the lengths i have to go to prove my point.. fine.. you got me.. (puts hands in the air) IM A PROSHIPPER !!!!!!
and no, pro doesnt stand for problematic

(record scratch)
(freeze frame)
yup, thats me, youre probably wondering how i ended up in this situation
(footage rewinds through the entire shitwar like a VHS tape)

opposite to popular belief i do care about peoples online safety. i may have incriminating shit about you (not naming examples) or rl personal information but what makes you think i would share them to anyone, especially dorian who has NOTHING to do with any of this. unlike you, i actually cherished you as a friend and dont go around rubbing shit all over your online presence just because we dont talk anymore.
^ you are a pos for that by the way when ive never done you wrong :P
I guess you have a reason now! :3c still doesnt justify you doing it b4 this rentry came out

anyway, calmed down your paranoia? at ease? great

oh wait.. what was that..?
so genuinely retarded i have to adress this......) honestly believe all you want about me (#staybothered) im not sharing my sob backstory for you to weponize against me (typical anti behavior)
your (collective) whole argument is that everyone in offenderstars mustve been putting up an edgy personality but like.. did you guys never explore the idea that.. we were being our true and unfiltered selves?! heavens YES im a proshipping 9/11 loving columbine boys shipping and proud.
tldr comshippers are edgelords and fyi im not. youre nobody to dictate and assert how I consume media especially bc you turned against me in a matter of a day :3c two-faced hoes everywhere!!! one day you fw proshipping the other youre a raging pg13 kid (15) sjw anti worshipping your ex who is a self proclaimed cannibalist yet has proship dni on their rentry ..? i also wonder what this is! but lets not get ahead of ourselves shall we

i know half of you are mentally retarded or believe youre an idol so i shouldnt have been surprised

chat what is worse doxxing and harassment or liking cartoon porn
the internet was founded on porn and isnt your safeplace sadly :/
...aand this goes right into my compilation of antis victimizing themselves because anything against their belief is wrong and BAD!!! exiled forever.
you guys still believe "dni"s work online so im sure that FREAK will totally not interact with me after i publicly shittalked them therefore actively including them in the conversation

oh no my online presence is gonna shatter into a million pieces
anyways, please do.

1 month later...

"we are moving on!" yet yall talk about us more than we do about you :sob: ON AN ART SERVER TOO?! please.. did we give you such severe ptsd you cant go a DAY without namedropping..
none of this wouldve happened if you didnt take some hatemail to heart and actually "moved on" (spoiler: you never will)

(fast forwards to the frame where we left off at the beginning)
yeah.. i know right.. im vile and disgusting...
sorry i advocate for artistic freedom and think that people should be allowed to ship and draw whatever they want, free of harassment :x
if you need fiction to hold your hand and tell you what is right or wrong then that only tells me you have a fragile moral to begin with.
are your morals that weak that theyll break because a character does something socially unacceptable in fiction?
the internet has become so desensitized that a drawing will kill your grandma apparently
your complaining wont magically transform the world into a hyper-puritanical pro-censorship echo chamber where its all sunshine and rainbows, thats not how life is! people die and get raped everyday if you like it or not
"what does this have to do with-" youre antis. i dream one day youll have a history lesson about the hays code and perhaps it could educate you on the harmful censorship you push onto others but youre too busy drawing white twinks in lewd positions on stream or discussing who is your next shota fictive

having media literacy is the new weird apparently

i dont even gaf enough to add another response or attach all the screenshots so ill say it again:
live whatever impression of me you want, let it be a creep preying on little fictional boys, a men fetishizing fujoshi, an edgelord who likes 9/11 and taboo to get a rise out of people or a secret evil option (all three).
believe whatever makes u XD on voicecall since yall r gonna be still bitching about us in 2024 and its not worth my time to worry about irrelevant hoes who disappear when i turn off my laptop.

by the time youre gonna be an adult youre still gonna have slits all over your fat legs amia, youre not any better starving for a kpop idol :( mental illness is only for minors I see. cant wait till yall turn into adults and become total failures

my apology to rib...

in the end we all just gotta sit back, relax, and turn off our phones (or laptops)

happy 1000+ views 🥂 (wow!)

will i be updating this again? prolly not, or atleast, not major changes will be made. keep hating if our online presence alone entertains you since you have nothing else in common to yap about
jan 13 update images uploaded from filegarden incase discord blows up thx for the viewsfarming
IF ANYONE STILL STALKS THIS GO PLAY PERSONA 3 RELOAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

merry christmas!
and happy new year!


Pub: 17 Dec 2023 05:54 UTC
Edit: 11 Sep 2024 00:26 UTC
Views: 2332
