The Definitive Guide on Installing Infinity Blade

Infinity Blade 1 logo

So you can experience the greatest mobile game of all time.

Ah, yes. You want to play Infinity Blade but can't find it on the App Store anymore? That's because Epic had a feud with Apple and removed all their games from the store. However, you can still install the games using numerous methods listed here. All of these methods have been tested by the Infinity Blade Discord Community or by me, ForestBlade. You can join the server using the following link if you have any questions:

Part 0. Pre-Install FAQs and Selecting an Install Method

  • Q: Can I download the games through the cloud with an Apple ID that previously owned the games?
    A: Nope. This no longer works as mentioned above.
  • Q: What device should I use to play the games?
    A: Well, pretty much every iDevice works!, so you don't need to fret about anything besides badly optimized graphics( bugged shadows or no reflections). That's due to the game's age only.
  • Q: Can I play Infinity Blade on PC or on Android?
    A: Sadly, there's no Android or PC versions, except for the PC port of IB1 found here: Linux users can use Wine, Lutris or Proton. Android users could try emulating the PC port version using Winlator or Mobox but it can be buggy and requires a beefy Snapdragon Android phone to even boot up lol.
  • Q: There are Community Patch IPAs and Legacy IPAs? What's the difference and which one do I choose?
    A: The Legacy versions were the original versions of the game, ripped from the App Store. However, the game series is very old by now and errors arise. The Community Patch IPAs fix those issues while delivering awesome quality-of-life tweaks and fixes for the game, esp since from iOS 18+ you need to use the Community Patch due to the Legacy IPAs having issues with Game Center.
    tldr: There's no reason for you to use the Legacy IPAs besides for modding or if the Community Patch fails.

There's so many methods, which one is best for my phone?

  • Are you willing / can jailbreak your iDevice? (iOS 17 and above have no jailbreaks) -> Jailbreaking, and TrollStore Lite(for notched devices)
  • You can't/don't want to jailbreak your iDevice, but your phone is running iOS 14.0 => iOS 17.0 (excluding iOS 16.7.x) -> TrollStore BEST METHOD
  • You can't/don't want to jailbreak your Device and your phone is not supported by TrollStore:
  • Without a PC: E-sign
  • With a PC: Sideloadly or AltStore/SideStore

A casual person will only need to care about these three last methods anyways. "But what if I'm tech-illiterate and don't know what to choose out of the three?"

  • Sideloadly: The easiest to setup and the one that most people will be familliar with. I highly recommend this method if you just want to get your game up and running.
  • AltStore/SideStore: An alternative to Sideloadly perhaps, if Sideloadly fails for you or if you don't wanna have to resign every 7 days using a PC with Sideloadly by using SideStore.
  • E-Sign: By far the most advanced method by now as you circumvent the drawbacks of the two previous methods, however if you get blacklisted you will have to factory reset your phone. Moreover, this is the only viable method for those without a PC. This method is only recommended for THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING and are willing to go through the process and reset their phones in case things go wrong.

Part I. Sideloadly.

  • For the best results, your iDevice storage should be 3x the IPA size. So around 6-7GB of free storage.
    The advantages:
  • So easy, a kid can follow it.

The disadvantages:

  • Sideloadly only allows 3 SIGNED APPS at a time for apple IDs that aren't enrolled in the 100$ Apple Dev Program. There is no way to circumvent this.
  • You have to resign every 7 days or else the apps will expire. However, you won'l lose your progress, you just can't play the game.
  • For SIdeloadly, you need a PC running Windows or MacOS. Linux users can check LukeZGD's Legacy IOS Kit's sideload IPA feature: or Sideloader with a user-friendly interface for users.
  • Has countless ominous error codes, can be quite tricky to troubleshoot.

    Visually follow with this tutorial:

Q: Do I need a new Apple ID for sideloading?

A: Generally, it is advised to make another Apple ID to fix issues you encounter but overall there's no harm in using your main Apple ID. It is up to you whether or not to make a new Apple ID.

