EnMusic Card Reference

Other useful references:
EnMusic Event Guide -- How to save as many diamonds as possible during events. Applies practical and extended score and card knowledge.
EnMusic Scoring Mechanics -- A look at how high scores work in Music.

For any concerns or corrections, you can contact the guide author on Twitter at @joltcounting.

Version: 1.7

  • Removed the list of strongest unit + attribute combinations, as it's starting to get too excessive.
  • Changed the name of the Primavera event to reflect a wiki update.

Cards will be added to this reference as soon as their respective pages can be found on the English wiki.
Most recently added:

  • Cards up to the June 29th event scout and its associated tour event.
  • Songs up to 凱旋歌 (Gaisenka).

The Ensemble Stars! Wiki for its collection of card data and translations.
koto (@Re05_tsuki) for compiling the stats of 5☆ cards.
Rentry for hosting this reference.

This guide can be reproduced in part or full as long as attribution is given to the original author(s).
Please retain the version number and this section verbatim (i.e., as-is).
If anyone plagiarizes this resource without proper credit and claims to be the original, please refer to the original publishing timestamp at the bottom of the original resource as proof of its being the earliest version possible.

Ensemble Stars! and its related copyrights are properties of their respective owners.
I do not claim to own any of these rights.


Q: What's this?
A reference listing 5☆ cards by various useful metrics, such as color-by-unit, color-and-stat, and support skills.
Mostly so you can make use of EnMusic's scoring mechanics, and grind out events and maxed Idol Roads more efficiently.

Q: Why?
Short answer --
Because KnightsPs are feral and will throw you out of the high score ranking if you don't know what you're doing.
Because bloomed art is pretty to look at and you need a lot of colored pieces.
Because life gets in the way sometimes and costs you a few days of grinding while best boy's event is on.
Because you're probably tired of missing full and perfect combos by one note.
And because it's something I made for myself to save myself the trouble of navigating the wiki, but you might find it useful too.

Long answer --

Why list cards by color and unit?

There are two ways to get bonus score on songs:

  • If a card's color matches the color of the song. This gives a 50% bonus to all of the card's stats. ("Prismatic" / "rainbow" songs such as Stars' Ensemble give 30% bonus to all cards.)
  • If a card is part of the listed characters for the song's "unit". This gives a relative bonus to all of the card's stats.
    • For example: A Tsumugi card on a Switch song (let's say Temptation Magic) will get 40% stat bonus, while a Shu card on a Valkyrie song (e.g., Last Lament) will get a 55% stat bonus.
  • The bonus for each unit size is shown below.
Size of unit Bonus per card Maximum bonus for a full unit
5 30% 150%
4 35% 140%
3 40% 120%
2 55% 110%
1 100% 100%

Some songs, such as キセキ (Kiseki) or the "shuffles" (e.g., Midnight Butlers / Sweet Sweet White Song) have specialized units. You can check which characters will get the song's character bonus in the top right of the team selection screen for that song.

Why list cards' colors and primary stats?

For most purposes, the Center card for your team should be a card that boosts all stats of cards of the same color by 50%.
However, if you happen to have a full team of 5☆ cards that all use one of Voice / Dance / Performance, a Center that boosts the corresponding stat by 120% is more optimal.
This is a min-maxer's concern, so don't worry about it too much if you're just starting out.

Why list drop rate support skills?

Because unlike Basic, where only the card's primary stat matters, all stats in Music count towards increasing your team's score. That means you can't just exclusively invest in the blue / red / yellow nodes, stick them into your live teams, and call it a day. You'll want to 100% your cards' Idol Roads eventually.
And in case you haven't noticed, it's noticeably harder to farm up colored pieces in Music.

What was that about full and perfect combos?

There are two types of combo support cards.
One type converts BAD / MISS notes into GOOD / GREAT.
The other converts GOOD / GREAT notes into PERFECT.
Even if you're not yet at the level where you're that one person on your timeline posting their 1-MISS run or 1-GREAT run of Gate of the Abyss, that will be you soon enough, even if it's on some easier, less demanding song.

There are also missions during Tour events (the ones that give out free 5☆s without having to grind hard or waste diamonds!) that require you to get full or perfect combos. Cards like these will make your life much easier.

Q: What about 4☆ cards?
For the most part, 5☆ cards will beat 4☆ cards in song scoring. It takes a few uncaps for a 4☆ to even rival a 5☆ that doesn't have any.
On top of that, stat pieces are a limited resource and you might find it hard to pour them into maxed 4☆s that you might end up replacing with 5☆s later on.
It's simply more cost-efficient to invest in a full team of 5☆s per color before you worry about bonuses.
Anyway, there's too many 4☆s to keep track of in the first place.
However, some 4☆s have the same SUPPORT skills as 5☆ cards and are worth listing in that section.

