Rentry i swear to fart Leave me ALOOOONE

rex url hoard

@rexmachina on disc dm 4 tradesies, i ignore friend requests ignore the horrid and abysmal urls. i took them for the greater good. bold = in use, won't trade i'm too lazy to move things italics = not trading this (i have not italicized everything yet so sorry) if u reclaim any of these i'll kill myself

i have not updated this in a whiiiile sowwy >w<

i can't even sort these anymore

rexmachina dragonshoard rexdraco terexi rexphobic rexphobe dracophobic zophobic dragons-den FAGG0TR0N cowbot R3X october2 october2nd ultrex dirkphobic

threeswordstylin firstmatezoro nineswordstyle asurasilvermist 108poundphoenix zorokillskaido threezwordztyle foxfireflamerend dragontwister three-sword-style mossballs mrbushido zorororo M0SSHEAD marimoss shittyswordsman zorophobic bountyhunterzoro shittymarimo (shoutout snom for some of these)

kazzykiryu unclekaz brawlerkiryu brawlermode rushkiryu rushmode beastkiryu joryu kazzychan bottomkiryukazuma dragonkiryu werewolfkiryu kiryuk -kiryu-kazuma majimasdragon 4thchairman 1988kiryu

riteofdescension stonespears -vago-mundo godofcommerce godofhistory lordofrock groundbreaker thegroundbreaker geoceo oneofseven

luochaa -luocha- -Iuocha luochascoffin thornsoftheabyss prayeroftheabyssflower prayeroftheabyss -death-wish cycleoflife cycle-of-life mercyofafool mercy-of-a-fool cleansingrevival cleansing-revival -sanctified -through-the-valley purebestowal pure-bestowal baptismoftheliving baptism-of-the-living afoolsattempt a-fools-attempt foolsattempt judgementfromcrownofthorns judgement-from-crown-of-thorns markofsacrifice mark-of-sacrifice dust-to-dust LU0CHA judgementviatheking imaginaryabundance voidarchives loopcha

joe-kid horseboyjohnny johnnypilled genderfluidjohnny scenejohnny xX_J0HNNY_Xx JXHNNY corpsejohnny

vitaminD theswordman prettyboyninjastud stridizzle animeprince theanimeprince d-man smuttyswordsman


eliasbastard eIiass eyelias jonahmagnuts evilboss brutalpipemurder thebehoIder lTKNOWSYOU taxidermiez shemagnusonmyarchive hellojohnapologiesforthedeception hellojonapologiesforthedeception


unfortunately like every single good hannibal URL is taken and i'm not very creative

hamibal chesapeakerizzler doclecter hannibaIIs ihavetoeathim hannibug hannibalcore

amuse-bouce murderhubbies hannigrammer evilgaylove kaisekiscene threeofswords manstag preller canniboyfs cannibalistics CANNlBALlSTlC morganverger longpig

ineedwillgraham illwill (this is literally just a phrase) willkisser willgrahamkisser willgrahamlover



italics end, will go through the rest later

Y4KUZ4 likeadragon8 shintarokazama akirafishikiyama odajun tachibanarealestate tachibanatetsu yakuza9 beanboi BIGPAPA comin4booty divorced7times IHUNTBEARS Letsgetsteamy masochist-llama Messenger_of_Love NiceGuysFinishFirst rocklobster420 Sexbot9000 soloperformer SpinMaster take-your-heart ThirtyYearOldVirgin treefiddy UncleDicky UsedToBeHot VeteranDrinker Booooobs 1988KAMUROCHO 1988SOTENBORI

-honkai-star-rail march-07 trailblazercaelus trailblazerstelle stelle- caelus- C34LUS JlNG-YUAN jingyuanirl lionguy light-bringer glistening-light rifting-zenith prana-extirpated commandtalisman -dozing-general cloud-knight white-lion albino-lion graypeony danhengIL Dan-Heng-IL dragonheng dragondanheng caeluskisser danhengkisser brony-a 8R0NY4 caelussy akiviIi lilgep IiIgeppie IPC 2158 2158AE amber-lord eIation screwIlum -aha ahatheelation aha-the-elation IPCbroadcast TheElation

427employee tsp-bucket -427- broom-closet-ending -zending twinknarratorhater

horsevillage torchguy chronicallyonlineponytowner ponytownterritorydisputes equineestablishment

i hate these characters/things so much these are not for trade shimanofutoshi futoshishimano tsukasasagawa sagawa sagawatsukasa clocked0ut -clock-0ut twinknarrator CL0CKED

TRAGEDlAN i will never get another pathologic url but it gets it's own subcategory regardless


devilshaircut odelay hotwax thenewpollution whereitsat hollowlog 6FINGERDEATHPUNCH thesafetydance sensesworkingovertime iFinkUfreeky twoheavens worldofdogs stockton artificialdeathinthewest upmysleeves billynotreally blackquarterback sayheykid haveAsadcumBB fuckmeout ibreakmirrorswithmyfaceintheunitedstates inanimatesensation turnedoff whyabitchgottalie psspss iwannabeyourdog cumonfeelthenoize heysugardaddy timemovesslow PeachesEnRegalia bullintheheather bigreddragon washitalloff doyathinkimsexy nightcore-prettylittlepsycho ilovedeathgrips madlib crystalnight CATS-EYE 1986-OMEGA-TRIBE dress-down LAZYDANCE LAZY-DANCE scarymonsterssupercreeps fuckingfreakingfutilefreddy


nsfw url hoard. its just a bunch of stupid shit tittymousepad strawberrybananasmoothie sharkfetus greenscarab aussielemonade brutalaxemurder dial-up fruitflies whatthefuckgaylittlebugs scaIIyfag bearer goopluvr rathateclub dontfuckwiththescienceteam fingersinhismouthfriday


-acelaw zorosanjiluffy zosanlureal zo-san-lu -zosanlu -zosan zolu- -zolusan

kiryuji ryukiri kazumaji- minishi

samrai -otasune

samlus samplus samcae caepo caeyuan weltluo luowelt luoyang voidvvelt samluo sampluo luopo t4tjingyun



holding 4 friends :)

sludgey toxicsludge goopsta oozey yuckmuck bestslime largeslime smallslime slime-story slimeye slimetutorials slimetycoon slimegender sexyslime -goop mmmsludge poisonsludge slimebeneathme slimeabove g-e-g-g lactatingkiryu azifell

sort later

hydrodragon oceaneu hydragon montayuras

moved the silly urls to 1) not weird people who know me out and 2) minors
Pub: 26 Apr 2023 16:44 UTC
Edit: 18 Nov 2024 11:33 UTC
Views: 3101