easy read celestial ★ silence . com

celestial silence

go back ?

white ukrainian + jewish , 15 ¾ enby tme
im jewish ethnically and religiously ! i am
open about it, please respect me and my
religion! i speak english + russian fluently
and know some ukrainian! pls tag bomb
or war mentions ! please dont joke about
that/mention those around me whatsoever
taken by my psys ji-yi (hi omg ilysm)

introj heavy DID sys, visually impaired
ment/phys ill, (n)bpd & adhdtism + dyslexic
collectively sp/interested on vocaloid ,
rhythm games , milgram and hello charlotte
don't say you like these more than us
i gatekeep my interests to an insane amt
pls ask before getting into them (delulu)
we collectively identify as muu kusunoki
i make lighthearted jokes regarding my
trauma ... please dont take them seriously

we refer to our sys using both plural and
singular pronouns! dont call us fictives pls
use the term introj(ect) instead! also don't
expect us to feed into your delusions/call
you by your "" irl names "" thats unhealthy

i make fun of freaks who think alter death
is real (includes thinking u can kill an alter
in iw ... and those who think that alter jail
exists :sob: ??? + shit like that ur so silly ...
also people who "mourn" over dormancy :skull:

Pub: 18 Apr 2022 16:14 UTC
Edit: 23 Apr 2023 11:50 UTC
Views: 1520