i cant believe they fucking shut down txti
anyways ((TYPOLOGY

ajax full typology entp EN(T) 783/738 7w8 794 7w6 5w4 ? sx/sp chol-sang ILE NeTi

Ne > Ti = Te > Fe > Si
Fe > Te i use both a lot
783 (?), i can get a little 1 when im stressed (inf Si)
my fe is a little unhealthy only bc it loops with my ne and i get paranoid at times #bestpussydisorder
my si is AWWWFUKLLLLLL 9 times outta 10 i havent drinken water in a week

some buddies' typologies jay jamie

Pub: 21 May 2023 03:09 UTC
Edit: 07 Oct 2023 02:22 UTC
Views: 426