Bonus mini-guide for automatic app refreshing

If you don't wanna deal with the hassle of plugging your phone in and re-sideloading the games by hand, you can setup automatic app refreshing through USB (plugging in your phone like usual and let Sideloadly automatically sideload for you) or preferably through Wi-FI and keeping your games alive forever since the app will automatically re-sideload near expiry. You can even do this after already having sideloaded your games!

  • For those who want to automatically re-sideload using USB: Enable AutoRefresh in the settings,
    Enable AutoRefresh
    then press OK when it asks to turn the daemon on. And it's done! Now every time you plug your phone into your PC, whether the games have expired or not, if you have SIdeloadly opend on your PC (background on the taskbar is fine as well), the games will automatically be re-sideloaded for another 7 days.

For those wanting to sideload the games and automatically re-sideload them using the same Wi-Fi: To enable Wi-Fi sideloading your iDevice, please make sure your computer & iOS device are connected to the same network. You will need to initially connect your device via USB and follow these instructions depending on your OS:

Windows: Open iTunes > Connected Device > Summary > Options > Enable "Sync with this iDevice over Wi-Fi" option > Sync & Done.
Latest macOS: Finder > Select your iDevice under 'Locations' > General > Enable "Show this iDevice when on Wi-Fi" option > Sync & Done.
Older macOS: Open iTunes > Connected Device > Summary > Options > Enable "Sync with this iDevice over Wi-Fi" option > Sync & Done.
Photo instructions for Windows:
Find iPhone
Sync over Wi-Fi
In some cases, if Sideloadly is not detecting your device wirelessly, you may need to open iTunes. You also need to have your iDevice screen on for it to be detected.

For automatic app refreshing, you just need to repeat the steps for USB re-sideloading and you're done. Every time Sideloadly is opened on your PC (background on the taskbar is fine as well), your phone and your PC are connected to the same network and the games are near expiry, your games will be automatically re-sideloaded over the air.

Step 1:

Download Sideloadly:

Step 2:

Plug your device to your computer. If you're on Windows, make sure to have iTunes installed from (iTunes doesn't need to be running, only installed on your computer for the drivers)


Open iTunes and plug in your iOS device to your computer. Log into iTunes with your Apple ID. A popup will appear on iOS, asking for “Trust Device”. Click Trust. On iTunes, a phone icon will appear. Your device is now ready for data transfer.

Step 3:

Open Sideloadly, and enter the Apple ID you made. It may ask for 2FA, if so then enter the 6 digits it provides.
Sideloadly enter Apple ID

Step 4:

Drag and drop the IPA of your choice (from installation) into the IPA icon in Sideloadly. Click “Advanced options” and “Enable File Sharing” if you plan to backup saves. Alternatively, if you want to sideload over Wi-Fi, follow this in the "iDevice" drop down menu, choose the device that ends with "@Wi-Fi"and not "@USB" Then, click Start.
Fetch IPA
Sideloadly select IPA and enable File Sharing

Step 5:

Sideloadly will take some time to install. It will say “Done” once the process is complete. Now go to your iOS device. Settings > General > VPN & Device Management > Trust Developer.

Step 6:

After one week the games will show up as not available. This is normal. All you have to do is plug in your phone back to your PC and install again. Do not delete; just reinstall. Progress should save.

If you are past iOS 16 turn on Developer Mode. This will appear after a sideload attempt if you do not initially see it.

a) Open Settings.
b) Go to Privacy & Security.
c) Scroll down to Developer Mode.
d) Turn ON

Sideloadly Installation Troubleshooting

1: How do I prevent Sideloadly from crashing when trying to sign?
A: Change the anisette setting from local to remote.

2: In Sideloadly, I get WARNING: Binary SwordGame is encrypted, resigning will most likely result in a non-functional bundle!
A: This is not an error. Continue signing as usual.

3: How do I make sure that I can back up my saves?
A: Click “Enable FileSharing” in Advanced Options

4: Error: Sideloadly PackageExtractionFailed
A: Make sure you have enough room on your iPhone/iPad and computer. iOSGods recommends having 3x the space of the IPA on your iDevice and 1 GB free on your computer. Some may recommend 5x the space on your iDevice.

