Basic DNI criteria + proshippers. (racists: people who harass other people over their skin color/race/ethnicity. lolicons/shotacons: fictional pedophilia is still pedophilia. Also I shouldn't have to fucking explain why I don't want to look at incest shipkids.)

People who purposely seek out and touch/harass those with DNI/DNT/TD/TT in their name, especially in groups. I don't care if you don't believe it's real. You're disgusting for going out of your way to make people uncomfortable.

Fakeclaimers of illnesses or discomforts, we don't owe internet strangers our diagnoses and will not be giving them to you.

My gf's ex and ex-friends /dir

People who try to get me and my gf to break up 💀 You clearly don't know us at all if you think you can do that, we're literally laughing at how stupid you are.

Anyone who I have fully blocked so you can't see me, you're blocked for a fucking reason don't ask me to unhide you through your friends.

Whoever the fuck that was who commented on my friend's retrospring trying to imply I was a pedophile for having teenage friends. So what if I have teen friends? Three of my younger siblings are teens. Am I a pedophile for having siblings younger than me? Do you even hear yourself? Have I done anything remotely creepy to any of my friends? I literally warned them when I met them about the dangers of interacting with adults online. Are you fucking insane? I told one of my teen friends what you said/implied and they laughed about it bc you're delusional 💀

That one scara person with the "little puppet on a string" name and "kazuha's brat" social who tried to force their "scara is trans ftm" headcanon on someone (he's a puppet, he has no genitals) and also said kaeya and sucrose fucked??? Like wtf is wrong with you get the hell off of ponytown.

Those faceless skins. That looks like blackface and not true faceless and I'm tired of looking at it.

If you've made your entire online personality bullying people who strictly follow canon and bully anyone who doesn't like/rejects your headcanon, get off the internet and touch grass. Do not speak to me.

People who erase full asian rep to impose fully black rep. You're still a fucking racist if you do this.
Xingqiu is not black and never will be. You guys have so many Sumeru and Natlan characters where it would actually make sense to darken their skin tone. Leave alone the ones it makes ZERO SENSE FOR.

Black venti skins. This is just a personal discomfort of both me and my venti introject and is in no way to be taken personally. Venti is a heavy comfort of mine and I just think you don't understand his devotion to carrying on his dead friend's legacy if you change his appearance to no longer look like his friend. Greennames who do this can still interact with me as long as they don't bring out a skin like that. Introjects are exempt from this as they cannot control what they look like.

That one "Diluc IRL" and their friend who made fun of me and my gf for having matching names. They also sent death threats to my friend over a legal ship.

Reality checkers without permission. We're aware we're not our source, thanks.

Anti recovery ppl

Rape jokes, especially when made about headmates' sources

Dottore kins. Why do you kin a child abuser lol

That one "Dottore IRL" named Gui who misgendered someone on purpose and laughed about it, whitewashed kaeya and called it a skin style, claimed to have killed someone and boasted about it, and is friends with a zhongxiao shipper. You're gross and I don't want to ever speak to you or your proshipper friend.

That "Wrio IRL" "Ei IRL" "Childe IRL" valxmar/hearthfireash/motheringveil fucker who's suddenly a system now who falsely accused my sibling biccy of saying some shit just bc they don't want wrio skins to int with them and asked you to leave them alone? What the fuck is wrong with you that you're personally offended by biccy's boundaries? Why would you seek out biccy and try to force them to int with you when you have wrio dislikers in your DNI? Creep.
This person also heavily mischaracterizes Zhongli (believes the Childe mora jokes are canon like a complete idiot) in order to be "uncomfortable" with him, purposely tries to upset/piss off people who like/kin/find comfort in scara, targetted my friend Toaster with a really gross manipulative whisper mentioning biccy, and refuses to take responsibility for literally stalking biccy and hides behind their alters saying the one who spreaded rumors about biccy is "no longer there". Ok buddy.

Anyone who interacts because the character their skin is of is shipped with someone I'm in the skin of. I'm not comfortable with ships + I'm taken. Do not ship yourself with me. Do not ship yourself with my skins, especially those of my introjects. You're gross and creepy.

Ponytown tiktokers and any of their followers. I don't care if you're "famous" and I don't want to be in your video. Most ponytown tiktokers teach their followers it's okay to harass anyone on ponytown even if the person clearly does not want to be bothered, so fuck all of you. If you refuse to become better people go drown in a lake.

