rose header

rose SIGNLESS rose

blood divider

panel picture

blood divider

signless or just sign for short

age slider 22-28 He/Him

i use a typing quirk. i will translate if needed f9r y9u!

B = 6 | O = 9

em9ti9nal regulat9r & SYS c9-h9st

fictive of rose !

any9ne can interact with me! i d9nt mind, just 6ear my age in mind when talking t9 me. incase that will make y9u unc9mf9rta6le. i try n9t t9 say sugestive things anyway 6ecause 9f it, unless y9u have t9ld me y9ur c9mf9rta6le with it :)


i l9ve relig9us studies, hymns, classic r9ck, and s9me 9ther things ^^ ! ill 6e happy t9 talk t9 y9u 9n anything y9u want


rose divider

9mg its me

rose divider

me stampbreaking my heart!me again6e nice

blood divider


blood divider

w9uld y9u like t9 return 6ack t9 9ur mem6er list?

Pub: 30 Jul 2023 02:45 UTC
Edit: 15 Aug 2023 18:27 UTC
Views: 183