black rose 1

rifle DUALSCAR rifle

covwer pannel

black rose 3

dualscar Dualscar. Most people just call me Dual for short.

Age slider. 25-30 He/Him

SYS Caretaker

I use a typin quirk. Though it is the same as Cronus' V = WV/VW | W = VW/WV | B = 8 (vwhen capitalized) also remowves the "g" off of wvords that end in "ing I wvill translate if nessisary for you to understand. Just ask.

Fictivwe of orca !

No DNI, but similar to signless'. Anyone can interact, feel free, but bear my age in mind wvhen talkin to me. Incase youre uncomfortable wvith thins like that.

Its not easy to make me uncomfortable, or uneasy. I just make sure others are more comfortable, Im chill wvith pretty much anythin

black rose 3


black rose 2

Picture of me wvill be put here once its been drawvn.

black rose 2

)amporasamporasi forgor

evanesancecat dadhe/him/his


me and eri



Pub: 30 Jul 2023 02:48 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2023 19:57 UTC
Views: 292