Q: How to read this reference?

Feature Scout:

A separate scouting promotion that usually runs beside the event scout. Usually announced at 15:00 JST on the day after the end of the previous event, and launched 24 hours later.

Event Scout:

The scouting promotion associated with an event, whose cards increase event point gain for said event. Launches 24 hours before the start of its associated event. Announced either 24 hours or 48 hours before it begins in 30- and 31-day months, respectively.

Unit event:

Events which introduce a new event song, which have one associated 5☆ card. These require 3,500,000 event points for the first copy, and are grind-intensive.
I make no distinction between songs that feature an existing unit and those that feature "shuffle" units.

Tour event:

Events with no new event song, but which feature two 5☆ event cards. You can choose one of these 5☆s and obtain them for free by progressing through the event and its associated "tour days" (missions). The first copy of each event 5☆ can also be obtained at 3,000,000 and 3,500,000 event points.


These refer to the 5☆ cards which were available at launch and belong to the leaders of each unit. You can reroll the tutorial single roll until you obtain one of these 5☆s.


5☆s obtained through any means not listed above (i.e., special campaigns.

Cards in the Feature / Event Scout categories are only available in their specific Scout promotions when they are active. This means that if, for example, a Feature Scout for Mao and an Event Scout for Jun were active at the same time, it wouldn't be possible to roll Mao's 5☆ on Jun's scout, and vice versa.

After a Scout promotion ends, the associated 5☆ card will not appear in the general Scouting pool until the start of the Feature / Event Scout promotion exactly three months later. Compare the listed release date against the current date to find out whether the card is currently in the pool.
There are occasionally "revivals" where these 5☆s reappear on rate-up.
Otherwise, your best bet is to roll on a character's Birthday Scout, where all cards of that character are on rate-up (if these cards are in the pool).

Past Tour / Unit event 5☆s can be obtained through the Event Memorial coin exchange, but re-appear on a one-year time lag. Compare the listed release date against the current date to find out whether the card is currently available to be traded.

Support Skill Reference

Support skills are passive skills which activate if a card is in one of the two Support slots of your Live team.

A card for which you only have one copy (i.e., max level is 50 or 60) can have their support skill upgraded to a max of Lv. 3.
At three copies, you can upgrade the support skill to Lv. 4.
At five copies (the maximum), you can upgrade the support skill to Lv. 5.

Support Skill: Ensemble Time Gauge

In-game description: あんさんぶるタイムゲージの上昇量がアップ (Increases the increase in the Ensemble Time Gauge.)
This skill increases the amount that a note fills the gauge which appears during Ensemble Time.
Notes that are BAD or MISS will not fill the gauge.
If the Ensemble Time gauge is not filled once the last note (the large, colorful one) is hit, the song's SPP (or your chosen character's special SPP, if any) will not play.

This support skill is, frankly, generally useless.
If you're missing that many notes during Ensemble Time so as not to fill the gauge, you're likely on your way to failing the song in the first place.
Play it on an easier difficulty or use the Voltage / Combo support skill instead.

5☆ cards with this support skill:

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Glittering Stars) Hokuto Hidaka Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Justice) Chiaki Morisawa Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Paradise) Nagisa Ran Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of the Twin Planets) Hinata Aoi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of the Arts) Shu Itsuki Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Magic) Natsume Sakasaki Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Ruler of the Dark) Mika Kagehira Mika Feature Scout Feature scout 03/25/2020
(Gleaming Mad Wolf Musician) Koga Oogami Koga Feature Scout Feature scout 05/10/2020
(The Princely Princess I Aspire to Be) Tori Himemiya Tori Feature Scout Feature scout 06/10/2020
(Old Vagabond) Kuro Kiryu Vagabond Event scout 05/15/2020
(Lost Gretel) Hajime Shino Gingerbread House Event scout 05/30/2020
(Flustered AtoZ) Kaoru Hakaze SHUFFLE × √ of Love is AtoZ Unit event 04/15/2020
(Advancing Motor Show) Hiiro Amagi Intersecting/Motor Show Tour event 04/30/2020
(Adult's Night Out) Rinne Amagi Partake/Night Club Tour event 06/15/2020
(Succession Match) Rei Sakuma Learning from the Past/Succession Match Tour event 07/15/2020
(Beyond Our Destination, the World's Mysteries) Leo Tsukinaga Advancing to the Future/Next Door Tour event 08/15/2020
(Passion Burning Within the Idol) Yuzuru Fushimi Fight to the Death on the Silver Screen/Fist of the Shangri-la Idol! Tour event 09/30/2020
(Enduring an Irregular Time) Ibara Saegusa Variety and Tag/Bogie Time! Tour event 11/15/2020
(Paired Legend) Kohaku Oukawa Revealing Hidden Treasures/Antique Legend Tour event 01/31/2021
(Satellite's North Star) Hokuto Hidaka SS Arc/1st Stage Satellite Tour event 04/15/2021
(Submarine and Duty) Souma Kanzaki SS Arc/2nd Stage Submarine Tour event 05/31/2021
(Of Love, Duty and Secrets) Madara Mikejima SS Arc/3rd Stage Secret Service Tour event 06/30/2021

