hello ! i am a member of the pupitskiz system , and i'm writing this in regards to the hellish dolls system . this is a follow up on & shortened version of the blacklist on his system . we said we would no longer be replying but due to some rentries i hold close to my heart being copied , i'm speaking out again .

the short version of the original blacklist is hellish dolls has repeatedly stolen templates , names and terms from us and has continued to and does not see anything wrong with the matter . she also self diagnosed with ramcoa trauma in a month , had multiple parts repeatedly state she could not get a professionals help on the topic and is now back tracking and saying a professional was involved . there is other issues but these are the most important

the rentries that have been copied are : woofskirz , copying our coined name woofskiz . hisbiteyvampz using piquees template that they made for their extended . lovelypupz & hellhoundyz using our pixels & recolored background from puppyskiz . vampsiez using our recolored background from our byi & text decor from multiple rentries . we work extremely hard on our rentries & she is even doing rentry commisions . please do not commison him , he will not credit inspo or blatent stealing .

i would like to say on her statement against us , no we were not right to fake claim him . we have said that and we stand by the fact it was immature and regardless of our frustration that will never be our place with any system . we are not above other systems because we were diagnosed professionally and we appologize that we came off that way ever to anyone . as for her comments about us being ableist to autistic people & people who struggle with delusions we ... have autism and delusions ? we understand symptoms and we are not saying someone is at fault for struggling . we are saying he is at fault for using mental illness as an excuse for actions that harmed us and saying we are ableist for our identity & templates & names being stolen . and lastly for the statuses , yes those were immature and some of them were directed at his system . that said , a lot of statuses weren't . a lot of them were directed at lyric .

Edit Report
Pub: 27 Jan 2025 23:10 UTC
Edit: 27 Jan 2025 23:30 UTC
Views: 153