An after-rain with a rainbow - Episode 3

"Then, are you saying you'd rather have something else?"

Author: Kanata Haruka

Characters: Souma, Izumi, Shu, Aira

Season: Winter

(The evening of the next day. At a tea store in the shopping district.)

Shu: —This is amazing. It has lots of flavor and sweetness to it. The flavor depth is also unique from other teas on the market.

Izumi: Yeah, not bad. It has a nice aftertaste and no unpleasant bitterness. It's really easy to drink for me.

Souma: Following a long “ressun”, the strong aroma and flavor of tea seem to pervade my tired body.

Shu: …Hm. Kanzaki, is this tea different from the one you brewed me yesterday?

Souma: Mhm. I asked the owner if their best tea leaves were that he could give, and this is what I was given.

Because the tea is of greater quality than our usual tea leaves, it should be more flavorful than the tea we serve.

Izumi: Hmm. They’re very generous to allow us to sample such a fine product.

Souma: When I told him about Itsuki-dono and you, he said go ahead. He told me that it was a "sa~visu" to me, a regular customer, and a sales pitch to you.

Izumi: Really shows how successful they are in business, right?I’ll make sure to be a regular customer in the future.

Souma: Umu. I will be bringing these tea leaves with me to the next Kaori activity.

How about Itsuki-dono? I would be hesitant to buy this tea for regular drinking at this price, but it would make a great souvenir.

Shu: …Hm. Well, yes, although I've brought tea souvenirs a few times before…

Izumi: Then, are you saying you'd rather have something else?

Shu: No, this will do.

It's different from the ones I’ve brought before, and I'm sure they’ll be more pleased with a tea chosen by someone who knows a lot about tea than with one chosen by me.

My only concern is whether I will be able to bring out the flavor of this tea.

Aside from black tea, I can't deny that I'm still learning how to brew Japanese tea. Brewing tea poorly is a disservice to your friends and to this magnificent tea leaf as well.

Souma: Then I'll show you how to make it. I am who recommended this tea leaf, so it's also my responsibility to teach you how to prepare it deliciously.

Shu: Thank you for your help, Kanzaki. Then I will buy these tea leaves.

Izumi: It's a relief that we've solved the souvenir problem with Shu, but what now?

I have work tomorrow morning, so I need to get back home promptly.

Shu: I agree. I wish to at least show my thanks to Kanzaki, but I don't want to waste my time on unnecessary things either.

Souma: Then let us return to Seisoukan. There is no need to thank me. I cannot bear to deprive you two of your precious time in Japan.

Izumi: You are a good listener, aren't you? I guess that means Hasumi has discipline you well.

Hmm? Over there, isn’t that....?

Aira: …Oh, I'm totally late. If they don't sell it at this convenience store, I'll be out of ideas. What do I do…

Izumi: You there, why are you looking so depressed in a place like this?

Aira: Eh? Wah?! S-sena-senpai?! Itsuki-senpai and Kanzaki-senpai too?!

Izumi: Can you please not make strange noises all of a sudden? Don’t you think about causing trouble to those around you?

Aira: I-I'm sorry! I was too taken aback to see the three of you standing right in front of me.

Izumi: If you're sorry, well, that's okay. It would be understandable if you were surprised to see someone as beautiful as me standing right in front of you.

Aira: Yes! Your face was so beautiful that I thought I would go blind!

Izumi: Yes yes♪ That’s nice for me to hear. So, what are you doing here?

Aira: Ah~ Um. I'm sorry to return your question with a question, but has Sena-senpai seen any pastel-colored cookie tins around here?

Souma: A “ku~ki” tin that’s “pastel-colored/pasuteeru-kara~”? No, unfortunately, we’ve only dropped in at a tea store, so we haven’t.

Aira: I see... Sorry for the weird question.

Izumi: Why were you looking for something like that? Is it something important?

Aira: Actually, convenience stores are now selling limited edition collaboration cookie tins in the colors of my favorite idol.

But it seems that it was so popular that resellers took notice of it right away.

I ran around to the convenience stores around Saison Avenue looking for them, but they were all sold out…

Shu: What a despicable thing reselling is! Those stupid money-grubbers are often causing problems in the world of art!

The people who truly understand value should not have to pay the price for the sake of money-grubbing snobs!

Aira: That's right! It's really annoying that people who have no love for idols are buying them all up!

I’m still not ready to give up, so I came to this shopping district to look for it, hoping for a glimmer of hope…

But when I wondered what I would do if they were sold out here as well, I became depressed. That’s when Sena-senpai approached me.

Izumi: Hmm, I see... So that's why you were so gloomy.

Well, if that's the case, why don't we split up and help you find it? We were just about to leave, and we don't like the idea of giving in to resellers, don’t we?

Souma: Umu. Let's defeat those insolent with our own hands!

Aira: No no no! You don't have to go that far, and my seniors must be busy too!

I'm sorry to involve you in my otaku hobbies! Well then, excuse me for taking time out of your busy schedule!

Izumi: Ah, hey!

Souma: …He's gone. Umu, I could have helped Shiratori with my situation different from those of you two.

Shu: It's only natural that Shiratori would refuse, with your hand always ready to draw your sword…

And Shiratori has a point. Sena and I will not be here long. We have a lot of work to do here in this short period of time.

I believe Sena also mentioned that he has work tomorrow morning. Wouldn’t it be better to get some early rest to prepare for tomorrow?

Izumi: …Hmph. I know that without you needing to tell me.

Souma: Hmm. Would it be too much to be persistent? If so, then I’ll stay put… Hm?

It seems that both of us should wait a little longer before returning home. Evening showers are falling.

Izumi: Haa? The timing is so bad! This is so~ annoying!

Souma: Waiting until it stops is one option. If it is an evening shower, it may stop shortly.

Shu: However, we don't know how long it may rain. In that case, I think it would be faster to buy an umbrella and go home.

Izumi: An umbrella... Then why don't we help Shiratori a little, after all?

Shu: Oh, I'm surprised to hear that coming from you.

Izumi: You buy umbrellas at convenience stores, don’t you? If that's the case, then he and I have the same target location. I just thought we might as well help him look for it.

Souma: It's like you're looking for an excuse to help Shiratori. Sena-dono is a kind person.

Izumi: Don't make me sound like a good-natured person. It's just that I owe Shiratori a little something.

Souma: You owe him? What on earth could it be for…

Izumi: It really is something small. Well, it's none of your business, but it feels bad not to pay it back, doesn't it?

Anyway, whether we help Shiratori or not, we need to buy umbrellas, so let's get moving.

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Translated by: @art_herolic
Proofread by: @mika_enstars

Pub: 30 Oct 2023 03:14 UTC
Edit: 30 Oct 2023 13:33 UTC
Views: 693