Support Skill: Drop Rate

In-game description: ステータスピース(x-y)のドロップ率をz倍にする (Increases the drop rate of status pieces (color - size) by Z multiplier.)
This skill increases the number of pieces of a specified color and size that drop after a successful song clear.
Some skills increase drop rate for all sizes of a specific color; others can increase drop rate for all colors of a specific size, and others can increase drop rate for all pieces of all colors.
Basically it's pretty arbitrary.
At Lv. 1, drop rate increases by 1.5x (150%), increasing by 0.1x (10%) per level. At Lv. 5, it increases by 0.2x (20%).
This is 1.7x (170%) at Lv. 3, and 2.0x (190%) at Lv. 5.

This support skill is useful for maxing your cards' Idol Roads.
If you're not chasing Full or Perfect Combos or grinding an event, these cards are what you should be sticking in your support team, especially during the post-event downtime.

Cards that increase Medium Piece drop rate can only be found on cards of 4☆ rarity or higher.
Cards that increase Large Piece drop rate are typically found on 5☆s and are generally the hardest to collect, so I'll list 4☆s that have these skills as well.
(Note: 4☆s have slightly weaker drop rate multipliers.)

If you're on a budget and looking for 3☆ or 4☆ cards with drop rate skills, here's a reference for the characters that show color and size:

By color:

青 - Blue
赤 - Red
黄 - Yellow

By size:

小 - Small
中 - Medium
大 - Large

In the description of a card, this would appear, for example, as (黄大), which would mean a card with a drop rate increase for large yellow pieces.

Drop Rate: Small Pieces - Blue

Drop Rate: Small Pieces - Red

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Green-Eyed Executioner) Madara Mikejima Fresh Faces! The Eye-Opening Dark Night's Passing Unit event 07/31/2020

Drop Rate: Small Pieces - Yellow

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(In Order to Become a King) Tsukasa Suou Tsukasa Feature Scout Feature scout 10/25/2020

Drop Rate: Medium Pieces - Blue

Drop Rate: Medium Pieces - Red

Drop Rate: Medium Pieces - Yellow

Drop Rate: Large Pieces - Blue

Drop Rate: Large Pieces - Red

Drop Rate: Large Pieces - Yellow

Drop Rate: All Sizes - Blue

Drop Rate: All Sizes - Red

Drop Rate: All Sizes - Yellow

Drop Rate: All Sizes - All Colors

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Moon Viewing and Memories) Adonis Otogari Tsukimigatari Event scout 09/14/2020
(Gloriously Blooming Spring) Subaru Akehoshi Spring Bed Event scout 03/14/2021

Support Skill: Voltage

In-game description: VOLTAGEの下降量がダウン (VOLTAGE decrease down.)
This skill decreases the Voltage loss (this is the bar on the top left of the screen during a song) after a BAD / MISS.
If the Voltage bar is not filled over the CLEAR threshold at the end of the song, the Live fails, and you won't receive any drops.

This Support skill is generally useful for Tour missions where you must control your score to end on an exact digit.
You can play well until the end, and then intentionally drop notes once you have the exact score digit you want.
Cards with this support skill would make it easier to drop more notes.

5☆ cards with this support skill:

