. . zzZ


MYLES ! he / him . . . 7teen
infp 9w8 e blk . .☆
unlabeled e e byi. . int. . . +


e hello hello . im myles !! welcom 2 my rentry . here are some things abt me b4 you interact . e

i dont usually talk much (not great with convos) !! and im kind of bad at picking up tones . i forget to respond quite a bit . e im okay with being vented to, but not the greatest at giving advice.

e im a bit silly if i do say so myself . :rekithumbsup:

i also draw from time to time !! although im trying to get out of my comfort zone and start posting, i haven't yet ! but i hopefully will soon.

image description i dont have a specific dni except for the basic dni criteria ! as long as you dont say or send weird things 2 me we're good .

return. e

Pub: 03 Aug 2022 15:14 UTC
Edit: 08 Nov 2023 03:21 UTC
Views: 747