5: How do I fix "Call to lockdownd_client_new_with_handshake failed: LOCKDOWN_E_INVALID_HOST_ID" error?
A: Please make sure you have trusted your PC from your device when asked. You can try rebooting your PC while keeping the device plugged in. On latest macOS, open Finder Locations iDevice -> Trust. Or open iTunes and sync your device.

6: How do I fix "Call to np_client_new failed: NP_E_CONN_FAILED" error?
A: Please make sure you uninstall the Microsoft Store version of iTunes and install the normal/web version (x64 - x32). After that, connect your device and sync it then open Sideloadly.

7: How do I fix "Failed to check for updates: Could not fetch the daemon" error.
A: This error can be resolved by simply running the Sideloadly installer. Please install the latest Sideloadly version.

8: How do I fix "ERROR: Guru Meditation 0db732@245:3aea77 Login failed (-29004): This action could not be completed due to possible environment mismatch"?
A: Check this Reddit thread.

9: How long does it take to sign?
A: This depends on your WiFi connection speed, but you generally will take 30 minutes or less, depending on the IB game size.

10: Guru Meditation
A: Have same apple ID logged into iTunes that is on Sideloadly, as well as the latest version of Itunes. It's important, Sideloadly won't work unless you're actually signed into your iTunes and with the same apple ID.
Many other questions can be answered at or in the #install-help of the Discord server.

Part II. AltStore

The advantage:

  • Once setup then almost no intervention needed.

The disadvantage:

  • 7 days and 3 apps limit.

Written guide, video guide

Part III. E-sign.

The advantage:

  • No need for a PC nor do you need to resign every 7 days and you can sign unlimited IPAs.

The disadvantage:

  • Really easy to get blacklisted (you can't install the games), you need to always keep the DNS on or at least take safety precautions in Avieshek's blog post. If you get blacklisted somehow, then you need to factory reset your phone or use the other methods mentioned here.)

Before updating your iOS version, first undo the steps in reverse (uninstall the apps, delete the certs, remove the profile) to not blacklist the particular cert installed and it is recommended to disable Automatic System Software Updates.

Another user recommended this (thanks to New_Ad_7804): Anytime you reset your phone for any reason you should enter airplane mode and ensure WiFi and mobile data are both disabled. Then, once your phone restarts, unlock it and give it a few seconds or a minute. After that, you can re enable WiFi and mobile data

Some services might not work like the Translation app.

You should read the Avieshek guide regardless of whichever method you choose out of the two. I recommend reading the "Final Notes" part as well as the "Extras" part.

When do I need to self sign? Generally, if you just want to play your game then just follow the first method for simplicity's sake. Only follow the second method if you need to sign your own modified IPAs

Part III.1. The site hosted by jo4rchy, a trusted tool developer of the community.
Alternatively, you can self-sign your iPAs on this site as well. After finishing step 2 and downloading and setting up the E-sign app, by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

Part III.2. Self signing.

If you self sign, then remember to turn on File Sharing (Support Document Browser) in the Settings of the E-sign app before sideloading your games to easily backup your saves.

Sign default config
Enable File Sharing

Part IV. TrollStore.

The advantage:

  • Super powerful, you can sign and install unlimited IPAs.
  • No need to resign every 7 days.
  • Actually the most stable and easiet way to install and update the games.

The disadvantage:

  • Only supports a few iOSes.
    Supported Versions

TrollStore, when installing the games on a NOTCHED device (iPhone X and above) will cause the games to zoom in and become unplayable. This is due to the game's age and the fact it was only made in mind for the older fullscreen devices. You can jailbreak your phone to install TrollStore Lite, Filza + AppSync, NoMoreSmallApps or use another method here.

Actually very straightforward, you just need the follow the guide here: and find your iOS version to install it. Or if is signed, you can install TrollInstallerX for devices supported. (update 1/1/2025: is signed!)
You can then install IPAs through the TrollStore app by clicking on the + icon => Install IPA File => select the downloaded IPA file.