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Cards) Hiiro Amagi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Heaven) Eichi Tenshouin Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of the Bees) Rinne Amagi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of the Demons) Rei Sakuma Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of the Rabbits) Tomoya Mashiro Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Those in Crimson) Keito Hasumi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Allegiance) Tsukasa Suou Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Leader of Festivals) Madara Mikejima Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Tranquil Prayer) Tatsumi Kazehaya Tatsumi Feature Scout Feature scout 04/10/2020
(Deceitful Commander) Ibara Saegusa Ibara Feature Scout Feature scout 04/25/2020
(Fairy of Morning Mist) Izumi Sena Izumi Feature Scout Feature scout 05/25/2020
(Mundane Specialty) Mao Isara Mao Feature Scout Feature scout 06/25/2020
(Cat and Knight) Ritsu Sakuma Meowsketeers Event scout 03/30/2020
(Positive AtoZ) Chiaki Morisawa √AtoZ Event scout 04/14/2020
(Hard-Working Honey Bee) Kohaku Oukawa Honey Bee Event scout 04/29/2020
(New Star's Stage) Subaru Akehoshi A New Star Cluster★Shining BIGBANG! Unit event 03/31/2020
(A Lively Spring Storm) Wataru Hibiki Spring Thunder✳︎Tempest of Glorious Song Unit event 05/15/2020
(The Sun's Shadow) Hiyori Tomoe Discord ◆ Internal Conquest Unit event 05/31/2020
(Motor Show of Justice) Tetora Nagumo Intersecting/Motor Show Tour event 04/30/2020
(Hesitation and Nightlife) Yuta Aoi Partake/Night Club Tour event 06/15/2020
(Challenge Match) Keito Hasumi Learning from the Past/Succession Match Tour event 07/15/2020
(Heading to Our Destination, the Path to Happiness) Tsumugi Aoba Advancing to the Future/Next Door Tour event 08/15/2020
(Shangri-la Experience) Makoto Yuuki Fight to the Death on the Silver Screen/Fist of the Shangri-la Idol! Tour event 09/30/2020
(Airheaded Struggle Time) Hajime Shino Variety and Tag/Bogie Time! Tour event 11/15/2020
(Fulfilled Legend) Mika Kagehira Revealing Hidden Treasures/Antique Legend Tour event 01/31/2021
(Satellite's Revolutionary Star) Tatsumi Kazehaya SS Arc/1st Stage Satellite Tour event 04/15/2021
(Submarine and God) Kanata Shinkai SS Arc/2nd Stage Submarine Tour event 05/31/2021
(Secrets and the Land of Zero) Nagisa Ran SS Arc/3rd Stage Secret Service Tour event 06/30/2021
(Challenge with Senpai) Hiiro Amagi Ensemble with Senpai Mission Promotional 03/15/2021

Support Skill: Combo Saver

In-game description: BAD / MISSをX回までGOOD / GREAT / PERFECTにする (Set BAD / MISS to GOOD / GREAT / PERFECT, X times.)
This skill converts notes which register as BAD / MISS into GOOD / GREAT / PERFECT.
At Lv. 1, it converts only BAD notes into GOOD.
At Lv. 2, it converts MISS notes as well.
At Lv. 3, BAD / MISS notes are instead converted to GREAT.
At Lv. 4, two notes are saved.
At Lv. 5, BAD / MISS notes are instead converted to PERFECT.
During a song, any note converted into GOOD / GREAT / PERFECT by this skill will also flash SUPPORT, indicating that this skill has triggered.
If you have two Combo Saver cards in your support team, their effects will stack, allowing you to save anywhere from two to four notes depending on each card's respective Support skill level.

This Support skill is generally useful for Full Combos.
While getting a Full Combo generally isn't hard on most songs, Tour missions can require you to get up to four Full Combos in a row, which occasionally needs your concentration (and your phone to not bug out and drop notes) for extended periods.
Do-overs will waste your BP and therefore your time, which is of the essence in events!
Full Combos also guarantee generally high scores, and score matters a fair bit in event point calculation.
One miss can set you back a lot in score if you start to lose focus while grinding.
Missed notes can add up to a deficit in points earned if this happens decently often, which might cost you a bit of extra diamonds.

5☆ cards with this support skill:

Support Skill: Perfect Saver

In-game description: GREAT • GOODをX回までPERFECTに (GREAT / GOOD -> PERFECT, X times.)
This skill converts notes which register as GOOD / GREAT into PERFECT.
At Lv. 1, it converts one note per song, increasing linearly -- so at Lv. 3, it saves three notes, and at Lv. 5, five notes.
During a song, any note converted into PERFECT by this skill will also flash SUPPORT, indicating that this skill has triggered.
On the results screen, converted notes will show the number of times this support skill triggered (which means that you'll still want a results screen without Support triggers to flex your rhythm game skills).
If you have a Combo Saver and a Perfect Saver in your support team, their effects will not stack. A BAD / MISS will be converted into a GREAT, but any notes that register as GOOD or GREAT normally will be converted into a PERFECT as usual.
If you have two Perfect Saver cards in your support team, their effects will stack, allowing you to save anywhere from two to ten notes depending on their combined Support Skill level.

This Support skill is generally useful for Perfect Combos, which reward you with 5 diamonds.
If you can get a Perfect Combo on all four difficulties of a song, that's 20 diamonds.
That means that every new song release will get you 10 + 8 + 20 + 20 = 58 diamonds if you can get the S+ score and clear it 10 times total (63 diamonds for clearing it 100 times).

Note that event songs will instead give you 50 diamonds total for a full clear (47 if you can't get a perfect combo of Expert), not including the 5 diamonds for 100+ plays.
Once they are added to the song list after the event has ended, the rewards reset, and they are worth an additional 58/63 diamonds as described above.

