oh my god this is so outdated
contact: @aaronstampler on discord @soulless on neospring
planning to remake this with metadata :3
doll lolita lace
bun bunny rabbit
alice ghost spirit
nurse puppet
marionette soul
+anything related to the words above
i really dislike - or _ in urls !!
i trade for fun, ill most likely accept anything <3
some urls owned by me; not all are listed
all are iffy but feel free to offer !!
1 word: dull duller weary weeping
fragiIe stringless cancelling sleeper
gamest bejewelling toughnesses
unfortunateness slightiest colorin
marionettest interwish lovi cared
eeping misspeak fictionkins prn
stitching decorating overthinker
anxiously naivete otakus Iace
graveyard even souI dumdum
prettier +unlisted
2 words: toosweet liquidblood bludshot
darkillusion j-fashion evilsin evilsins
sacredwings doubleclick takingcare
holyhalo fanmeeting selectivemute
sociallyanxious soulvessel +unlisted
dolls: dulldoll cutedoll dollest doller
tireddoll veileddoll whitedoII blackdoII
dolletedoll unlivingdoll sweeterdoll
predoll jewishdoll jewdoll loserdoll
dolia possesseddoll deaddollette
gothicdoll dimdall calmdoll dollmasc
-doll doul bbabydoll golddoll
ghostdolly silverdoll dangerousdoll
IoveIydoII murderousdoll gosickdoll
angrydoll murdererdoll msdoll
brokendoll dollllll morutedollette
dollettedoll dollee dolletteangel
hugedoll cleandoll dirtydoll caringdoll
toughdoll sensitivedoll psychicdoll
paradoll buttoneddoll sowndoll
sawdoll seweddoll healthydoll dollnene
horrifieddoll horrifyingdoll horribledoll
terrifieddoll terrifyingdoll terribledoll
concerneddoll concerningdoll
youngdoll beigedoll browndoll
yellowdoll orangedoll reddoll tealdoll
freshdoll poordoll richdoll wasteddoll
dollear synpathdoll dollsynpath
empathicdoll invisibledoll kinddoll
wickeddoll holloweddoll glowingdoll
dollvessel wooddoll collectingdoll
wingeddoll godlydoll religiousdoll
prayingdoll dollsgraveyard
originaldoll happydoll sobdoll
risendoll risingdoll otherdoll
anotherdoll dollzombie unalivedoll
shatterdoll dollhand dollspaw
slavicdolls piratedoll paweddoll
dollking dollqueen collectordoll
lgbtdoll genderfluiddoll lgbtqiadoll
nonbinarydoll agenderdoII
dollpronouns xenogenderdoll xenodoll
boylydoll tomboydoll xenoboydoll
xenogirldoll fancydoll schizophrenicdoll
mascboydoll mascfemdoll femmascdoll
mascgirldoll feministdoll femgirldoll
transgenderdoll transmasculinedoll
powerfuldoll puppeteerdoll
lowempathydoll noempathydoll
firstdoll seconddoll europeandoll
thirddoll fifthdoll sixthdoll seventhdoll
steampunkdoll dollknife harajukudoll
fashionistadoll jokerdoll acedoll
aroacedoll arodoll unlabeleddoll +unlisted
lolita: classiclolita steampunklolita
sweeterlolita strangelolita dollestlolita
dollylolita yamilita kurolita goldlolita
silverlolita Iacedlolita murderouslolita
dangerouslolita spookylolita gosicklolita
lolitarabbit holylita angeliclita lolitapuppet
lolitamarionette mrslolita mslolita
yamilolita fragilelolita fraillolita
morutelolita morutelita coquettelolita
lace: llace mslace lacedwings lacedsoul
Iacedrabbit Iacebun Iacebunny Iacedfem
Iacemasc Iacedmasc gothIace gothicIace
whiteIace Iacedbun Iacedbunny Iacednurse
IacedangeI gosicklace mrslace Iacedfrills
silklace +unlisted
gothic: gothicrabbit gothrabbit gothicdarling
gothdarling gothicjew gothjew gothicloser
gothloser gothiccastle gothemo gothest
gothicest gothheart gothpuppet gothicpuppet
sickgoth gothmarionette gothicmarionette
gothsoul gothghost gothicspirit frailgoth
fragilegoth gothfrills +unlisted
media: unlisted (too many)