Part V. The dark side.

Jailbreak is always a double-edged sword, bringing new tweaks while opening security flaws. Jailbreaking is highly recommended only on a secondary phone, not your main due to online banking issues and other apps or privacy issues. The methods shown below do not require jailbreaking and are perfectly safe to use, with no interference with any other apps.

The advantage:

  • 𝓳𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴

The disadvantage:

  • 𝓳𝓪𝓲𝓵𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴
  • If you install IB2 AND IB3 using Filza + AppSync, Filza will combine IB2 and IB3 save folders and break the saves. This can be circumvented by using another method for each game.

The guide for each iOS and iDevice can be found on: AFAIK, there's no jailbreak method for iOS 17 and above right now, except for a distinct jailbreak for iOS 17/18 on iPads.
Alternatively, if is signed, you can download jailbreaking tools from there as well. (update 8/1/2025: is signed!)
Afterwards, there are a plethora of ways to sideload your IPA using either Filza + AppSync Unified, IPA installer for IOS 6 and so on.
(The repo is dead so here is a deb file to install AppSync Unified:
Using Filza + AppSync Unified is pretty simple, you can open it and press the IPA -> Install.
If you need further help for jailbreaking, you can always DM me or check the #install-help channel on the discord server.

The advantages:

  • Almost no problems, no caveats involved as you can sideload unlimited apps without worrying about blacklisting.

The disadvantages:

  • $$$. I'd only recommend buying one unless you're a power user who sideloads tens of apps or if you do a lot of sideloading and for some reason don't wanna jailbreak or deal with the numerous sideloading issues.
    You can buy paid certs from sites like KravaSign, ethSign, etc. for around 2-10 USD and use them to sideload your games.

Background: Without abusing exploits, an iOS user can only sign(install) three apps at a time with a free Apple ID. Due to this, there are many stores that will create an Apple Developer Program account, pay $100 a year and then lend out certificates that let a user sign an unlimited number of apps for a small fee. Usually, this is around $10. This is a pretty lucrative business model because for every account created, 100 certificates can be sold.

Due to this being the only reasonable way to sideload on iOS, nearly everyone who has any interest in sideloading will end up purchasing a certificate. This large market for certificates and high profit margins means that most iOS iPA providers also sell a certificate.

(thanks to Jolly Monica from the FMHY server!)

Part VII. Save your blades.


You must disable iCloud Saving when playing these games. Or else they could mess up terribly with your save files.

There are four main ways AFAIK to save your progress:

Backup Unencrypted Saves In-game (MUST FOR IB3, ALSO WORKS FOR IB2)

  • If you installed the IB2 community patch developer mod IPA and the IB3 community patch, in the in-game settings, scroll down and you will see an option for "Export Unencrypted Save" and pressing it will create a new "unencryptedsave0.bin" in the "IB2" or "IB3" folder in your Apple Files app or in /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/GameName (For instance IB2)/Documents for Filza users.
    You can then safeguard this and use it to move saves across devices.
  • Importing the saves is as easy as putting the saves in the same place as exporting, make sure the file name is "unencryptedsave0.bin" like when first exported and opening the games, scroll down the in-game settings and select "Import Unencrypted Save".

Importing unencrypted saves will overwrite your current game so be careful!

Using the community patch IPAs, when opening the Apple Files app, there should be folders for your games (you have to at least finished a fight before the folders appear). Inside will be a folder called "SAVE".
Copy and paste that SAVE folder to a desired location. Now your saves are backed up.
If you ever want to insert these saves into the game, you can replace the existing SAVE folder.

For IB1 and IB2, you can transfer saves across devices seamlessly. However, due to how IB3 anticheat save encryption works, this doesn't work, only the unencrypted saves will.


I personally only use this method to save scum my games only or to make backups in case my saves go kaboom as the above methods are more useful and you can't move the Apps Manager backups across devices as the saves are still encrypted.