5☆ cards with this support skill:

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Hidden Feelings) HiMERU HiMERU Feature Scout Feature scout 08/10/2020
(Light Beaming from the Darkness) Shinobu Sengoku Shinobu Feature Scout Feature scout 09/10/2020
(Uncompromisable Outfit) Shu Itsuki Shu Feature Scout Feature scout 11/25/2020

Team Color Reference

This section lists 5☆ cards by their color and primary stat, one of Voice, Dance, or Performance.
The color of a card doesn't necessarily match their primary stat, which can be confusing if you're coming from Basic.
(That is, a Sparkle card's primary stat is not necessarily Dance.)

This part of the reference is to help you assemble a team that uses the same color and primary stat.
When fully assembled, these are the strongest generic full-color teams you can build.
For such teams, you will want a Center whose Center skill boosts the [primary stat] of [color] by 120%.
If you don't have a complete set of five, just use a Center which boosts all stats of [color] by 50% instead.

Some extra tips:
Generally speaking, 5☆ event scout cards from the first year of Music (up to the March 14th, 2021 scout, Spring Bed) are noticeably weaker than other cards, stat-wise.
There is one exception to this rule: 5☆s from "shuffle" event scouts, which have normal stats.
The promotional 5☆ Subaru is roughly equal to a gacha 5☆ that's been uncapped one or two times.
When deciding between cards in a situation where a unit bonus doesn't matter, these cards should be swapped out first.
The most "efficient" color + stat combinations are the ones where you can create a team that doesn't use these cards.
In addition, feature scout 5☆s can generally be expected to have very high stats relative to other 5☆s.

For a more complete glance of how strong specific cards are, see these tweets. They mostly follow the patterns I've described.

How to use this listing (a.k.a., Teambuilding 101)

Combine this with the Unit Color Reference below for best results.

For the most part, the omakase button (おまかせ), which automatically creates a team for you based on your search parameters, is now so good that it'll probably find the best team about 99.9% of the time -- just pick the attribute matching the song you're playing, and leave the second option as-is: it'll attempt to find the strongest possible team base power. But if you want to do some manual teambuilding / theorycrafting, this is more or less the logic behind how this all works.

Use your device's find function (Ctrl + F / ⌘ + F on desktop) to find the name of the song you're about to play.
Check which cards you have for that song that will get both the color and unit bonus.

  • Can you make a team focused around that card's color + primary stat combination?
    • For example, if you're playing Honeycomb Summer and have Niki's 5☆ card, do you have four other Brilliant cards whose primary stat is Pf?
      • YES: Use a Center skill that boosts the bonus unit(s)' primary stat by 120%, and those four cards.
      • NO: Use a Center skill that boosts all stats by 50%.

(Note: if you have multiple copies for several 5☆ cards, a Center skill that boosts all stats might end up stronger anyway, but if you don't have multiple copies, this is generally correct.)

BRIcon Brilliant




SPIcon Sparkle




FLIcon Flash




GLIcon Glitter




Unit Color Reference

This section is dedicated to listing 5☆ cards by their unit association.
It also lists songs associated with each unit by color, allowing you to see which songs it's possible to get the highest scores on.
Almost every song in the game has an associated color and unit, and to get the highest score on each song, it's best to include as many cards of the same color and unit in your team as possible.

If you're grinding for one copy of an event's 5☆ card and want to use diamonds efficiently, then high scores, not song length, is your biggest concern.
If you're grinding for multiple copies and/or really just want to show off how much of a unitP you are, spam Omoi no Kakera or Miwakugeki at 10BP or something, I guess.
For high score rankings in tour events, you'll want to find a setlist of songs that maximizes the bonus you can get with your teams.
(Usually, this means you're going to be looking for tour days with MaM songs in them.)

There are two ways to get bonus score on songs:

  • If a card's color matches the color of the song. This gives a 50% bonus to all of the card's stats. ("Prismatic" / "rainbow" songs such as Stars' Ensemble give 30% bonus to all cards.)
  • If a card is part of the listed characters for the song's "unit". This gives a bonus to all of the card's stats, varying depending on the size of the unit.
    • For example: A Tsumugi card on a Switch song (let's say Temptation Magic) will get 40% stat bonus, while a Shu card on a Valkyrie song (e.g., Last Lament) will get a 55% stat bonus.
    • Notably, this means that for songs with two-character units, an off-color card of the same rarity is equivalent to an on-color card without the unit bonus. Further, for a song with a one-character unit, an off-color card with the unit bonus is stronger than an on-color card without the unit bonus.

The stat bonus per card is described below.

