chi's rentrys

disc , twitter , neospring

not for trade ( high price / wished url , trade offers ok )
ananlee , polterlee , kokoinde , searchive , rozenvera , yukongs , sirenic , yaminion , nuwa , prompts, gency , fsp , tgch , global , start , zhe , ephyra

picky ( i'll concider trading )
dollchie , seaweb , sirendoll , jellykiss , lightofkshahrewars , kingveh , 9102021 , jianllya , lovedkaveh , vampsuki , finalfest , plumjelly , axolotled , chakotoga , kanezakas , kirikoyamagami , controlpoint , chako , quad , hongkong , morn , nowa , chirui , vampill , kuznoir , chronae , jingdi , song1 , ponyclub

up for trade ( no attachment to these )
fishics , seachi , swordfishyuri , pinkpc , majiko , absolutedepth , kavehdomedcourt , theendeavors , priestesswatatsumi , theblackshore , cleansingreflection , sashiko , thelittlemushroom , riversiren , mikumon , chiese , 1byMetoHer , lukasmegurine , aquamuse , fuyuans, wishfin , myaidei , evestra , yuriastralyn

not linked = a work in progress

feel free to ask for trade but do not make a claim or email for lost pin I KNOW the pin for all of these urls. this is /NOT/ a hoard, all of the following urls WILL be decorated eventually for personal use or given away. i will eventually use these all, not to keep them from others. i enjoy decorating rentrys as a hobby which is why i have so many. and all urls took more than 30 seconds and are fully decorated with genuine content
Pub: 14 Aug 2024 21:00 UTC
Edit: 12 Feb 2025 21:58 UTC
Views: 1770
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