You can find IPAs for both of them Filza and App Manager for TrollStore or install them from the BigBoss Repo if jailbroken.
You can then use App Manger and backup your saves using the "backup" button or use Filza and physically move them to another spot for safeguard.
The path is /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/GameName (For instance IB2)/Documents/SAVE

Backup Saves with 3uTools

WARNING! There have been allegations that 3uTools is spyware and sends your information to the Chinese. Use at your own risk. (It is not malware and does not physically harm/brick your devices).

Step 1:
Download 3uTools from

Step 2:
Plug your device in using a cable that allows data transfer. Cheap and old cables may not work. When connected, this screen will appear.

Step 3:
Navigate to “Apps”. Scroll to Infinity Blade and click “View” (if you use Sideloadly, the View button may be grayed out. If this happens, reinstall the games, and under “Advanced Options” enable “UIFileSharing”.

Step 4:

After clicking “View” go to Documents > SAVE
Pull the SAVE folder out of 3uTools and put it somewhere else on your PC.
Now your saves are backed up. If you ever want to insert these saves into the game, simply plug your phone back into 3uTools and put it into the Documents folder. This is a great way to make sure you don’t lose progress.
Note: For IB1 and IB2, you can transfer saves across devices. For IB3, look for g40sty's save transfer mod.

Backup Legacy Saves with 3uTools

Backing up/saving your save files from Infinity Blade games downloaded from the App Store.

It has been alleged that 3uTools attempts to steal data from devices. Use at your own risk.


Preface: transferring them between devices is not guaranteed to work 100% of the time, especially with Infinity Blade 3. Now onto the extraction.

Step 1:
Download 3uTools from

Step 2:
Plug in your device using a charging cord that can transfer data; most charging cables including the one standard one from Apple can do this.

Step 3:
Go to Toolbox and click Backup/Restore.

Step 4:
Click Back Up Now.

Step 5:
This will take a while so just hold tight until it's done.

Step 6:

When the backup has finished, click View all-data Backups and select Pro Mode.

Step 7:
Scroll down until you find AppDomain-com.chairentertainment.birthright or .IB2 or .IB3. Each one represents the corresponding app (birthright is IB1).

Step 8:
Double click the app folder that you want to extract the save files from, and open Documents.

Step 9:
Select and export all the files, but not the folders starting with G:

IB2 and IB3 will have a folder called SAVE in Documents, and you export that folder itself.

Bonus: Save editor by jo4rchy

Thanks to jo4rchy, you can now edit your IB2/3 saves. More details can be found here:

Part VIII. MacOS.

If you want to experience playing Infinity Blade on an Apple Silicon Mac, you can use Playcover (recommended) or Sideloadly to sideload them to your Mac here and here

For Intel macs, you can look into using Parallels to run the IB1 PC Port.

Part IX. The end?

Now that you got your game up and running... or not?

Additional FAQs about the game:

Why is my Infinity Blade audio not working?

A: This is a perfectly normal issue; your IPA is not messed up. If you pause/leave the app (control center, turn off device, switch apps) this audio loss will occur.
Unmute your iOS device.
Completely close out of the app.
Have no 3rd party audio (music, podcasts, etc.) playing in the background.

Infinity Blade is crashing after launch.

A: Try these solutions in order: turn off WiFi/turn on airplane mode, restart your device, or reinstall and restart device.

Infinity Blade isn't on the home screen.

A: You have to go to Settings > General > VPN and Device Management > Trust. If it still does not appear, restart your device.

Other mods

If you get bored of the OG games, I highly recommend checking out the Infinity Blade ReMakes (IB2X, IB3X, Ausar Awakened) created by the modding community and get into the modding scene, you can check out the modding server.
And if you want to get into the leaderboards, you can look into the clubs such as the Re-Villed Club or the Aegis Fight Club.

As always, if you need further help, you can DM me or the other community helpers at the Discord server. Have fun playing!

Pub: 07 Dec 2024 16:38 UTC
Edit: 09 Feb 2025 07:26 UTC
Views: 4841