Size of unit Bonus per card Maximum bonus for a full unit
5 30% 150%
4 35% 140%
3 40% 120%
2 55% 110%
1 100% 100%

Therefore, to get the maximum bonus on each song, you would need to have a complete team of the characters in the unit, matching the color of the song. Generally speaking, this means that completing 5-man units can potentially result in the highest scores in the game, at the cost of being extremely difficult to gather.
While it's much easier to obtain a high unit bonus on smaller units, the maximum possible score is obviously lower.
For songs with 4 or fewer members, the extra members don't really matter as long as they match the song's color.

If you can't be bothered to read through this whole section, the TL;DR goes something like this:
Generally speaking, if you can reach 100% or higher unit bonus on any unit + color combination, these songs will score the highest.
There's too many combinations that can reach 100% or higher now, and the list will eventually get longer.
At the moment, the highest-scoring song in the game is Sweet Sweet White Song.

How to use this listing (a.k.a., Teambuilding 101)

Combine this with the Team Color Reference above for best results.

For the most part, the omakase button (おまかせ), which automatically creates a team for you based on your search parameters, is now so good that it'll probably find the best team about 99.9% of the time -- just pick the attribute matching the song you're playing, and leave the second option as-is: it'll attempt to find the strongest possible team base power. But if you want to do some manual teambuilding / theorycrafting, this is more or less the logic behind how this all works.

Use your device's find function (Ctrl + F / ⌘ + F on desktop) to find the name of the song you're about to play.
Check which cards you have for that song that will get both the color and unit bonus.

  • Can you make a team focused around that card's color + primary stat combination?
    • For example, if you're playing Honeycomb Summer and have Niki's 5☆ card, do you have four other Brilliant cards whose primary stat is Pf?
      • YES: Use a Center skill that boosts the bonus unit(s)' primary stat by 120%, and those four cards.
      • NO: Use a Center skill that boosts all stats by 50%.

(Note: if you have multiple copies for several 5☆ cards, a Center skill that boosts all stats might end up stronger anyway, but if you don't have multiple copies, this is generally correct.)

SPIcon Star Maker Production


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 105%
The promotional 5☆ Subaru's stats are high enough that reaching this maximum bonus is generally stronger than other 105% bonuses.

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Glittering Stars) Hokuto Hidaka Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Mundane Specialty) Mao Isara Mao Feature Scout Feature scout 06/25/2020
(Sparkling Even More!) Subaru Akehoshi Sparkle ☆ Start Dash Mission Promotional 09/11/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(My One and Only Goal) Hokuto Hidaka Hokuto Feature Scout Feature scout 07/10/2020
(New Star's Stage) Subaru Akehoshi A New Star Cluster★Shining BIGBANG! Unit event 03/31/2020
(Heartfelt Bouquet) Mao Isara Ring.A.Bell Event scout 06/14/2021

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Nuit at 12 O'Clock) Makoto Yuuki XXVeil Event scout 11/29/2020
(Gloriously Blooming Spring) Subaru Akehoshi Spring Bed Event scout 03/14/2021
(Satellite's North Star) Hokuto Hidaka SS Arc/1st Stage Satellite Tour event 04/15/2021

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 35%

-- SONGS --


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 35%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Red-Flamed Judge) Yuzuru Fushimi Ushimairi (Part Two) Event scout 01/14/2021

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Heaven) Eichi Tenshouin Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Passion Burning Within the Idol) Yuzuru Fushimi Fight to the Death on the Silver Screen/Fist of the Shangri-la Idol! Tour event 09/30/2020

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 120%

-- SONGS --

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 60%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Positive AtoZ) Chiaki Morisawa √AtoZ Event scout 04/14/2020
(Survival and Guts) Tetora Nagumo Turn of the Century Wars Event scout 11/14/2020

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 90%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Justice) Chiaki Morisawa Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Allied Summer) Kanata Shinkai Summer Snow Event scout 08/14/2020
(Motor Show of Justice) Tetora Nagumo Intersecting/Motor Show Tour event 04/30/2020

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 60%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Light Beaming from the Darkness) Shinobu Sengoku Shinobu Feature Scout Feature scout 09/10/2020
(Fantasy Dollhouse) Midori Takamine Dollhouse Event scout 07/14/2020


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Coward's Dead End) Mayoi Ayase Dead End Land Event scout 07/30/2020
(Indigo Crystals) Aira Shiratori Branco Event scout 12/14/2020
(Advancing Motor Show) Hiiro Amagi Intersecting/Motor Show Tour event 04/30/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Cards) Hiiro Amagi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Tranquil Prayer) Tatsumi Kazehaya Tatsumi Feature Scout Feature scout 04/10/2020

