what about your byf  ?

this one is also pretty long , so im going to cut this one up too !! >﹏<

like it says in the home page i ' m very sensitive , i tend to overthink and get easily overwhelmed .

PLEASE use tone tags with me , i ' m a very nervous person n i misread things so i will most likely assume your mad (unless your message is overly funny or nice) its a problem i have to fix .

just please please please be nice !!

spirit is VERY sensitive to " reality checks " or " breaking my delusions " !!

if i don't want to do a req i will ignore it !! (give me a few days to respond , if i don't then i ' m not doing the req)

i will block if i am uncomfortable with you . if you make an alt acc asking " why " i will ignore it and block !! if you do feel you genuinely did nothing wrong n want to talk about it i MIGHT hear you out .

when it comes to my theme for people who know I WILL NOT SHOW NSFW !! . in fact ghost will edit out any nsfw bc he doesn't want it on his blog , although he does not feel comfortable sharing where her theme is from . (if you want to block me bc you want if my theme makes you uncomfy , that's okay i understand <3)

if i make you uncomfortable or do something you don't like please TELL ME im a very understanding person , if i make you upset i would like to know n fix it !!

i replace " y " with " ie " sometime n only with some words ( i type puppie instead of puppy)

i talk in the 3rd person sometimes n i space out periods and commas n such

ghost has bad grammar n spelling n she is trying to fix that !!

ghost tends to be very protective / defensive when it comes to its interests / fav characters but talking about is fine just not for too long because i will start to get uncomfortable (I am aware it's not a good thing , but it is something i want to acknowledge in my behavior)

haunted cusses !!

i also use lowercase on purpose , unless its auto corrected

ghost has symptoms of - BPD , ADHD , n autism . the dead doesn't have a official diagnosis , this is only SUSPECTED by ghost .

ghost doesn ' t used its typing quirk when he is serious

(more to come if i think of any +)

home - wid , abt req , dni , byf , titles !!

Pub: 03 Oct 2023 19:41 UTC
Edit: 17 Jan 2024 18:31 UTC
Views: 1181