Palestine, Ceasefire till its free!

free palestine

Last update 1/20/2025

Hello! i would like to as everyone to please scroll to the bottom to read notes from me.


Save this Palestinian & Their family.

Help Majeda and her family to leave Gaza.
They say,
"Hi, My name is Majeda Abed. I am 46 years old. I have four children and four grandchildren. My children are Sally, 31 years old, Lubna, 27 years old, Wissam, 25 years old, and Walid, 22 years old. My husband is ill and suffers from a chest condition, and I am the sole breadwinner for my family. My eldest daughter, Sally, is separated and has two children, Rakan, 7 years old, and Ryan, 2 years old."

She is responsible for all aspects of their care and has no source of income. My younger daughter has two children, Sami, 2 years old, and Mohammed, 9 months old. Her house was completely destroyed in the war, and her husband is unemployed. She has no source of income. My youngest son, Walid, is a war casualty and I am unable to provide him with any kind of medical treatment. Please help me and my family to escape the war through the Rafah border crossing, it costs now around 5000 to 7000 dollars for each person and as a family of 11 persons, the amount of money we have to pay just to get to Egypt seems impossible to afford.
I have sought your help as our situation has worsened, and we are no longer able to endure it.
The rest of the money will be for medical treatment for me and my husband, housing, food & etc. for a period of time in Egypt
If you do not act quickly to help us, one of us might face death. Please help me and my family as soon as possible.

History of Palestine


PDM Watchlist

These works are great introductions to understanding Palestine! please remember, if you avoid to even try, your silence kills.

Palestine 101

Created by Palestine Diasporamovement, "We’ve created a simple crash course that covers all the information you need to know about Palestine. Our mission with this crash course series is to unapologetically educate the world about the oppressive reality faced by Palestinians stemming from the genocidal Zionist enterprise and its ongoing settler colonialism. Through an unfiltered lens, we aim to shed light on the erasure of Palestinian culture, the theft and appropriation of our heritage, and the horrific massacres in Gaza. By amplifying our voices as diaspora, we strive to preserve Palestinian history, counteract Zionist propaganda, and promote global support for the decolonization of Palestine. Our ultimate goal is not just to share the truth but to pave the path for Palestinians to return home to a decolonized, liberated homeland."

History From Wikipedia

During World War I, Britain supported the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine, later occupying and partitioning it from the Ottoman Empire, and setting up Mandatory Palestine [20][21]. During the mandate period, mass Jewish immigration allowed by the British authorities led to increased tensions and violence with the local Palestinian Arab population[20]. By 1947, Britain handed the issue to the United Nations, which proposed a partition plan, for two independent Arab and Jewish states and an independent Jerusalem entity. Immediately after the General Assembly adopted the resolution, a civil war broke out, and the plan was not implemented.


Images From Past Palestine

Palestinian News Paper from 1936 * فلسطين
A 1936 edition of Falastin, a major Palestinian newspaper.

Palestinian University from 1924, Bizeit University / جامعة بيرزيت

Natives of Gaza. Unknown date; presumably 1920s

Church of Holy Sepulcher Festival 1890

Things Israel Did, and/or Common Arguments.

"(Homophobic/any general insult) Palestinians Would Murder Us / Harm Us!"

  • Palestinians are not inherently homophobic. There are in fact Queer Palestinians, here are a few stories. Under this.
  • Palestinians are usually closeted due to the use of Pegasus Spyware, 'Pegasus', a spyware application made by Israel that makes Palestinians install on their phone and spy and watch to find out if they are queer, if per se you are, you must either become an informant or your family will know. "kill the Palestinians they are homophobic!" makes it funny when you see Israel exploiting them. Israel also sells 'Pegasus' to Mexico, preventing journalists talk about the drug trade. source
  • You cannot stereotype a whole culture. Palestinians are extremely diverse, especially nowadays with refugees in other countries, stating this is VERY uneducated. No characteristic can be set on them. Palestinians are human, just like you and me, what makes them any different?
    my wording may be flawed!! I apologize for this, contact me if anything is wrong. please read the passage below, it also contains very important content