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Challenge with Senpai) Hiiro Amagi Ensemble with Senpai Mission Promotional 03/15/2021
(Coward Hiding in the Corner) Mayoi Ayase Mayoi Feature Scout Feature scout 05/25/2021
(Blossoming Loveliness) Aira Shiratori Aira Feature Scout Feature scout 06/10/2021

CPIcon Cosmic Production

Eden / Eve / Adam

BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 105% (Eden) / 55% (Eve) / 110% (Adam)

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Deceitful Commander) Ibara Saegusa Ibara Feature Scout Feature scout 04/25/2020
(Dream of the Wasteland) Nagisa Ran Flowers of the Wasteland Event scout 08/30/2020
(The Sun's Shadow) Hiyori Tomoe Discord ◆ Internal Conquest Unit event 05/31/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 35% (Eden) / 55% (Eve) / 0% (Adam)

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Every Day is the Brightest Day) Hiyori Tomoe Hiyori Feature Scout Feature scout 02/10/2021

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 105% (Eden) / 55% (Eve) / 110% (Adam)

-- SONGS --

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 70% (Eden) / 55% (Eve) / 55% (Adam)

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Paradise) Nagisa Ran Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(The Path I Resist as I Walk Down It) Jun Sazanami Jun Feature Scout Feature scout 04/10/2021


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 55%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Hesitation and Nightlife) Yuta Aoi Partake/Night Club Tour event 06/15/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 110%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Connected Twin Peaks) Hinata Aoi Beyond! Resonating Twin Peaks Unit event 01/15/2021
(Individuality and Potential) Yuta Aoi Yuta Feature Scout Feature scout 02/25/2021

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 55%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Twin Planets) Hinata Aoi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 55%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Unsweet Sweets) Hinata Aoi Sweets Box Event scout 10/30/2020


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 55%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Arts) Shu Itsuki Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 55%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Uncompromisable Outfit) Shu Itsuki Shu Feature Scout Feature scout 11/25/2020

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 55%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Fulfilled Legend) Mika Kagehira Revealing Hidden Treasures/Antique Legend Tour event 01/31/2021

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 110%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Ruler of the Dark) Mika Kagehira Mika Feature Scout Feature scout 03/25/2020
(Eternal Art) Shu Itsuki Descent! The Neverland We Begin to Spin Unit event 08/31/2020


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Bees) Rinne Amagi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Hard-Working Honey Bee) Kohaku Oukawa Honey Bee Event scout 04/29/2020
(Sweets Hunter) Niki Shiina Sweet Hunt Event scout 02/14/2021

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(An Outsider's Value) Rinne Amagi Rinne Feature Scout Feature scout 12/20/2020
(Binding Ariadne) HiMERU Assault! The Labyrinth Bound by Ariadne's Thread Unit event 05/15/2021

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 35%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Adult's Night Out) Rinne Amagi Partake/Night Club Tour event 06/15/2020


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Moon Viewing and Memories) Adonis Otogari Tsukimigatari Event scout 09/14/2020
(Succession Match) Rei Sakuma Learning from the Past/Succession Match Tour event 07/15/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Demons) Rei Sakuma Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Gleaming Mad Wolf Musician) Koga Oogami Koga Feature Scout Feature scout 05/10/2020

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Corundum.K) Kaoru Hakaze Fake Phantom Thieves Event scout 02/27/2021
(Wolf Rock 'n Roll) Koga Oogami Howl! Nightless City That Burns the Soul Unit event 10/31/2020

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 35%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of the Rabbits) Tomoya Mashiro Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 70%

-- SONGS --

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Lost Gretel) Hajime Shino Gingerbread House Event scout 05/30/2020
(Desperate Blow) Tomoya Mashiro RELOADED Event scout 03/30/2021
(Guiding the Path to the Future) Nazuna Nito Nazuna Feature Scout Feature scout 01/25/2021

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 105%

-- SONGS --


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Those in Crimson) Keito Hasumi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Old Vagabond) Kuro Kiryu Vagabond Event scout 05/15/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Green and Black Gatekeeper) Keito Hasumi Ushimairi (Part One) Event scout 12/30/2020
(Submarine and Duty) Souma Kanzaki SS Arc/2nd Stage Submarine Tour event 05/31/2021

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 40%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Uncertain Step) Kuro Kiryu One Battle! The Pride-Showing Unification by Force Unit event 02/15/2021

NDIcon New Dimension


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Liar Game) Natsume Sakasaki Werewolf Event scout 09/29/2020
(Painting Blooming Flowers) Tsumugi Aoba Burning Azaleas Event scout 05/30/2021

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Magic) Natsume Sakasaki Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Wings of Magic) Tsumugi Aoba Tsumugi Feature Scout Feature scout 12/25/2020

