture = meaning "white power"

White Lives Matter = referring to the "Black Lives Matter" movement. learn more

Totally Joyous Day = the first letter on each word represents what the words are actually meant to be replaced with: "Total Jew Death"

Pub: 09 Jan 2024 12:08 UTC
Edit: 06 Sep 2024 12:26 UTC
Views: 282