"Not all Palestinians (or Arabic people) are a part of the stereotyped violent, extremist, homophobic, misogynistic Islam that is spread by many occidentalist medias. This is absolutely not a representation of Muslim people. Muslims exist among Palestinians. Just people deserving of respect, who love Allah, and want to live with their faith in peace. And many are Christians, Jews, Druze, Samaritans, as well as agnostic and atheists. Palestine is diverse, it is populated with women, men, and people just like you and me. You can't call a whole population "Muslims" "terrorists" "homophobic" "misogynistic" and just take the liberty of destroying their country and killing every human in this specific territory. Muslim Palestinians are humans, and they have the right to live as much as we all do. You can disagree with a religion or a culture. But Muslim or not, no population is more deserving to be exterminated and stealed from." -- taken from an anonymous person from Retrospring

"my Palestinian brother found out I was gay and told his twin brother and surprisingly they were accepted and one of them was bisexual. also Free Palestine and do NOT forget that Israel is a colonial state that also persecutes queer Palestinians as well as every Palestinian. stop the Pinkwashing."

"Came out to my best friend here after school, and I'm so happy that she was the first person I told. Although, I still dont have a girlfriend yet, but now I do know I have a friend for life <3"

"I thought you were cool the second you stepped your foot in that class. I don't know what was it about you but, i couldn't get my eyes off you. When the teacher called your name and you raised your hand she seemed a bit confused... For the suprise of the whole class she opened her mouth and in a quite odd tone she said, "but you aren't a girl?". You hurried to add "well, you see, im trans". That's the first time I've met a real life trans person. In that moment, it clicked. After two long excruciating years, i came out to my first person ever as trans. It was you. In the exact spot you came out to me and too many more people (as you told me years later). Thank you. Im free now."

"During the Palestinian nakba, my grandparents were forced out of their land to Lebanon. Later on, my family immigrated to France during the Lebanese civil war. The only thing grandpa got from the house before fleeing was the key and a picture of him and grandma infront their house. He would always talk about jaffa oranges , his house and the Mediterranean sea. I grew up wanting to know how I am, where I’m originally from so in 2017 I decided to search from my grandparents original house in old Jaffa. Long story short, with the help of Palestinians living there we found the stairs that used to lead to my grandfather's house , we found the house . We found the lighted window which was once a kitchen window. As a queer Palestinian, the only time I felt angry and broken about seeing a pride flag was when I saw it flying on grandparents house, on my stolen land."

"Where us two Palestinian gay men got chased by wild boars 🐗 while doing the deed at 1 AM. Running, our pants down, laughing out loud in the middle of the olive groves and woods."

"I hate this fucking unfair life because if my rights aren’t debatable as a Palestinian in the Arab world it’s debatable as a queer and if my rights aren’t debatable as a queer in the west it’s debatable as a Palestinian."

"I’m from rafah and she’s from deir al balah, she got married later and i left gaza strip, to this day i think of you, to this day i wish to be back to sleep with you in the same bed, i want you to call for my name again, i wish if i can be with you again my heart. بحبك وبالرغم من الي صار دايما في بالي."
arabic translation: I love you, despite what is always on my mind i used google translate, im very poor at my native language.

"Idk how long I will live so I just want this to be my memory here before I die. I am not going to leave my home, come what may. My biggest regret is not kissing this one guy. He died two days back. We had told how much we like each other and I was too shy to kiss last time. He died in the bombing. I think a big part of me died too. And soon I will be dead. To younus, i will kiss you in heaven."

"Judaism = Zionism"

This is wrong. Purely wrong. Judaism doesn't commit genocide, it is a religion people follow, and a cultural identity. Zionism is a political Ideology. In the Torah (the Holy Book of Judaism), there are verses explicitly prohibiting the actions of the Zionist Settlers (source and verse 1, Shabbos (105b) and verse 2, ( Baba Kama (91b-92a) ). EX: Like destroying the Palestinians' olive trees. (click for source)

More will be added, send an Ask on @retrospring


1/20/2025 ; I updated one of my responses, and with the help of someone who reached out. I would like to remind people that i might make mistakes, and if you spot anything that is either; badly phrased, spelling errors, old information, or even extra information, please contact me!

Pub: 09 Aug 2024 06:58 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2025 10:31 UTC
Views: 3976