abyssal collective
aka sydneyshi mun admin +
15 ('07) eng/deu/fra acespec tmascneufem ambiam
hcdid ocd adhdtism & unlisted
dni byi boundaries int ccat

do not interact
( italics = current moots okay )
(1) if skully has you blocked / inverse
or you have ANY problems with him
(2) named venn, hal, jennifer, or aidyn
associate with a venn &/or our ex at all.
(3) are / support mspec lesbians / gays
or are / support endo / demo systems
(4) think introjects can be doubles ( they cant )
prioritize delusions over introjects ( block us. )
(5) refuse to tag things if we ask you to do so
or mock uncommon triggers for any reason
(6) defend alex kralie ( personal reasons. /srs )
(7) dream / dsmp supporters or adjacent
ask to follow in dms
(1) anyone named vlad or john
(2) talk about arcane / league of legends at all
(3) singlets, mcyt fans, neurotypicals, cishets

Pub: 22 Apr 2023 20:18 UTC
Edit: 03 May 2023 23:08 UTC
Views: 219