Skin stealers/copiers. Be original you braindead little shits. Some details of my skins are very important to me because they took a lot of work to make unique or look nice to me. (Fun fact I literally showed a little brat ALL the details of a skin and his version of my skin still ended up ugly as hell because skin copiers literally have no talent of their own)

A particular Lumine who harasses every Scara skin she sees and has even tried to use sex jokes on them
I'm extremely sensitized to her existence to the point someone who looked like her made me uncomfy.

People who unironically, constantly call genshin women "mommies." You make me uncomfortable. I was chased by a couple of creeps when in my yelan skin. I can't even sit as my main without being sexually harassed by you people.
Fetishizers of young looking/small adult characters. In addition to this, people who unironically use the word twink or femboy for shorter male characters. It makes me extremely uncomfortable. kys.

Boothill sexualizers. I genuinely hope you kys.

TGCF/Heaven's Official Blessing fandom. Friends are the only exception but I'd rather them not talk about it around me.

Fans of adult humor shows and people who constantly use slurs or are extremely vulgar nonstop (e.g. people who use things like the n-word, cunt, fag, etc. constantly in every sentence. I don't care if y'all can reclaim it you make me uncomfy as hell)
Fans of Happy Tree Friends /dir at my gf's abuser

People who "joke" about proships, in any fandom, and continue when asked to stop.

People who mindlessly hate or attack someone for a "problematic" fandom or media they enjoy that was created by someone problematic. You do realize there are unproblematic fans and casual enjoyers right? I could care less what someone did unless they're actively physically harming or sexually harassing real people especially children.

Extremely sensitive political topics like war. If you make your entire fucking personality about supporting one side of an overseas war (and shame and cancel anyone who doesn't also do that) don't speak to me or you're getting muted/blocked. I'm apathetic toward the suffering of anyone I don't already care about because no one cares about my suffering and I'm already dealing with a lot of shit trying to just stay alive in my own situation. It's because of you fucks that I'm suffering from compassion fatigue. I have a life outside of the internet and some overseas war. Stop trying to force me to pick a side. I hate BOTH SIDES now because of the active insurmountable relentless peer pressure of half the fucking internet. Anyone who harms innocents should go to hell and that's my full opinion on the matter. You're not getting anything else. FUCK OFF.

Ship DNIs (besides the obvious ones)


ANY abused x abuser ships. (IMMEDIATE DNI) Any parent figure x child figure ships. (IMMEDIATE DNI NO EXCEPTIONS.) Any mentor x their ward/apprentice/student ships Any incest or sibling figure x sibling figure ships. (IMMEDIATE DNI) Any traumatized x traumatizer ships. (YUCK) Toxic ships in general (e.g. two characters who canonically argue and/or one hates the other etc.) Xingyun (DNI. Chongyun skins stay the hell away from me. I'm TAKEN.) Kazuscara (DNI. uncomfortable experiences + most of the fandom brainlessly ships it and it makes us very uncomfortable. scara is taken by my gf you annoying little fucks.) Dottoscara (Do I even have to explain how gross and problematic this is? Dottore killed and lied about Niwa then experimented on Scara in extremely painful ways. There's no "shippy dynamic" there. You're just sexualizing abuse. NEVER int with me. You're DISGUSTING. KYS /SRS) Dottolei (Sexualizing abuse, as seen above, but adding pedophilia to the mix, lovely. Anyone who ships this needs their pc checked for csem, like seriously.) Zhongxiao (Gross. Very uncomfortable.) Kaeluc (That's incest and a proship. You freaks make our Diluc headmate extremely uncomfortable and I hope you kill yourselves./srs) Scaralumi (DNI. see above for reason) Scarafuri (they've never met. Also there's some weirdo I saw who makes me uncomfy enough that I can't be in any of my scara skins around them. The only time I'd be comfortable sitting with a furina as scara is my gf.) Arlefuri (sexualizing trauma. "Toxic yuri" shut the fuck up. You're disgusting.) Renheng (Dan Heng is NOT Dan Feng and is scared of Blade/has nightmares about being attacked by him. This ship is toxic and disgusting and sexualizes fear and trauma. Also renfeng is not canonically married so you have no excuse to force renheng on people who dislike it. Anyone who acts like it's canon DNI with me at all.) Wrio x Lyney. (what the fuck 💀) Aventurine x Sunday (Sunday quite literally tortured him and put a timer on his fucking life 💀) Sunday x Gallagher (Gallagher killed Sunday's sister and then him. Extremely toxic. Same as the two above.)

I have very few Genshin/HSR ships that don't make me uncomfortable. Maybe I'll make a list.



Pub: 10 Jun 2023 21:50 UTC
Edit: 18 Sep 2024 03:34 UTC
Views: 2007