eyeroll experience being the therapist friend first
and then talk to me again (empathy fail)

dont you think its wild how you dare mock me when I cared and knew you better than everyone else.
wow that shows how much you really cared about me back!
in retrospect to how things always turned out when I was there to spend hours stressing about you I realized it wasn't worth it.
I underwent a surgery and a traumatic event back-to-back whilst STILL writing paragraphs and comforting you. I'm not selfish for pointing out in how much stress and pain I was to begin with. all that piled up with shit I did NOT need to be dealing with and I should've been focusing on my health first.
if it wasn't for (redacted) I doubt you would've even taken a second to think about my rl situation.
I texted you everynight even when I got discharged, when I was in a terrible mental state and would relapse at the most miniscule shit ever, that's how much I fucking cared for you.
buuut when I dared to voice my frustrations it felt like our whole friendship was gonna be done for (which now it is for that same reason).
oh well, I'm happier now, so does it really matter? a person can only do so much talking to a wall. I've never felt so free.
I'm not allowed to put myself first, because then I'm the bad guy - is that why you hate and shittalk me so much now? (seriously though drop it LMFAO you seem more #bothered than I am atp) so sorry my bottled up anger and utter disappointment that have been accumulating for months spilled, I would've loved to see you handle it.
if you're happier with your on and off ex who's been guilt tripping you for the past 2/3 years you should've said so from the beginning and then shut up about her because that's what you signed up for. seeing how you ran back to rib the same night we stopped being friends shows your determination of breaking free from her constant manipulation. you are just as guilty.
whatever you and rib have going on makes me really grateful for having a healthy relationship where I fully reciprocate my girlfriend's love, without dreading everytime she texts me, thanks! ♡

edit code reset : preventing from reclaim

surprise —> 🎁

Pub: 12 Aug 2023 04:10 UTC
Edit: 06 Jan 2025 15:10 UTC
Views: 2244