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 80%

-- SONGS --


BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 60%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Cat and Knight) Ritsu Sakuma Meowsketeers Event scout 03/30/2020
(Matin at 6 O'Clock) Izumi Sena SHUFFLE × The Veil of Darkness and the Butlers Unit event 11/30/2020

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 60%

-- SONGS --

SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 120%

-- SONGS --

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 60%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Allegiance) Tsukasa Suou Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Student of Glimmering, Dappled Sunlight) Arashi Narukami Pretty 5 Event scout 04/29/2021
(Fairy of Morning Mist) Izumi Sena Izumi Feature Scout Feature scout 05/25/2020

Double Face / MaM

BRIcon Brilliant

Current maximum bonus: 110% (Double Face) / 100% (MaM)

-- SONGS --

FLIcon Flash

Current maximum bonus: 110%

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Hard-Working Honey Bee) Kohaku Oukawa Honey Bee Event scout 04/29/2020
(Place of Thundrous Festivities) Madara Mikejima Madara Feature Scout Feature scout 03/10/2021
SPIcon Sparkle

Current maximum bonus: 55% (Double Face) / 100% (MaM)

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Green-Eyed Executioner) Madara Mikejima Fresh Faces! The Eye-Opening Dark Night's Passing Unit event 07/31/2020

GLIcon Glitter

Current maximum bonus: 55% (Double Face) / 100% (MaM)

-- SONGS --

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Festivals) Madara Mikejima Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020

Shuffle units

A section dedicated to songs with unique unit sets, mostly shuffles.
Getting a high score on these songs only really matters for tour events, as their associated events (and high score rankings) have already passed.
Or they weren't event songs in the first place.

Note: It's quite unlikely that songs with Jin and Akiomi as members will ever have a complete 5☆ unit set.
Avoid tour days which feature their songs in the sets when you're aiming for the high score ranking or want to maximize your score bonus.

SPIcon あんさんぶる体操!! (Ensemble Taishou!!)

Unit members: Kohaku, Akiomi, Jin, Jun
Current maximum bonus: 35%

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Striped Hyena's Hunt) Jun Sazanami Beast Survival Event scout 06/29/2020

GLIcon √AtoZ (デートプランA to Z)

Unit members: Natsume, Chiaki, Kaoru, Mitsuru, Niki
Current maximum bonus: 60%

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Delivered at the Speed of Light) Mitsuru Tenma Mitsuru Feature Scout Feature scout 07/25/2020
(Flustered AtoZ) Kaoru Hakaze SHUFFLE × √ of Love is AtoZ Unit event 04/15/2020

BRIcon XXVeil (Midnight Butlers)

Unit members: Nazuna, Makoto, Izumi, Souma, HiMERU
Current maximum bonus: 60%

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Hidden Feelings) HiMERU HiMERU Feature Scout Feature scout 08/10/2020
(Matin at 6 O'Clock) Izumi Sena SHUFFLE × The Veil of Darkness and the Butlers Unit event 11/30/2020

GLIcon Branco (Sweet Sweet White Song)

Unit members: Sora, Aira, Tori, Hajime
Current maximum bonus: 140%

キセキ (Kiseki)

Unit members: Trickstar or Eden
Current maximum bonus: 105%

You can toggle the "original members" of the song to switch which characters can obtain the unit bonus.
You can't receive the unit bonus for Trickstar and Eden members at the same time.

BRIcon Brilliant
Current maximum bonus: 105%

FLIcon Flash
Current maximum bonus: 105%

SPIcon Sparkle
Current maximum bonus: 105%

GLIcon Glitter
Current maximum bonus: 70%

SPIcon エンドレスヴィーデ (Endless Vide)

Unit members: Rei, Tsukasa, Hokuto, Rinne, Shu
Current maximum bonus: 90%

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(An Outsider's Value) Rinne Amagi Rinne Feature Scout Feature scout 12/20/2020
(Rookie Skater) Tsukasa Suou Budding Spring→Ride ON! Event scout 05/14/2021
(Satellite's North Star) Hokuto Hidaka SS Arc/1st Stage Satellite Tour event 04/15/2021

BRIcon Ring.A.Bell (Aisle, be with you)

Unit members: Keito, Mao, Midori, Leo, Eichi
Current maximum bonus: 90%

Card name Obtained from Type Release date
(Leader of Those in Crimson) Keito Hasumi Tutorial / Scouting Initial 03/16/2020
(Mundane Specialty) Mao Isara Mao Feature Scout Feature scout 06/25/2020
(Hopeful Bouquet) Midori Takamine SHUFFLE × The Ring That Sounds the Bells Unit event 06/15/2021
Pub: 22 Dec 2020 16:22 UTC
Edit: 30 Dec 2021 23:05 UTC
Views: 11323