An after-rain with a rainbow - Episode 4

"Haa? You mean I went out of my way to make sure you were okay, and now you’re telling me it’s none of my business?"

Author: Kanata Haruka

Characters: Souma, Izumi, Shu, Aira

Season: Winter

Aira: —As I thought, it’s sold out at this place, too. Of course, this is a home of idols. No wonder fans and resellers have their eyes on it…

This is the only convenience store in the shopping district. Uu, maybe I should just give up now…

Izumi: That gloomy expression on your face. I guess you didn't find what you were looking for after all, did you?

Aira: Eh?! Why's Sena-senpai here? Was I somehow being rude…?

Izumi: Hmph, you've got some guts to turn down a senior's offer to help you. Do you still don't get it?

Aira: I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!

I just felt bad to be taking up all of you guys’ time, you know?

Izumi: Haa? You mean I went out of my way to make sure you were okay, and now you’re telling me it’s none of my business?

Aira: N-no... I didn't mean it that way!?

(Oh, but Sena-senpai's too beautiful face is so close to me! He's so angry, but I feel so satisfied somehow...)

Izumi: Hey, are you listening to me?

You have a strange expression on your face, but if you're an idol, you should have a sharper expression. You never know who may be watching.

Aira: Y-yes, please excuse my behavior. B-but, um… is it really alright with you?

Shu: Shiratori, there's no need to feel bad. We would have abandoned you without a second thought if it hadn't been raining.

Izumi: Hey, you don't have to go out of your way to say that. Can't you choose your words more carefully?

Aira: (Huh, how can Sena-senpai say that?)

Izumi: …What is that gaze? Is there anything you want to say to me?

Aira: N-no, Nothing! I mean, Itsuki-senpai said earlier that it was raining.

Souma: Mhm. Actually, we got caught in an evening shower. We had to go to a "convenience store" to buy umbrellas.

Aira: Ah, that's true. It did look like it was going to rain, wasn't it?

Izumi: Right. So there's no need for you to feel bad. It doesn’t look like the rain will be going away anytime soon, and all we’re doing is lending a hand while buying an umbrella.

Aira: Thank you very much. But really, I'm fine.

Izumi: …You’re not holding back, are you?

Aira: Yes. The collaboration cookie tin I'm looking for is sold at the convenience store. It's the only convenience store here in the shopping district.

If we look elsewhere, we'll end up getting wet in the rain…

Souma: Mhm. Are those "collab korabo kukki" tins really sold out? Maybe Shiratori just missed some?

Izumi: It's possible. We don't even know what those cookie tins look like, so is there any way we can figure out what they look like?

Aira: Ah, wait a minute. I’ll look up the product page on your phone... Ah, here!

Souma: Oh, what a very unusual can. With such bright colors and distinctive shape, I think it would be difficult to miss…

Shu: Wait a minute! Can you show me more of that product?

Izumi: What's up with you all of a sudden? Have you seen it somewhere?

Shu: It's not like that. But this color, and this shape…

Mhm! This is exactly what I was looking for!

Izumi: …Haa? No, what are you talking about all of a sudden?

Shu: It's nothing urgent. You already know why I'm here, don't you?

Truth is, I've been looking for sweets featuring Japanese "kawaii culture" for a long time!

Souma: Is this "kawaii culture"? When and what kind of culture is it from?

Aira: No, it's a modern culture, Kanzaki-senpai! I didn't expect Itsuki-senpai would care about it, though.

I thought pop culture wouldn’t be on his radar since his style is of true art!

Izumi: Well, if you consider Mademoiselle, it’s not too unbelievable, is it?

Shu: Non! I don't want her to be treated on the same level as that. Although I don't intend to treat the "kawaii culture" as a vulgar thing either.

Japanese "kawaii culture" has been attracting a lot of attention overseas recently. It is also quite popular in France.

I was looking for it as a possible souvenir to bring back to France, but I couldn't find anything that really stuck with me…

But this cookie tin looks just right. Something like this would be suitable as a return gift for the macarons that a friend gave me before.

Aira: Um, does that mean that Itsuki-senpai also wants one too?

Izumi: That seems to be the case. But have you forgotten that the problem now is that it's sold out?

Souma: Hmmm. I went into the "convenience store" just now to look for the tins, but I couldn’t find the tins that Shiratori had showed us.

Izumi: See, even Kanzaki also said it. If you can get what you want by saying you want it, no one will have to go through any trouble!

Shu: Hm, Shiratori said earlier that he searched the area around Saison Avenue. If so, he must have searched the convenience stores along the way to the shopping district as well.

Then… Have you looked around Time Street?

Aira: Oh! Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve checked that place yet.

Shu: Then, let’s head there first. There is no shortage of convenience stores in the "Town of the Night," as it is also called.

Aira: Y-yes! Thank you so much!

Izumi: Wait a minute! Are you guys going to run to Time Street without an umbrella?

Shu: Oops, that reminds me, it is raining. I was so engrossed in contemplation that I almost forgot.

Souma: Don't worry. I had just bought umbrellas for the four of us. Here, if you are in a hurry, you may use them right away.

Aira: Ahh, are you sure, Kanzaki-senpai!? Thank you!

Izumi: You bought them when you were looking for the tins at the convenience store earlier, huh? You're so thoughtful, Kanzaki.

Souma: I simply checked for them as I was buying some umbrellas. I was only following Sena-dono's words ♪

Izumi: Don't forget to charge everyone for the umbrellas later.

Well then, let's hurry up and get to Time Street. I’ll be pissed if we go through all this trouble and still don’t get it.

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Translated by: @art_herolic
Proofread by: @mika_enstars

Pub: 30 Oct 2023 13:32 UTC
Edit: 30 Oct 2023 13:40 UTC
Views: 639